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Attract and keep good employees
Attracting and retaining great staff is the key for business success. Talented people who continue to develop skills and increase their value to their organization and to their customers are a company’s most important resource. The essay is on how to attract and retain these people and create an environment in which they remain competitive and continue to thrive.
Reasons for attracting and keeping good employees
More than a decade ago, leading trade associations in the United States began warning of an impending labor shortage. That prediction has turned out to apply to almost all parts of the more and more intensively competitive business world nowadays. This labor shortage affects almost every industry and employers must begin to look outside of traditional labor pool sources. As “greener” workers take their places on jobsites, accidents are sure to follow. That’s why attracting and retaining good employees is key. Company owners and management have to take the responsibility and efforts to create an environment where good employees are willing to work in and stay.
Definition of good employees
A productive employee is a satisfied employee. Productive, satisfied employees create successful businesses. It's management’s job to create the environment that enables employees to feel satisfied on a consistent basis.
\mployees are brought on to do a specific task, and a good
employee knows where they're at, and where they're going," says Dustin Ford, an account executive at Management Recruiters, one of the largest search firms in the country. \ployers, of course, are looking at, how can this employee either make money or save money?\
Ford specializes in finding and placing people in the industrial sales sector. He worked for Motion Industries prior to this position, and has been recruiting for five years.
\ood employees are attracted by advantageous aspects other than strictly compensation, something more than a number,\ays. \Today, they're looking for a career package, including a comfortable company culture, career path, diversity of responsibilities, and a work/life balance. That balance is becoming increasingly more popular. A company can give it all to an employee, but they still want to have a life to spend time with their spouses and kids."
David Groce is an account manager at Power & Controls Automation, an automation products distributor in Norcross, Ga. The company is the master distributor for Siemens Energy and Automation in Florida and Georgia.
\good employee features loyalty, commitment, creativity, and attention to detail, a trait that is very important and quite rare,\says Groce. \benefits and a salary package, an employee needs to have confidence in the company. They need to know that the products you are selling are no risk, and that the company itself will be staying in the industry, and is reliable."
According to Groce, security is the differentiation between a good company and a bad company.
Derek Butcher and his sister, Michelle St. John, are the operations manager and vice president of marketing, respectively, for their family business, IBS, Inc., a general-line distributor in Auburn, Wash. IBS sells cutting tools, abrasives, electrical components and fittings, among other products, to MRO customers in several industries.
\A good employee has a positive attitude, is trainable, has a reputable track record, and works well with others,\ says St. John. \a small company, we are able to be more flexible, and boast a family-friendly environment with a more self-management style. We allow employees to take time for what they need and make it up later, and have a benefit package that competes.\
Improving quality of employees
The primary elements of any plan to improve the quality of the staff you employ include improving the quality of new hires, identifying and retaining superior employees, and developing employees (especially those with high potential for growth).
At the same time, you need to take a look at underperforming staff.. Ask whether each individual is in the wrong job. Determine whether the company has provided specific and clear requirements so the individual knows what you expect from him. Make sure you have provided feedback against goals and objectives so the person knows he is not meeting expectations.
Keeping employees
There are three parts to employee recruiting and retention: Identifying why employees leave; appreciating employees finan
cially; and creating a better working environment.
Why do employees leave? When a problem arises on the jobsite, everything comes to a halt until the problem is identified and corrected. Contractors rarely follow the same process when an employee leaves.
Employers don’t have to wait until an employee leaves to begin taking preventive measures. They can begin by asking themselves, “If I were looking for a job, why would I want to work for my company?”
Many of the underlying reasons employees leave have little to do with money. They often leave because of a human factor such as management conflict, broken promises, or perceived lack of appreciation, support or direction. Still others have nothing to do with the employer, such as a need to be physically closer to family.
Employment may be through the following ways to inspire and retain employees:
1, pay compensation in line with the market level. Investigation on wages can be from the relevant institutions, recruitment firm, even Internet access. Any worth to retain staff is smart enough to know his salary is in line with the market.
2, shareholding system can inspire staff to increase loyalty to the enterprise. The most loyal employees, shares worth having parts of the enterprise. Experts believe that the system can reduce half the talent turnover.
3, bonuses and other performance incentive measures to stabilize staff loyalty to the enterprise. For many years a salesman commission smoking is very common, and now it can also be used as a reference applied to other types of employees.
Interests can attract and retain employees, but just the right amount of encouragement and praise you don't need to spend a lot of money, also can convey the positive information to employees, and increase its loyalty, reduce turnover rate. Other commonly used incentives including reimbursement charges also give employees learning program, retirement benefits, childcare subsidies, as well as the dual-earner couples for flexible working time arrangement. There are some preferential organization short weekend travel, for example, to provide car rental, preferential deals with professional body membership card, equipped with a desktop or laptop, equipped with mobile phones, additional paid leave, gifts, gifts health fitness center membership card, etc. Companies in this area can be creative, just make sure employees realize the value of these preferential benefits.