My healthy life
Health is very important for everyone. Now, I’ll tell you about my healthy life.
I eat apples every day. A saying goes that, an apple a day keeps doctor away. And I always eat a lot of vegetables to keep health. In the evening, I like to do exercise on the playground like running and playing basketball.
Now, many people are not in good health. So why not have a walk after meals? You’re also supposed to drink more water and milk, and eat an egg every day. But I think the most important thing is that we have to be happy and confident every day.
In a word, health is very important for everyone. I’m sure if you have a habit and be happy, you’ll have a healthy life.
My healthy life
It’s very important for everyone to beep healthy first of all eat vegetables as much as possible And then have a balanced diet, I also eat some fruits and vegetables every day .On the one hand, I play basketball or run after school .On the other hand ,I drink milk every day .That can make our body stronger and stronger. What is more, I think you must have enough sleep every night, and you’d better not watch too much TV before going to the bed. Finally, we should remember one thing, eat an apple a day, keeps the doctor away!
In a word, I hope you will be happy every day, like me. And then you will have a healthy life.
My healthy life
Health is very important for everyone. If you want to keep healthy. You must have a good eating habit and playing sports every day. For example. I usually eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Because it is good for our health. Also you should eat eggs. Drink water and milk every day. Of course, you had better not eat lots of ice-cream and meat. It will make you fat. For playing sports. I like playing basketball very much. You could play soccer or swim every day. It not only makes you happy but also helps you become healthy. And you couldn’t play computer games. It is bad for your health. Finally,I think having enough sleep is very important too. In a word, having a good body is necessary and it is good for your study. I hope my advice can help you have a good body Best wishes!
My healthy life
Health is very important for everyone. So please care about what you eat. My mother often asks me to eat fruits and vegetables to keep healthy. Sometimes I eat some meat. It can make me stronger. And for breakfast, I usually eat eggs and drink milk. Besides, I drink a lot of water every day. I don’t eat ice cream and burgers because they’re bad for my body. On the one hand, I care about my balanced diet. On the other hand, I keep healthy by playing sports. I usually play basketball after school and run with my father every day. It’s very important for me to have enough sleep, so I sleep at least 8 hours every night. If you want to be healthy, please keep happy. Happiness is the best medicine! In a word, eating healthy food, doing sports regularly and keeping happy make everyone healthy!
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My healthy Life
Health is very important for everyone. I can give some of my ideas. First of all, I eat an apple every morning. I think eating lots of vegetables is good for our health. So, I eat vegetables every day. Don’t eat too much meat and ice-cream. And I often drink lots of water before going to bed. Playing sports is good for our health. I like to play tennis. I think we should do exercise every morning. We should have enough sleep every night. Don’t play computer games too much time. It’s important to have good dinner. I hope everyone can have a good healthy life.
My healthy life
Health is very important for everyone. And it’s not very difficult for us to be health. For me, having a good eating habit is the most important. I eat lots of fruit and vegetables every day, because they’re not only good for our eyes but also for our health. Remember, don’t eat too much meat or ice-cream, they're both junk food. If I were you, I would take a long walk before going to sleep instead of watching TV or playing computer games. We’re too tired after a busy day and we need to have enough sleep. Being happy and confident also help a lot. Don’t be angry all the time. I hope all of you will become healthier.
My Healthy Life
Health is very important for everyone. I have some good ways of keeping healthy. The food you eat is the most important. Firstly, I always eat fruit, vegetables, eggs, etc. They are really useful for me. Secondly, and I play sports and have enough sleep nearly every day. And the key to keep healthy is to be happy, confident forever! What’s more, you are not allowed to eat junk food anymore or play computer games for a long time. They are not only bad for your health but also influence your work much! In a word, I hope everyone can be healthy.
My healthy life
June 5th is the World Environment Day. Since June 5th to 11th is Environment Protection Week. In that week many people will do different things.
The Environment Protection Week of this year, my classmates and I also did something different. We became volunteers that week. We did some clean for our school. As a volunteer, I handed out some advertisements about environment to people too. I told them it was very important to keep our earth clean. Because we have only one earth. We think this activity is great and educational.
In the future we will also do the same things to protect our earth, and we will also let more people know the importance of protecting our earth.
My Healthy Life
Health is very important for everyone. I think it’s very important to have a good habit. As for food, I prefer vegetables and fruit to meat, and I eat lots of vegetables, because not only eat vegetables good for health, but also delicious. Besides, we’d better do a lot of exercise to keep healthy, like playing basketball
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and running. Having enough sleep is good for people who always feel tired. At last, making ourselves happy and confident is the key to keep healthy. In a word, if you have a good habit, you will be healthy.
My healthy life
Healthy is very important for everyone. Keeping healthy not only can we get exercise, but also makes our body more healthy. Let me tell you how to keep healthy. As we know exercise is the most important way to keep healthy. So, I think you need to take exercise every day. It is necessary for us to keep a healthy eating habit. For example, we have to eat more vegetables and fruits. It can make us comfortable. You should try to eat less meat, ice –cream. The breakfast is a part of our life. I always drink milk eat eggs and burgers. And you are supposed to play basketball, have enough sleep and run every day. Playing computer games and watching TV are bad for our health. Both of them are unhealthy. And you’d better not be nervous and angry all day. In a word, being happy all day can make our body get stronger and stronger.
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动物学家揭开了谜底:东岸的羚羊之所以强健,是因为它们附近生活着一群狼。它们为了活命,必须同狼进行“竞争”,因此,它们越活越有战斗力;而西岸的羚羊则相反,它们缺少天敌,没有生存能力,所以越活越弱小。 2.虎与豹子之间的竞争是一种“丛林法则”。在竞争的作用下,美洲虎的非凡生命力、生存能力被激发,提高了自己生命力。生存的竞争是提升能力的主要外在条件,竞争与压力是动物进化的基础。由于动物发展具有相对被动的特征,生存环境的竞争与压力往往是促进其发展的关键因素。
20世纪30年代,英国一个不出名的小镇上,有一个叫玛格丽特的小姑娘,自小就受到严格的家庭教育。父亲对她的教育很严格,经常向她灌输这样的观点:无论做什么事情都要力争一流,永远做在别人前面,而不落后于人。即使是坐公共汽车,也要永远坐在第一排。父亲从来不允许她说“我不能”或“太难了”之类的话。父亲的“残酷”教育培养了玛格丽特积极向上的决心和信心。在以后的学习、生活和工作中,她时时牢记父亲的教导,总是抱着一往无前的精神和必胜的信念,尽自己最大努力克服一切困难,事事必争一流,以自己的行动实践着“永远坐在第一排”。 玛格丽特上大学时,学校要求学生们上5年的拉丁文课程,她凭着自己顽强的毅力和拼搏精神,硬是在一年内全部学完了。玛格丽特不光在学业上出类拔萃,她在体育、音乐、演讲及学校的其他活动方面也都一直走在前列,是学生中的佼佼者之一。 40年后,英国乃至整个欧洲政坛上出现了一颗耀眼的明星,她就是1979年成为英国第一位女首相、雄踞政坛
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长达11年之久、被世界政坛誉为“铁娘子”的玛格丽特?撒切尔夫人。 4.只有不断的竞争,才会有生机和活力,才能不断地克服困难,一直向前。
百事可乐与可口可乐都盯死了对方,只要对方一有新动作,另一方肯定也会有新花样。可口可乐早在20世纪20年代便在古巴用飞机在空中喷出烟雾,画出“COCA-COLA”字样,可惜因为缺少经验而失败,百事可乐在1940年更是一下租了8架飞机,飞了14.5万公里,在东西两海岸城市,以机尾喷雾,写下百事可乐的广告。可口可乐当然要及时反击,为强化国民第一饮料的形象,可口可乐赞助了1939年的纽约世界博览会,并请名人啜饮,将其照片刊在杂志封面。但相比之下,百事可乐的宣传广告方式更有创意。他们专门设计了一套卡通片,而且还创作了一首看似极普通却风靡全美的广告歌曲。两大巨头在竞争中可谓不遗余力,使出浑身解数来击败对手,但结果却是二者都有了长足的发展。 5.接受对手的存在并善待竞争对手,能够促进自身的发展。 双方都是赢家
6.竞争中需要合作。竞争本身并不是目的,而是达到更高目标的手段。在竞争中合作应体现“双赢”原则。竞争对手不能相互排斥,造成两败败俱伤,而要相互促进、共同提高。 情同手足的竞争对手
刘国粱和孔令辉,既是实力相当,又是的合作伙伴。他们师从同门,同时披上国字号战袍。在那个鲜花遍开的五月,“六载朝思暮想,一夜春华秋实”,喜捧斯韦思林杯(男子团体冠军杯)后,两个要好的朋友又一起打进男子单打决赛。可是,当男子单打冠军杯真的摆在面前时,这对好朋友突然意识到结局的残酷:自己的胜利就意味着好友的失败。可贵的是,在赛场上,他们完全展示出自己的智慧和才艺。刘国梁以奇制胜,孔令辉稳中带凶,激烈的比赛战至决胜局。最终,左右开弓的孔令辉成为男单新科状元。没有想像中的欣喜若狂,我们看到的是异常平静的孔令辉,还有他脸上那甚至有些不好意思的笑容。刘国梁的脸上曾掠过一丝失望,但毕竟是自己最好的朋友夺得了冠军,他的祝贺是发自心底的。这场比赛让两个好朋友懂得了怎样面对竞争与合作。在后来的比赛中,他们又携手夺得男子双打冠军。 7. 福特向通用百年祝福的那束灯光,穿透重重的黑暗,组成商业竞争中最温馨的一幅画面,温暖且温情。事实上,它更应成为一种文化和精神的源泉,为那些有长远目标的企业吸纳和传承。
从福特“—束灯光”看企业竞争温情 2008年9月16日,“通用汽车百年庆典日庆祝活动”在通用汽车全球总部——底特律文艺复兴中心正式启动。让人讶异的是,同属“百年俱乐部”的福特汽车,也为它的老朋友带去了一份特殊的祝福:利用福特的办公大楼以及楼内的灯光,打造出了“HAPPY 100 GM”的字样。这份特殊的祝福,让我们看到了百年福特的恢宏气度,也让我们看到了良性竞争的温情。
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