2.It was autumn _____ his wife returned from Spain.
A. since B. when C. before D. that
3.He set out soon after dark ______ home an hour later.
A. arriving B. to arrive C. having arrived D. and arrived
4.–Sorry to have interrupted you, please go on. - Where was I?
- You ______ you didn’t like your father’s job.
A. had said B. said C. were saying D. had been saying
5.I don’t know where are my glasses, _______ I can’t read anything. A. with which B. by which C. without which D. in which
6. Taiwan is part of China, _______ is known to all the world. A. what B. as C. that D. such
7. The reason _____ she explained seemed reasonable.
A. why B. that C. what D. if
8. To my _______, he was able to recite the whole poem from memory.
A. amaze B. amazed C. amazement D. amazing
9. The foreigners are ______ by the _______ achievements that the Chinese have made recently in socialist construction
A. amazing…amazing B. amazed…amazed C. amazed…amazing D. amazing…amazed
10.The instructions on the box are very ________.
A. confused B. confusing C. confusion D. confuse
11.He was against the law and put into _______ last month for robbery.
A. the prison B. a prison C. prisons D. prison
12.When it stopped, people got on the bus ________.
A. in turn B. on the turn C. by turn D. at every turn
13. The May Fourth Movement against imperialism and feudalism _____ in Beijing in 1919.
A. broke down B. broke out C. broke into D. broke up
Answers:1—5 ABDCC 6—13 BBCCB DAB 如何培养小班幼儿
良好的生活卫生习惯 康乔幼儿园 养成良好的生活卫生习惯,有益于孩子身心的健康成长。对于我班幼儿来说,有的幼儿体制较弱,如果没有良好的生活卫生习惯,便很容易染上各种疾病,影响孩子的身体健康。它会直接影响幼儿今后的学习、同伴交往和社会适应,所以应该及时纠正,幼儿养成良好的生活卫生习惯,促进幼儿健康的发展。 一、本班幼儿实际情况,确定好阶段性培养目标。 幼儿良好的生活卫生习惯包括方方面面的内容,同时,幼儿良好习惯
的形成是长期教育的过程,我们应根据本班幼儿情况,指定出每个阶段内重点培养目标小班幼儿良好卫生习惯的培养主要是指要求幼儿能够养成良好的习惯: 1、主要有幼儿的个人卫生习惯,即每天知道饭前便后应该洗手,保持服装和环境的整洁;2、饮食习惯,能正确使用手帕、餐具、 不挑食等方面,等孩子适应集体生活后增加内容:正确的盥洗方法、吃饭细嚼慢咽、不说话保持清洁,3、睡眠习惯,即能按时睡眠、起床,睡姿合理正确。