【期刊名称】《兵工自动化》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)002
【摘要】The double resonance Cymbal transducer and concave Cymbal transducer were designed to improve bandwidth including resonance frequency and compression resistance, increase receiving sensitivity, reduce resonance frequency and decrease volume. The influences of different voltage position and Cymbal cavum height on impedance, bandwidth, transmitting voltage response and receiving sensitivity were analyzed by means of finite element method (FEM) and ANSYS simulation, and the influences of different thickness of piezoelectricity ceramic ring on electromechanical characteristics of concave Cymbal transducer were analyzed by means of finite element method (FEM) and ANSYS simulation. The research result shows that the double resonance Cymbal transducer and concave Cymbal transducer would have a good base of research for engineering application of the Cymbal transducer.%为有效提高谐振点附近的频带宽度、改善Cymbal换能器的耐压性能,提高接收灵敏度,降低频率,减小体积,设计双谐振 Cymbal换能器和凹型 Cymbal换能器。采用有限元分析方法,借助 ANSYS软件,通过仿真计算电压位置及Cymbal壳体的空腔高度对阻抗、收发频带宽度、发送电压响应及自由场电压接收灵敏度的影响,以及压电陶瓷环的厚度对凹型 Cymbal换能器机电性能的
影响。结果表明,双谐振 Cymbal换能器和凹型 Cymbal换能器能为Cymbal换能器的工程应用奠定坚实的基础。 【总页数】3页(1-3)
【关键词】有限元方法;双谐振Cymlbal换能器;凹型Cymbal换能器;电声性能 【作者】王建平
【作者单位】海军装备部,西安 710065 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】TJ02 【文献来源】 【相关文献】
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