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【期刊名称】《上海预防医学》 【年(卷),期】2016(028)010

【摘要】Health self-management group adopts the mode of chronic disease self-management and offers a series of courses for community residents in order to help them carry out health self-management. For healthy people, the program aims at disease prevention by means of improving health literacy, acquiring health knowledge and skills, and developing a healthy lifestyle.While for patients, the program aims to prevent or slow the progression of diseases by means of helping them deal with their condition, achieving disease self-management. By nearly ten years of exploration and practice in Shanghai communities, with the program a working system had been established which was dominated by patriotic health campaign committee office at the levels of city and district, and technologically supported by centers for disease control and prevention with support and cooperation of the town government.The program was implemented by community health service centers and neighborhood ( village ) committee.A large-scale and whole-society promotion had been really achieved in community residents with health self-management. By the end of 2015, health self-management groups had covered all of the city's streets ( town ) and

neighborhood ( village ) committee, 26 thousand groups set up and nearly 440 thousand community residents participated in group activities.%上海市民健康自我管理小组采取慢性病自我管理模式,通过面向社区居民开展系列学习互动,帮助居民进行健康自我管理。针对健康人群,帮助其提高健康素养,掌握健康知识和技能,养成健康生活方式,以达到预防疾病的目的;针对患病人群,帮助其了解自身疾病状况,掌握疾病的自我管理,防止或减缓疾病发展。项目通过近10年在全市社区的摸索与实践,建立了以市区两级爱卫办为主导,疾病预防控制中心为技术支撑,街镇政府支持配合,社区卫生服务中心和居(村)委会负责落实的工作机制,真正实现了健康自我管理在社区居民中的规模化、社会化推广。截至2015年底,健康自管小组已覆盖全市所有的街道(镇)和居(村)委会,共建小组2.6万余个,近44万名社区居民参与了小组活动。 【总页数】4页(735-738)

【关键词】慢性病;疾病管理;健康知识;健康素养;生活方式 【作者】袁程;魏晓敏;武晓宇;姜综敏;顾沈兵;唐琼

【作者单位】上海市健康教育所,上海200040;上海市健康教育所,上海200040;上海市爱国卫生运动委员会办公室,上海市健康促进委员会办公室,上海200125;上海市爱国卫生运动委员会办公室,上海市健康促进委员会办公室,上海200125;上海市健康教育所,上海200040;上海市爱国卫生运动委员会办公室,上海市健康促进委员会办公室,上海200125 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】R197.2+4


https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-journal-cn_shanghai-journal-preventive-medicine_thesis/0201210608119.html 【相关文献】

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2.上海市“市民健康自我管理小组项目” [J],

3.上海市人力资源和社会保障局 上海市卫生健康委员会 上海市农业农村委员会 上海市商务委员会 上海市市场监督管理局 上海市民政局 中国银行保险监督管理委员会上海监管局关于对“医院外来护工”等六类来沪从业人员开展灵活就业登记的通知 [J],

4.上海市宝山区健康自我管理小组活动效果评价 [J], 桂志良; 陆益; 周燕; 蔡忠元; 王路

5.上海市嘉定区居民健康自我管理小组活动效果评价 [J], 胡翔; 龚岳良; 王小琴; 王良锋; 顾洪琴; 周浩; 季莹




