(1)单词重音 (2)句子重音 3. 读音的变化 句子连读 4. 语调与节奏 句子语调
1. 字母 2.音标 3. 名词 (1) 名词单复数 (2) 不可数名词 (3) 名词所有格 4. 数词 (1) 基数词 (2) 序数词
5. 形容词 (原级、比较级) 6. 动词 7. 副词 8. 代词 9. 介词 10. 连词 11. 冠词 12. 感叹词
(二)语法项目表13. 情态动词(can, may, must) 14.句子 (1)陈述句 (2)祈使句 (3)感叹句
(4)疑问句(一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句、反意疑问句) (5)there be句型和have (has)句型 15. 时态 (1)一般现在时
(2)一般过去时(阅读) (3)一般将来时 (4)现在进行时
1. 问候(Greetings) 2. 告别(Farewells) 3. 感谢(Thanks) 4. 致歉(Apologies) 5. 介绍(Introduction) 6. 请求(Asking)
1. 数字(Number) 2. 颜色(Colour) 3. 时间(Time) 4. 天气(Weather)
5. 食品(Food) 6. 服装(Dress) 7. 玩具(Toy)
8. 动植物(Animals and plants) 9. 身体(Body)
10. 个人情况(Personal information) 11. 家庭(Family) 12. 学校(School) 13. 朋友(Friends)
14. 文体活动(Entertainment and sports) 15. 节日(Festivals)
(五)词 汇 表 (共798个左右的单词)
an, about, across, act, actor, address, afraid, after, after school, afternoon, again, ago, air, airport,
all, almost, along, am, America(=the USA), American, and, angry, animal, answer, ant, any, anything, anywhere, apple, April, are, arrive, art, artist, ask, at, August, aunt, auntie, aunty, Australia, autumn B
back, bad, bag, ball, ping-pong ball, banana, bank, bar, basket, basketball, bathroom, be, bear, beautiful, bed, in bed, bedroom, bee, beer, before, begin, beside, best, better, much better, between, big, bike, bird, birthday, a bit, black, blackboard, blue, blow, boat, Bob, book, bookshop (=bookstore) , borrow, boots, bother, bottle, a bottle of, bowl, box, pencil box, boy, bread, breakfast, bright, bring, broken, brother, brush, bus, busy, but, buy, by, bye C
cake, call, camera, can, candy, cap, car, card, careful, carrot, carry, cartoon, case, pencil case, cat, catch, centre, certainly, chair, chalk, cheap, check, cheese, chemistry, cherry, chess, play chess, chick, chicken, child, children, chocolate, Christmas, cinema, city, clap, class, classmate, classroom, clean, clear, clearly, clerk, clever, climb, clock, close, clothes, cloudy, club, coat, coffee, Coke, coin, cold, have a cold, collect, college, colour, come, come back, come out, come to school, computer, computer game, cook, cool, corner, cough, count, of course, crossing, cup, cut D
dad, daddy, dance, dangerous, dark, date, daughter, day, dear, December, deer, desk, dictionary, dinner, dirty, do, do some shopping, doctor, dog, door, down, downstairs, draw, dress, drink, drive, driver, dry, duck, dust E
ear, early, east, eat, editor, egg, eggplant, eight, eighteen, eighth, eighty, eleven, eleventh, e-mail, Emily, engineer, English, enjoy, envelope, eraser, eve, evening, every, example, excuse, Excuse me, exit, eye F
face, factory, family, famous, far, far from, farm, farmer, fast, fat, father, fax, February, feel, fever, have a fever, fifteen, fifth, fifty, film, find, fine, finger, finish, first, fish, five, flag, flight, floor, flower, follow, flu, fly, follow, food, foot, football, for, forest, fork, forty, four, fourteen, fourth, fox, free, Friday, friend, in front of, fruit, full, fun G
game, garden, gate, get, get off, get to, get up, gift, girl, give, glass, a glass of, glasses, glue, go, go over, go swimming, go to bed, go to school, go to work, goat, good, be good at, goodbye, goose, grade, granddaughter, grandfather, grandma, grandmother, grandpa, grandson, grape, grass, great, green, grey, guess H
hair, half, hamburger, hand, hang, happy, hard, hare, hat, have, have a good time, have sports, have to, he, head, headache, headmaster, health, hear, heaven, heavy, hello, help, her, here, hers, hi, hide, high, hill,
him, his, hold, holiday, home, go home, at home, homework, horse, hospital, hot, hotel, hour, house, how, how long, hundred, hungry, hurry I
I, ice cream, idea, if, ill, important, in, ink, interesting, into, is, it, its J
jacket, Jane, January, Japan, jeep, John, join, Joy, juice, July, jump, June, just K
keep, key, kind, kitchen, kite, kitten, knife, know L
lake, land, last, late, laugh, learn, leave, lend, lesson, let, letter, library, lift, light, like, line, lion, list, listen, little, live, long, look, look after, look at, look for, look like, lose, a lot, loudly, love, luck, lunch M
machine, madam, make, mall, man, many, how many, map, March, match, maths, May, may, maybe, me, meal, medicine, meet, meeting, melon, message, middle, milk, mind, mine, minute, mirror, miss, mobile phone, model, mom(=mum) , moment, Monday, money, month, moon, more, morning, mother, motor,
mountain, mouse, mouth, movie, Mr., Mrs., much, how much, music, must, my, myself N
name, near, need, new, news, newspaper, next, nice, night, nine, nineteen, ninety, ninth, no, No.(=number) , noisy, nose, not, nothing, November, now, number, nurse O
O’clock, October, of, office, often, oh, OK, old, on, one, only, open, or, orange, our, ours, out, outside, over P