【期刊名称】《中国护理管理》 【年(卷),期】2017(017)001
【摘要】Objective:To explore an effective method to assess the ability of new nurses' skills in standardized training under the real clinical situation. Methods:Use Direct Observation or Procedural Skills (DOPS) to evaluate the ability of new nurses' skills using 10 indicators. Results:Only the item of interpretation and informed consent before operation exceeded targets, the other nine items close to or reaching the goals. And the three aspects that are in implementation of the relevant systems, laws and industry standards, patient experience and dealing with goods after operation are the weakest spots to new nurses. The proportion no reaching the goals is more than 17%. There isn't difference in average scores between the DOPS test and traditional assessment (P>0.05). Conclusion:The DOPS examination is an objective and multidimensional assessment tool in evaluating new nurses' clinical skills from their behaviors and abilities.%目的:探索临床实际情境下新护士规范化培训技能考核的客观评价方法。方法:采取技能直接观察考核法(Direct Observation of Procedural Skills,DOPS),在临床实际情境下对新护士从技能操作中所展现的行为与能力共10个指标进行考核。结果:除