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(单选)1:The decision to attack was not taken lightly. A:不能轻易作出进攻的决定。 B:进攻的决定不是轻易作出的。 正确答案:B

(单选)2:Many favor unswerving loyalty to NATO. A:许多人喜欢忠诚于北约组织

B:许多人赞成毫不动摇地忠于北约组织。 正确答案:B

(单选)3:love apple A:爱的苹果 B:番茄 正确答案:B

(单选)4:I marveled at the relentless determination of the rain. A:我惊异于无情而坚定的雨

B:雨无情地下个不停,我惊异不已 正确答案:B

(单选)5:a hundred and one A:许许多多 B:一百零一。 正确答案:A


A:The effects of some medicine are not immediate B:The effects of some medicine are slow 正确答案:A

(单选)7:Blood spilled on both sides. A:双方都有受伤的。 B:血溅当场。 正确答案:A


A:He was whistling as he walked along the beach. B:He was whistling as he sauntered along the beach. 正确答案:B

(单选)9:It would be astonishing if that loss were not keenly felt. A:如果人们感到损失不强烈,那倒是奇怪了。 B:如果人们不强烈地感到损失,那倒是奇怪了。 正确答案:B

(单选)10:You can never be too careful about English-Chinese translation A:作英译汉时,不能太仔细 B:作英译汉时,越仔细越好。 正确答案:B


A:University applicants who had worked at a job would receive preference over those who had not B:University applicants who had worked at a job would enroll at the university first than those who had not. 正确答案:A

(单选)12:beef tea A:牛肉茶 B:牛肉汁 正确答案:B

(单选)13:draw of 16 teams

A:取得决赛资格的最后十六支球队。 B:十六支球队抽签 正确答案:A

(单选)14:Alarm began to take entire possession of him. A:他开始变得惊恐万状。 B:惊恐完全占据了他。 正确答案:A

(单选)15:在工作中,我们必须避免犯不必要的错误。 A:We must avoid making mistakes in our work.

B:We must avoid making unnecessary mistakes in our work. 正确答案:A

(判断)16:perfect harmony水乳交融 正确答案:对

(判断)17:家家房顶上都装了供淋浴用的太阳能热水器。 A solar water heater is installed on the roof of every house, provided warm water for the shower. 正确答案:错

(判断)18:The sense of inferiority that he acquired in his youth has never been totally eradicated.年轻时留下的自卑感还没有完全消失。 正确答案:对

(判断)19:应该理解,犯错误是人之常情。It should be understood that to error is human. 正确答案:对

(判断)20:一国两制 one country,two systems 正确答案:对

(判断)21:她对他们越来越憎恨。Her hatred for them grew deeper. 正确答案:对

(判断)22:再探黄河流源The Huanghe River Source Revisited 正确答案:对

(判断)23:They, not surprisingly, did not respond at all. 他们根本没有答复,这是不足为奇的。 正确答案:对

(判断)24:If you hang back, and reserve and criticize at first, you are preventing yourself from getting the fullest possible value from what you read.如果你不参与,不投入,而是一开始就百般挑剔,那你就无缘从书中获得最大的益处。 正确答案:对

(判断)25:这位母亲很为有个聪明漂亮的女儿而骄傲。The intelligence and beauty of the daughter makes her mother very proud. 正确答案:对

(单选)1:The decision to attack was not taken lightly. A:不能轻易作出进攻的决定。 B:进攻的决定不是轻易作出的。 正确答案:B

(单选)2:Many favor unswerving loyalty to NATO. A:许多人喜欢忠诚于北约组织

B:许多人赞成毫不动摇地忠于北约组织。 正确答案:B

(单选)3:love apple A:爱的苹果 B:番茄 正确答案:B

(单选)4:I marveled at the relentless determination of the rain. A:我惊异于无情而坚定的雨

B:雨无情地下个不停,我惊异不已 正确答案:B



