Cover for grooves, shafts or the like structures
申请(专利)号: DE20101037563
专利号: DE102010037563B
4 主分类号: E03F1/00
申请日: 2010-09-15 公开公告日: 2012-10-04
分类号: E03F1/00;
E04C2/42; F16S3/04 发明设计人: ARNE MEINCKE;
优先权: 20100819 DE 10
2010 037 081.9
摘 要 附 图:
AHLMANN GMBH & CO. KG 公开国代码: DE 优先权国家: DE
摘 要:
Cover for grooves, shafts or the same structures, comprising at least one, which is manufactured from sheet metal first grate (10) with slots (11) and webs (12) with surfaces (13), and in each case at least one side surface (14, 14 '') with respect to the surface of the bent sheet metal, wherein at least a second grate (20) is provided, the webs (22) in the slots (11) of the first grate (10) are inserted, characterised in that the webs (12, 22) of the gratings (10, 20, 30) are bent in such a way that their surfaces (13, 23) extend in a plane. 主权项:
Abdeckung für Rinnen, Sch?chte oder der gleichen Bauwerke, umfassend mindestens einen aus Blech gef
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Cover for grooves, shafts or the like structures