1 Translate the following expressions. Into English 1. bang the door 2. cheer His Majesty
3. contemplate the statue 4. devise a new method 5. gain a reputation 6. inspire the people 7. sink one's head
8. symbolize the nation 9. warm one's hands 10. ruin one's health
11. play an important role 12. settle the issue
Into Chinese
1.永恒的真理 2.文件柜 3.无稽之谈 4.违规行为 5常客6新鲜空气
7. 格调很高的独白(一个人唱高调) 8 一种固定的观点 9. 言语障碍 10. 可怕的风
11.使人兴奋冲动的爱国激情12.无情的入侵者13.首相 14.思维过程(思想方式) 15.国际联盟
16. 一篇条理清楚的文章 17. 一位口译好手
18. 一种不可阻挡的趋向/潮流 19.烂苹果
20. 一位点头之交
2. Replace the parts in bold type in the following sentences with words and from the text.
1. was utterly disgusting
2. was given to frequent shopping sprees
3. saw the folly; fell into the other fault; cut down 4. walked unsteadily; in anguish
5. justify; countered by saying; If anything; ruin 6. vanish of itself; combat; put in its place
7. stand by him/support him/back him up; showed his open contempt and mockery to 8. viewed; symbolized; in eternal panic lest
9. dismiss lightly; it might be Nazism all over again
10. too much for; few and far between; few and far between
the following sentences into English.
1. I know I could rely on my brother to stand by me whatever happened. 2. As a rule, the younger generation tends to be more interested in the present rather than the past unlike the older generation, but both generations will stand to lose if they do not respect the other's needs.
3. The Chinese written language has been a major factor for integrating the whole nation.
4. In traditional Chinese art and literature, the bamboo and the pine tree always symbolize moral integrity and uprightness.
5. Queen Elizabeth I ruled England for 45 years, and the nation prospered under her rule.
6. Democracy means that the majority rules. But that's not all. Respect for minority's right to disagree is also an integral part of democracy. The two rules are of equal importance. 7. A nation cannot be strong unless it is well-integrated politically, economically, culturally as well as geographically.
8. The party was boring, so he slipped out of the room and went home. But the road was so muddy after the rain that he slipped and fell into a ditch. 9. Her health was such that she would not dare to be exposed to the sun even in winter 1 she got sunstroke.
10. I was drowning my sorrow one night in a small restaurant when he came over to me and slipped a roll of money in my pocket.
4. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words or expressions. 1. C 2. A 3. B C 5C
8. D 9. A 10. A
5. Choose the right words in their proper forms.
1 l.sexy 2. sexual/sex 3. sexist 4. sexual
2 1. disinterested 2. uninterested 3. disinterested
3 1. literally 2. literate 3. literary 4. literary 5. literate 4 1. bulge 2. sticking out 3. bulging/swollen 4. protruding, protruding, bulge 5. sticking out, swelling 6. jutting out
5 1. slipping 2. slid 3. sliding 4. slip 5. gliding, gliding 6 1. reputation 2. prestige/reputation 3. reputation
6. Fill in the blanks with suitable words to make the sentences ironic 1. beautifully 2. original 3. thick 4. clean 5. punctual
6. decisive 7. soft 8. rich
9. democratic 10. rise
1. Learn to use the present/past continuous tense with adverbs of frequency and find out which of the following sentences imply disapproval or annoyance. 1,3,4,8,10
2. Learn the uses of being.
1 Study the uses of being in the following sentences and put each into a category listed below.
A note on the present/past continuous tense of the stative verb be:
1) Permanent qualities such as \beautiful,\\natural\are generally expressed in the simple present/past tense, . Jim's optimistic. When \continuous tense it is viewed as a temporary state, often with the implication of a type of behavior, . You're being far too optimistic about your future, Jim. 2) Sometimes there isn't much difference between the simple past passive form and the past continuous passive except that the latter is more emphatic. 1 1, 10 2 5,6 3 3,9,12 4 2, 4, 7 5 8, 11
2 Complete each of the sentences by putting the verb in brackets in the proper form. 1. is being robbed 6. was being repaired 2. were being 7. was being
3. is being done 8. being built 4. being 9. being
5. are being made 10. being exaggerated
3 Translate the sentences into English, using being. 1. He is being investigated for receiving bribes.
2. The government started airdropping food to areas being cut off by the flood. 3. People are much concerned about how the charity money is being used.
4. The exact locations of the laboratories are being kept secret for reasons of security.
5. What's the matter with Jim today I think he's being rather rude, not his usual self. 6. The local public security bureau is being criticized for being soft on whit crime. 7. The car accident investigator is accused of being one-sided, favoring the offender.