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Force 力 Inertia 惯性 Particle 质点 Rigid Body 刚体 Deformable Body 变形体 Newton’s laws 牛顿定律 Scalar 标量 volume 体积 density 密度 speed 速度 energy 能量 mass 质量 Vectors矢量 displacement 位移 velocity速度 acceleratetion加速度 force力 moment力矩momentum动量statics静力学 gear齿轮shaft轴 pulley滑轮cam凸轮偏心轮journal bearing滑动轴承 dynamics动力学 名词解释(五个共20分)

Mechanice The branch of scientific analysis which deals motions,time and forces.

力学是研究运动 时间 和作用力的一门分支学科 Force is the action of one body on another 力是物体之间的相互作用

Mass is a measure of the quantity of matter that a boby or an object contains质量是物体内所包含的物质的量

Inertia is property of mass that causes it to resist any effort to change its motion


Weight is the force with which a boby is attracted to the earth or another celestial boby,equal to the product of the obect’s mass and the acceleration of gravity.重力是地球或其他天体对物体的作用力,它等于物体的质量与重力加速度的乘积

Mechanical design means the design of things and systems of a mechanical nature—machines,products,structures,devices,and instruments 机械设计是指机械装置和机械系统-机器、产品、结构、设备和仪器的设计

Mechanisms A mechanism has been defined as‘a combination of rigid or resistant bodies so formed and connected that they move upon each other with definite relative motion机构被定义为:是由刚体或者有承载能力的物体联接而形成的组合体,它们在运动时彼此之间应该具有确定的相对运动。 简答题(两个共30分)

The five most common faults in material selection have been : (a)failure to know and use the latest and best information available about the materials utilized;(b)failure to foresee,and take into account the reasonable uses for the product(where possible,the designer is further advise to foresee and account for misuse of the product,as there have been many product liability cases in recent years where the claimant,injured during misuse of the product ,has sued the manufacturer and won);(c)the use of materials about which there was insufficient or uncertain data,particularly as to its long-term properties;(d)inadequate,and unverified,quality control procedures;and(e) material selection made by people who are completely unqualified to do so. 在材料选择过程中,五个最常见的问题为;a不了解或者未能利用关于材料应用方面的最新和最好的信息资料b未能预见和考虑产品可能的合理用途(如有可能,设计人员还应进一步

预测和考虑由于产品使用方法不当造成的后果。在近年来的许多产品责任诉讼案件中,由于错误地使用产品而受到伤害的原告控告生产厂家,并且赢得判决c所使用的材料的数据不全或者有些数据不确定,尤其是当其长期性能数据是如此的时候d质量控制方法不适当和未经验证e有一些不称职的人员选择材料 The essential features of a good Discussion are described below。 1. try to present the principles,relationships,and generalizations shown by the results。And bear in mind,in a good discussion,you discuss—you do not recapitulate the results

2. point out any exceptions or any lack of correlation and define unsettled points。Never take the high-risk alternative of trying to cover up or fudge data that do not quite fit

3. show how your results and interpretations agree with previously published work

4. don’t be shy;discuss the theoretical implications of your work,as well as any possible practical applications 5. state your conclusions as clearly as possible 6. summarize your evidence for each conclusion 一个好的讨论章节的主要特征如下所述

1. 设法给出结果一节中的原理,相互关系和归纳性解释。应该记住,一个好的讨论应该对结果进行讨论和论述,而不是扼要重述

2. 要指出任何的例外情况或相互关心中有问题的地方,并应该明确提出尚未解决的问题。绝不是冒着很大的风险去采取另一方式,即试图对不适合的数据进行掩盖或捏造

3. 要说明和解释你的结果与以前发表过的研究结果有什么相符的地方 4. 要大胆地论述你的研究工作的理论意义以及任何可能的实际应用 5. 要尽可能清晰地叙述你的结论 Newton's Laws of Motion

Law 1 If all the forces acting on a body are balanced, the body will either remain at rest or will continue to movein a straidht line at a uniform velocity.

Law 2 If the forces acting on a body are not balanced , the body will experience an acceleration. The acceleration will be in the direction of the resultant force, and the magnitude of the acceleration will be proportional to the magnitude of the resultant force and inversely proportional to the mass of the body.

Law 3 The forces of action and reaction between interacting bodies are equal in magnitude, opposite in direction, and have the same line of action. 牛顿运动定律

第一定律 如果作用在一个物体上的所有的力平衡,那么,这个物体将保持原来的静止或匀速直线运动状态不变!

第二定律 如果作用在一个物体上的那些力不平衡,那么,这个物体将产生加速度。加速度的方向与合力的方向相同;加速度的大小与合力的大小成反比,与物


第三定律 相互作用物体之间的作用力和反作用力大小相等,方向相反,作用在同一直线上。


A mechanism typically is designed to create a desired motion of a rigid boby relative to a reference member

机构设计的目的通常是使是一个刚体相对某一参考构件产生所需要的相对运动 Kinematic design of mechanisms is often the first step in the design of a complete machine


The function of a mechansism is to transmit or transform motion from one rigid body to another as part of the action of a machine


Gear systems,in which toothed members in contact transmit motion 在齿轮机构中,各转轴之间的运动由相互啮合的齿轮来传递

Cam systems, where a uniform motion of an input member is converted into a nonuniform motion of the output member


Plane and spatial linkages they are also useful in creating mechanical motions for a point or rigid body


Linkages can be used for three basic tasks(1)rigid body guidance(2)path generation(3)function generation连杆的基本作用有三种:1刚体导向2实现轨迹3实现函数 One such grouping divides mechanisms into planar,spherical,and spatial categories一种分类方式是将机构分为平面、球面和空间三类

One such grouping divides mechanisms into planar,spherical,and spatil categories一种分类方式是将机构分为平面,球面和空间三类。

A planar mechanism is one in which all particles describe plane curves lie in parallel planes在平面机构中,所有的质点在空间所走过的轨迹都是平面曲线,所有这些平面曲线都位于相互平行的平面上

A spherical mechanism is one in which each link has some point which remains stationary as the linkage moves and in which the stationary points of all links lie at a common location在球面机构中,当机构运动时,每一个构件上都有一个点是静止的,所有构件上的静止点都处于同一个位置

Spatial mechanisms,on the other hand,include no restrictions on the relative motions of the particles从另一方面来说,在空间机构中质点的相对运动不受约束

Design begins when an engineer recognizes a need and decides to do something about it


The need to do something about a food-packaging machine may be indicated by the noise level,by the variation in package weight,and by slight but perceptible variations in the quality of the packaging。


There is a distinct difference between the statement of the need and the identification of the problem which follows this statement 叙述某种需要和确定随后要解决的问题之间有着明显的区别 The problem is more specific. 要解决的问题是比较具体的

Definition of the problem must include all the specifications for the thing that is to be designed. 确定问题阶段应该制订设计对象所有的设计要求。

The specifications are the input and output quantities,the characteristics and dimensions of the space the thing must occupy and all the limitations on these quantities 这些设计要求包括输入量、输出量、设计对象的特性和它们所占据的空间尺寸以及对这些参量的所有制约因素。

There are many implied specifications which result either from the designer’s particular environment or from the nature of the problem itself 还存在着许多由于设计人员所处的特定环境或者由于问题本身的性质所产生的隐含设计要求

The next step in design is the synthesis of an optimum solution 设计工作的下一阶段是进行综合以获得最优的结果

The system under design must be analyzed to determine whether the performance complies with the specifications


The design is an iterative process in which we proceed through several step evaluate the result 设计工作是一个反复进行的过程

Both analysis and optimization require that we construct or devise abstract models of the system which will admit some form of mathematical analysis(翻译)

分析和优化都要求我们建立或者提出系统的抽象模型,以便对其进行数学分析。 Evaluation is a significant phase of the total design process.Evaluation is the final proof a successful design,which usually involves the testing of a prototype in the laboratory


Communicating the design to others is the final,vital step in the design process


Basically,there are only three means of communication available to us. These are the written,the oral,and the graphical forms。

人们基本上只有三种表达自己思想的方式,即文字材料、口头表述和绘图。 New materials often become available and there may be a decreasing availability of others.


The first step in the manufacture of any product is design,which usually takes place in several distinct sestages :(a)conceptual;(b)functional;(c)production design. 制造任何产品的第一步工作都是设计。设计通常可以分为几个明确的阶段a感念设计b功能设计c生产设计

During the conceptual-design stage,the designer is concerned primarily with the functions the product is to fulfill.


The only concern for material is that materials exist thatcan provide the desired properties 关于材料的选择唯一要考虑的问题是:是否有性能符合要求的材料可供选择

At the functional or engineering-design stage,a practical,workable design is developed.

在功能设计或工程设计阶段,要做出一个切实可行的设计 Fairly complete drawing are made,and materials are selected and specified for the various components.


At the production-design stage,the primary concern relative to materials should be that they are specified fully,that they are compatible with,and can be processed economically by,existing equipment,and that they are readily available in the needed quantities.

在生产设计阶段中,与材料有关的主要问题是应该把材料完全确定下来,使它们与现有的设备相适应,能够利用现有设备经济地进行加工,而且材料的数量能够比较容易地保证供应Experience may reveal that substitution of cheaper materials can be made.


The more common type of change that occurs after manufacturing starts is the result of the availability of new materials.

在生产制造开始后出现了可供使用的新材料是更换材料的最常见的原因 Consideration of them provides guidance as to how they can be elimininated.对这些问题的分析和研究可以给避免这些问题的出现指明方向

It is apparent that those who select material should have a broad,basic understanding of the nature ang properties of material and their processing选择材料的人们应该对材料的性质,特点和加工方法有一个全面而基本的了解。

All words in the title should be chosen with great care,and their association with one another must be carefully managed


The meaning and order of the words in the title are of importance to the potential reader who sees the title in the journal table of contents 对于可能阅读期刊目录中论文题目的读者来说,题目中每个词的含意和词序是很重要的

The terms in the title should be limited to those words that highlight the significant content of the paper in terms that are both understandable



