smile关于微笑英语演讲稿 today. nevertheless, every day, every day, i also can not own them smile? teachers with a sincere smile treatment of students, to treat themselves, to treat everyone around you, we will have a life unmatched beauty and free and easy. let us hope that smiled torch, go together like a glorious tomorrow, let us smile, the life
of a brilliant show shine. dear teachers, please let a smile every day! 微笑是什么?有人说是表情、是心情。我想,微笑是一种振作,是一种坚强,是一种超脱的魅力;微笑是一种风度,它具有热情和友善,具有接纳和体贴,具有宽容和豁达,具有轻松和乐观。因此,在工作生活中微笑着善待身边的每一个人,成了我最大的愿望。我微笑
着度过每一天。 每天,我微笑着呵护教育我的学生们。清晨,伴着朝阳,我们迎来了一群群学生,他们有的活泼可爱,有的淘气顽皮,有的聪颖,有的木纳,??,无论是谁,无论他来自什么样的家庭,无论他表现如何,我都微笑着善待他们中的每一个。偶尔也因调皮而埋怨,因退步而急噪,因违纪而失态,但以真心处之,不存杂念,孩子也自会真心待你,看到他们的点滴进步,你会不自禁地绽开更灿烂的笑容。平日里,无论什么样的课,身为人师,努力牵引着孩子们的身心沉浸于字里行间,使孩子们昂扬起率真的激情,如此这般,师生都没有紧张和担忧,如此自自然然,平平常常,如此言来语去,这样的师生心灵交融,课就如行云流水了。教育是什么?十七年的教育生涯告诉我,教育是充满生机的过程,是人与人心灵的相遇和对话。教育是期待,教育是牵手,教育是澄明,教育是心动,教育里饱含着真情的问候,教育
里洋溢着微笑的面孔。面对我的学生们,我愿微笑每一天。 每天,我微笑着和同事们共处。人与人相遇,其本身就是一种缘。何况今天,我们为了共同的事业走到一起,我们又岂能不微笑着去珍惜?微笑是源自心底的一泓泉水,对于朋友是心灵的默契,与陌生人则是距离的缩短。11月,我告别朝夕相处的伙伴,离开一草一木了然于胸的学校莘庄镇小学,来到一个全新的集体---航华一小。孤独吗?后悔吗?每当听到朋友们的惋惜和关切地询问,我总是微笑着告诉大家:一切都挺好的!与学校老师很快相熟,大家以内心的真诚,以真挚的微笑面对生活,面对工作:每天,我们微笑着谈论学校的事业,学校的发展,学校的其他一切;微笑着穿梭于教室、办公室间,尽管每天似乎总有着做不完
的事要忙碌着,但其乐也融融!我快乐,所以我微笑。 每天,我微笑着面对自己。我想,没有潺潺流过心里的微笑,便没有人生的洒脱。,职务的高低无论其多么骄人或何等不起眼,我没有范进中举时的狂喜,也没有不屑一顾的暗自窃笑,我坦然地微笑着接受同伴的祝福。我知道,学校的厚爱是我的幸运,职务的任命是命运的眷顾,我以微笑感谢拥有的一切!困难来临时,我也曾气馁,也想过退缩,但最终我还是鼓起勇气,微笑着迎接挑战,因为我相信,以微笑面对磨难,那么明天,一定会如你今日的
微笑一样灿烂。如此,每天,每天,我又怎能不对自己微笑呢? 老师们,用真诚的微笑对待学生,对待自己,对待你身边的每一个人,我们便将拥有人生无法比拟的美丽和洒脱。让我们微笑着擎起希望的火炬,一起走想辉煌的明天,让我们一起微笑着一展生命中灿烂的光泽。亲爱的老师们,请微笑每一天吧!篇二:smile 关于微笑
的英文演讲稿 a smile is regardless of culture, race or religion, everyone can understand it.
the smile―the unaffected, unplanned, natural connection between people. what is the most famous smile in the world ? it’s mona lisa’s smile, her smile is mysterious and attractive,it can give
everyone different feelings. in my view smiling makes our life colorful
smiling makes us attractive. we are drawn to people who smile. there is an attraction factor. frowns, scowls
and grimaces, they all push people away -- but a smile draws them in. smiling changes our mood. next time you are feeling down, try putting on a smile. smiling can trick the
body into helping you change your mood smiling lifts the face and makes you look younger the muscles we use to smile lift the face, making a person appears younger. dont go for a face lift, just try smiling your way through the day -- youll look younger and feel better
smiling helps you stay positive when we smile our body is sending a message that life is good! stay away from
depression, stress and worry by smiling please smile at smile at each other, smile at your wife, smile at your husband, smile at your children, smile at each other―it doesnt matter who it is―and that will help you to grow up in greater love for each other.篇三:关于微笑的英语演讲稿
smile and the world smiles with you i was raised with the rule that if you couldnt say something nice, dont say anything at all. i am trying very hard to help instill that in my children. its very
hard, though, when we are surrounded by such unhappiness! people have endured religious wars, holocausts, civil battles to preserve freedom and many other atrocities on national levels. many of the survivors of these causes
end up with a renewed sense of happiness and joy! smile, the world smiles with you do you still remember the smiles from someone in your mind? what’s your feeling about that? the majority of people are trying to pursue happiness through their lifetime, but what is the root of happiness? i take the strong position that one of
the secrets is smile. smile makes the world go around. it’s easier to make new friends through charming and friendly smiles. smile always creates a good impression. maybe we cannot remember someone’s name after meeting
each other for the first time; however, his or her smile impressed us. each of us in the world is spending every minute on daily life kind of in a hurry. we sometimes neglect love or caring from others. what makes it worse is that we don’t even have time to smile to them in return. many people just turn in on themselves; or show great sympathy on getting into fame or even social climbing. so it is no surprise that weariness or anxiety is around us. it is tragic that what they are up
to exhausts them finally. 决赛正式演讲稿
smile and the world smiles with you i was raised with the rule that if you couldnt say something nice, dont say anything at all. i am trying very hard to help instill that in my children. its very
hard, though, when we are surrounded by such unhappiness!
people have endured religious wars, holocausts, civil battles to preserve freedom and many other atrocities on national levels. many of the survivors of these causes
end up with a renewed sense of happiness and joy! smile, the world smiles with you do you still remember the smiles from someone in your mind? what’s your feeling about that? the majority of people are trying to pursue happiness through their lifetime, but what is the root of happiness? i take the strong position that one of
the secrets is smile. smile makes the world go around. it’s easier to make new friends through charming and friendly smiles. smile always creates a good impression. maybe we cannot remember someone’s name after meeting
each other for the first time; however, his or her smile impressed us. each of us in the world is spending every minute on daily life kind of in a hurry. we sometimes neglect love or caring from others. what makes it worse is that we don’t even have time to smile to them in return. many people just turn in on themselves; or show great sympathy on getting into fame or even social climbing. so it is no surprise that weariness or anxiety is around us. it is tragic that what they are up
to exhausts them finally.
the power of a smile we are busier and busier now. sometimes we just feel stressed and painful and
we forget to smile. please smile! smile to others around you. smile to the world! no matter you are happy or sad, do it now. the power of a smile is large. it can make all of us feel happy including yourself. smile to the world, to others and to
everything.篇五:关于微笑的英语演讲稿 ladies and gentlemen , good evening! i’m very glad to stand here and give you
a short speech. today my topic is “nature is our mother”. i hope you will like it. nature is our mother let me begin my speech with a replay of scenes familiar to most, if not all, of
those present here today.
mum, im sorry, but i need 3,000 yuan for my tuition this year. mum, it is my friends birthday tomorrow, i must buy her a present. mum, this jacket was out of fashion long ago, would you do me a favor? take. take. take. the relationship between a mother and a child always seems to follow such a pattern. i know my mother is always there for me, providing me with everything i need; from food to clothing, from tuition to pocket money. i never thought twice about all she did until one day she said, will there be a time that youll say
you have taken enough from me? 自然是我们的母亲 请允许我用一个我们今天在座的大部分人,就算不是全部,都很熟悉的场景来展开我的演讲。 “妈妈,不好意思,今年的学费要三千元。” “妈妈,明天是我朋友的生日,我要给她买份礼物。” “妈妈,这件衣服早过时了,帮我买件新的,好吗?” 索取,索取,再索取。母亲和孩子的关系似乎永远都是这一种形式。我知道母亲总是我的靠山,给我一切需要的东西,从食物到衣服,从学费到零用钱。我觉得她所做的一切都是
理所当然的,直到有一天,她说:“会不会有这么一天你对我说我已经索取够了?’’ 就像孩子无止境的要求一样,我们人类,从古到今,也一直在向自然索求以满足欲望。我们享受家具的美丽与舒适,但我们从来就不愿去想一想由于采伐树林而引起的严重的土壤侵蚀问题。我们认为冬天要取暖是理所当然的事情,却未曾意识到宝贵的自然资源就这样被烧掉。我们高兴地看到现代工业发展带来了繁荣,但很少人会对由于工业废物导致的全球空气和水质污染问题稍加考虑。我们无情的剥削已经永远地伤害了地球母亲。我们从去年夏天
的洪灾悲剧中已经认识到,我们不能再继续漠不关心下去了。 最后,站在21世纪的门槛上,我们不禁展望着繁荣昌盛。自然不仅是现在这一代人的母亲,更是未来一代人的母亲。如果我们留给他们的是一位贫瘩、毫无生气的母亲,那么我们会受到子孙们何等严厉的批评?如果我们留给他们的遗产是一个和谐的世界,他们会对我们作出何等的称赞?让我们从现在开始尊重、关爱自然。让我们立刻开展一场建立人类与自然互惠互利关系的运动。