【期刊名称】《传感器与微系统》 【年(卷),期】2009(028)007
【摘要】In order to make node self-localization precision satisfy the need of varied network size, hybrid-hop Monte-Carlo method is proposed to solve the constraint of low anchor node density. Multi-hop anchor node method is utilized to collect anchor nodes information in condition of various anchor node density, and then to calculate the position of node with different sampling method. The simulation results show that the method can improve the accuracy of node localization. This method is self-adaptive and practical.%为了使传感器节点自定位精度能够适应于不同网络规模应用的需要,提出了多跳跃蒙特一卡罗节点定位方法,解决了锚节点密度低的应用限制.在低锚节点分布密度不同的条件下,可以采用多跳锚节点方法收集锚节点信息,然后,再针对密度特点应用不同采样方法计算未知节点位置.通过仿真实验表明了此算法可以不受锚节点密度限制,具有一定的自适应性和实用性.
【关键词】锚节点密度;多跳跃;蒙特-卡罗;定位 【作者】仉俊峰;王阿川;仉立军
黑龙江,哈尔滨,150018 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】TP242.6 【相关文献】
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