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ISO ISO一般用途米制螺纹 基本尺寸 - 图文 

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IS0 724 93 4853903 O546035 254 W I NT E R NAT I O NA L STAN DAR D IS0 724 Second edition 0-1 5 1993-1 threads IS0 general-purpose metric screw - Basic dimensions Filetages métriques IS0 pour usages généraux - Dimensions de base Reference number IS0 724:1993(E) IS0 724 93 IS0 724:1993(E) 4851903 0546036 190 Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which ci technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations. governmental and nori-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 YO of the member bodies casting a vote. International Standard IS0 724 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 1, Screw threads, Sub-Committee SC 1, Basic data. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (IS0 724:1978), the table of which has been technically revised. 0 IS0 1993 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without per- mission in writing from the publisher. International Organization for Standardization 21 1 Genève 20 Switzerland Case Postale 56 CH-1 Printed in Switzerland II IS0 724 93 m 4851903 O546037 O27 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD m IS0 7241993lE) IS0 general-purpose metric screw threads dimensions - Basic 1 Scope This International Standard specifies the basic dimen- sions, in millimetres, of IS0 metric screw threads in accordance with IS0 261. The values refer to the basic profile in accordance with IS0 68. d basic major diameter of external thread (nominal diameter) D2 basic pitch diameter of internal thread 42 D, dl basic pitch diameter of external thread basic minor diameter of internal thread basic minor diameter of external thread height of fundamental triangle pitch 2 Normative references The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publi- cation, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most re- cent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain registers of cur- rently valid International Standards. H P 5 Basic dimensions Dimensions shall be as shown in figure 1 and given in table 1. IS0 68:-”, IS0 general-purpose screw threads Basic profile. - IS0 261 :-*I, /SO general-purpose metric screw threads - General plan. IS0 5408:1983, Cylindrical screw threads - Vocabu- la ry. 3 Definitions For the purposes of this International Standard, the definitions given in IS0 5408 apply. T 4 Symbols D basic major diameter of internal thread (nominal diameter) a’ h Figure 1 - Basic dimensions 1) To be published. (Revision of IS0 68:1973) 2) To be published. (Revision of IS0 261:1973) 1 ~ ~ IS0 724 93 W 4853903 0546038 Tb3 = IS0 724:1993(E) The values of D,, 4, D, and di have been calculated from the following formulae and rounded, in table 1, to the third decimal place: 0, == D - 2 x 3 H = D - 0,649 5P 3 4=d-2 x-H=d-O,6495P 8 5 = D- Dl = D- 2 x -H 1,082 5P 8 5 dl =d-2~-H=d-1,082 a 8 5P Table 1 Nominal diameter = Major diameter - Basic dimensions Nominal diameter = Major diameter Pitch Pitch diameter D2, d2 Pitch Pitch diameter D2l Minor diameter Minor diameter Dl! dl k+ D, d 1,6 P d2 DIP dl 0,729 0,783 D, d 4 P 0,7 05 0,75 0.5 0,8 0.5 0,5 3,545 3,675 4,013 4,175 4,480 4,675 5,175 1 3,242 3,459 3,688 3,959 4,134 4,459 4,959 4,917 5,188 5,917 6,188 6,647 6,917 7,188 7,647 7,917 8,188 8,376 8,647 8,917 9,188 0,970 0,829 0,883 4.5 0,25 0.2 03 02 0.35 02 1,038 1,070 1,205 1,270 1,373 1,470 0,929 0,983 1,075 1,183 1,221 1,383 1,421 1,583 1,567 1,729 1,713 1,929 2,013 5 5,5 I 5,350 5,513 6,350 0,75 1,25 6,513 7,188 7,350 7.51 3 8,188 8,350 8,513 9,026 9,188 9,350 9,513 8 1 0,75 1,25 9 1 0,75 15 1.25 1 0,75 2,273 2,675 2,121 2,459 2,621 2,850 3,121 10 I 2 3'5 I 0,35 5 I 2,773 3,110 3,273 : IS0 724 93 m 4851903 0546039 9TT m IS0 724:1993(E) --`,``,,`,,`````,,,,,`,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---Nominal diameter = Major diameter Pitch Pitch diameter Minor diameter Dll dl Nominal diameter = Major diameter Pitch Pitch diameter Minor diameter Dl3 dl D, d 25 P D2, d2 15 11 1 0,75 1,75 12 10,026 10,350 10,513 10,863 11,026 11,188 11,350 12,701 13,026 13,188 13,350 14,026 14,350 14,701 15,026 15,350 16,026 16,350 16,376 16,701 17,026 17,350 18,376 18,701 19,026 19,350 20,376 20,701 21,026 21,350 22,051 22,701 23,026 23,350 9,376 9,917 10,188 ~ 23,701 24,026 24,350 25,026 3 2 1,5 1 2 25,051 25,701 26,026 26,350 26,701 27,026 27,350 27,727 28,051 28,701 29,026 29,350 30,701 31,026 30,727 31,051 31,701 32,026 ~ 22,835 23,376 23,917 24,376 23,752 24,835 25,376 25,917 25,835 26,376 26.91 7 26,211 26,752 27,835 28,376 28,917 29,835 30,376 29,211 29,752 30,835 31,376 33,376 31,670 32,752 33,835 34,376 36,376 34,670 35,752 36,835 37,376 36,752 37,835 38,376 13 1.25 1 10,106 10,376 10,647 10.91 7 11,835 12,376 12,647 12,917 13,376 13,917 13,835 14,376 14,917 15,376 15,917 15,294 15,835 16,376 16,917 17,294 17,835 18,376 18,917 19,294 19,835 20,376 20,917 20,752 21,835 22,376 22,917 26 27 2 14 1,s 1,25 1 28 1,5 1 15 15 1 2 13 30 3#5 3 2 1,5 1 16 17 1 1 'i5 2.5 2 1,s 1 23 2 13 1 I 32 2 1,5 3,5 3 2 15 1,5 4 3 2 1,5 ~ 18 33 ~ 35 34,026 33,402 34,051 34,701 35,026 37,026 20 36 22 2,s 2 15 1 38 24 3 2 I .5 1 39 4 3 2 1,s 3 2 36,402 37,051 37,701 38,026 38,051 38,701 39,026 40 1,s 3

ISO ISO一般用途米制螺纹 基本尺寸 - 图文 


