姚荔嘉# 邓 星 王 维 谢渭芬&
【摘 要】摘要 肝星状细胞(HSCs)是位于肝窦内皮细胞与肝上皮细胞之间的一种多能细胞。HSCs激活后转化为肌成纤维样细胞,增殖并上调部分促炎和促纤维化基因表达,从而促进肝纤维化。既往对HSCs的研究主要集中在其与肝纤维化的关系方面,近年研究发现在肝脏发育和再生过程中,HSCs对肝脏细胞的增殖、分化和成熟亦至关重要。本文系统总结了HSCs的来源、发育调控和功能,着重阐述近年关于HSCs在肝脏发育和再生中作用的研究进展,以期为肝脏疾病的治疗提供新思路。 【期刊名称】胃肠病学 【年(卷),期】2016(021)003 【总页数】4
【关键词】关键词 肝星状细胞; 肝脏; 生长和发育; 再生 ·综 述· Abstract
Hepatic stellate cells (HSCs), the pluripotent cells, exist between liver sinusoidal endothelial cells and hepatic epithelial cells. Activated HSCs transform to myofibroblast-like cells, start to proliferate, and de novo express some proinflammatory and profibrogenic genes, which promote hepatic fibrogenesis. Previous studies mainly focused on the relationship between HSCs and liver fibrosis, however, recent studies indicate that HSCs are essential for prolifer