*欧阳光明*创编 2024.03.07
a [e?] [?] [α:] [?] [?:] b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v [b] [k] [s] [d] [i:] [e] [?] [f] [ɡ] [?] [h] [a?] [?] [?] [k] [l] [l] [m] [n] [?] [?u] [?] [?] [u:] [p] [kw] [r] [s] [z] [t] [ju:] [?] [?] [v] Nameablecaketabletakedateapplecatmapmatchsadandangry dancelastpassplant want whatwatchwash water deskdolldogdaddaydishdoesdeep bookbigbagboxcleanclimbcupclockcookclothes facenicepencilcitycinema elephanteggbedpenbestgetnextthen enjoyEnglishelevenbecauseforest finefriend fly foot fan fall fight gunglassgladgoget ageorangevillagehat her house honey happy have heavier hurt hospital fine bike five ice climber hiking kind is sit miss pig picture ill dinnerhim listen pick river jeep jacket jump Jan.July June kite cake thank kangaroo speak take walk work lake like leg leftrulerflag lamp longer relax play apple bowl tell old tail whale am map my mouth milk no know new hand thank think thing uncle swingold home nose coke tomato over hold piano dog not clock box robot on from forest often stop son month mother love young who do whose map jeep pig pen apple plant play please policeman quite quilt quick radio brother readrabbit write mirror library sit miss this books spring swim sleep grass nose those rose rulers season it sit not that table little take left fruit but plant use usually excusemenu bus us sun duck uncle up trunk funny must put pull helpful fivelove very seven village live heshemeeveningmeter*欧阳光明*创编 2024.03.07
*欧阳光明*创编 2024.03.07 w x y z [w] [ks] [a?] [j] [?] [z] we window watch want wait water Wednesday winter with box six fox relax my fly why bye yes yellow young yesterdayhappy baby very windy snowy study zoo zero 元音字母组合发音规律: ai [e?] wait paintank [ ?ηk] tankthank.ass [a:s] grassclassglassbrass.ask [ a:sk] ask taskmaskbasketay [e?] Mayplaydaysayair [е?] air hair chairall [?:] tall small ballar [α:] farther farm car arm garden hardly partyare [е?] haremar,bareglareau caughcaughttaught[?:] aw drawawn.[i:] meat please tea read cleaner east easy leaf season[e] head bread readyea [??] theater[e?] greatee [i:] meet see bee feet jeep seed weekend sweet sweep[??] ear hear nearear [е?] bearwear[з:] earth learneir [е?] their[?] worker teacher November laterer [з:] her[??] hereere [е?] where there[ju:] new fewew [u:] flew grewigh [a?] right high brightir [з:] bird girl shirt thirty thirdoa [?u] boat coatroad goatoi boiloil[? ?] oy toyboy.ong [??] long song[?] book footgood lookoo [u:] moon balloon [?:] short fork pork northor [з:] word world workoor [?:] door floorore [?:] more store soreou [au] out house mouth cloud south bounce[?:] four yourour [au?] ourhour[?u] bowl window know rowow [au] now cow flower down howur [з:] turn[u:] fruitui [?] biscuit*欧阳光明*创编 2024.03.07
*欧阳光明*创编 2024.03.07
辅音字母组合发音规律: tr [tr] dr [dr] ge [?] dge [?] [θ] th [e] sh [?] [t?] ch [k] ck kn ng nk ph qu sh sion tion tch th tw wh ts ds [k] [n] [?] [? k] [f] [kw] [∫] [∫?n] [t∫] [θ] [e] [tw] [w] [h] [ts] [dz] tree train trip dress driver age,cage,gorge. bridge,knowledge. thank mouth thin think twelfth this that with together shirt wash short ship shine shop show fresh child chair catch teach watch school Christmas attack,cock,knock. know,knock,knight cling,sing,english ink,think,blink. physics,photo queue,quest,requireshit,sheepshopcash,rubbishwash tensiondecisionrevision attentionposition catchmatch thinkthing;those thatthis two twin twenty white wheel what who whose whom jackets kites birds friend 这些总结并不能包括所有字母组合,但是已经是大部分了。 清辅音浊化
英语浊化只出现在下列情况下:当/p/、/t/、/k/、/tr/前面的音标是/s/ 且所在音节是重读音节则清辅音浊化成/b/、/d/、/g/、/dr/。浊化的一个根本特点是,发音发生改变,而音标的书写方式没有改变,所以在拼读的时候尤其要注意。
*欧阳光明*创编 2024.03.07