Helen Steel ,a former gardener ,of distributing a leaflet in the 80s that is highly critical of the company\environmental r***r ,the treatment of its workers and the nutritional quality of its food.McDonald\断言).
When McDonald\1990,it probably expected them to back down .But they did not .For Morris and Steel the trial is an opportunity to broadcast their allegations against McDonald\to the world .And they have nothing to lose .They have no money or property ,so that even if McDonald \shain will not be able to r***ver any of the costs of the case from the rwo activists.The trial was originally scheduled to last three wddks but it celebrated its first year in June 1995 and is expected to go on until at least January 1996.
Helen Steel explained why they took on this battle against the corporation giant :\but to fight this case .It\speech and the prblic\right to criticize the business practices of huge multinational companies.\The couple is helped by Dan Mills ,a former lawyer ,who says :\are getting support from all round the country and all round the world.People are sending in letters and message of support .And also we are getting donations form people all over the world.\
There is still no end in sight for the trial .If Steel and Morris win ,the reputation of McDonald\may never be the same
21. Themultinational corporatiom McDonald\sued the British couple because.
A McDonald\made was real.
B They had a bad environmental r***rd although they were envirommental activists.
C They always violated the disciplines of McDonald\D McDonald\considered that their distribution of a leaflet was illegal.
22. The main reason that the couple looked forward to the trial to be held was that they
A expected to earn some money from the trial.
B wanted to expose some illegal actions of McDonald\C wanted to be knowm in the world . D were not afraid of losing the case.
23. According to the passage,which of the following statements concering the duration of the trial is true?
A The trial lasted three weeks in 1995. B The trial was held in January 1996.
C It was possible for the trial to last form June 1995to at least January 1996.
D There was a plan which demanded that the trial be finished before 1996.
24. Why did the couple persist in fighting McDonald\
A A forms lawyer and a lot of pilple supported them. B The people around the world gave them a lot of money. C They held that they had right to say whatever they liked. D They believed that it was important to defend freedom of speech.
25. Which of the following statements best describes the last paragraph?
A The trial hsa ended and the couple have won . B Although the trial is still on,McDonald\C The reputation of McDonald\will be down if it is defeated.
D McDonald\参考答案:
1 A 2 D 3 B 4 D 5 C 6 C 7 B 8 A 9 D 10 C 11 B 12 D 13 D 14 C 15 A 16 C 17 B 18 A 19 D 20 C 21A 22 B 23 C 24 D 25 C
正所谓:“穿金戴银能怎样,平平凡凡又如何,只要你能知足,就什么都不缺”.要知道有的人虽然贫穷,但感觉很幸福;有的人虽然富有,但浮而不实,忧虑重重。当然,人间的一切不幸几乎都与钱有关,但有了钱并不代表真的幸福。 乐观者的幸福府首皆拾,悲观者的幸福高山仰止。幸福到底是什么呢?幸福就是一家老、小、平平安安、团团圆圆,即使吃着粗茶淡饭,也满口香甜;幸福就是拥有一位甘苦与共、风雨同舟的知心朋友,可以有福同享有难同当;幸福就是拥有一颗平常心,过着比上不足,比下有余的日子,知足常乐! 要知道幸福不是你有多少的钞票,也不是你有几座豪华的别墅、开什么牌子的名车,手上佩戴多少克拉的钻戒和多么华丽的衣裳。真正幸福的人,不一定拥有很多财富,但他们内心一定是踏实快乐的。所谓内心的幸福,是过着和谐的正常生活所感到的快乐,这种幸福和满足是任何金钱换不来的。 幸福,其实很简单,不一定是高官显禄,腰缠万贯,而是要懂得怎样生活。只要您不放弃对美好生活的追求,一家人健健康康的活着,开开心心的过着,用一颗平常之心享受平淡生活的美好,快乐地度过人生中的每一天,这就是幸福!因为平淡是一种“福”,它能让我们调整心态,在五味杂陈的大千世界里去发现生活的和谐之美,做到真正的满足!
其实生命的过程,原本就是平平淡淡,就像一杯白开水,我们每天都在喝,不要羡慕别人喝的饮料里有各种颜色,其实未必有你的白开水解渴。不幸福是因为你的欲望太多,索求太多,在杯子里加入不同的成分,所以你的人生也就变得复杂起来。 人生在世,浮浮沉沉,炎凉荣辱,需要的是在忙碌的生活中,求一份充实和简单,守一份心静,淡然的安洽于一份心静与知足。只要心简单了,世界就简单,那么到哪里都会有快乐!