2019-2020 年中考英语试卷( word 版含答案)
说明:本卷共有三大题,45小题?满分70分? 第一部分 听力部分 一、听力 (共 15 小题,满分 25 分)
第一节:听小对话,从A、B、C三个选项巾选出正确的选项,回答问题?(共5小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)
1.Which season does Alan like best? A. Spring. B. Summer ? C ? Autumn . 2.Who did Peter go to see in Hainan? A.His parents. B.His friend . 3.How is the weather in New York?
C.H is uncle.
A ? Rainy ? B. Windy . C. Sunny.
4.What time does Dick get up on school days? A ? At 6:15 . B. At 7: 00 . C. At 7: 30 . 5 ? Where does the conversation probably happen?
A ? At home ? B. In a shop. C. At school.
第二节:听长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题。(共5小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)
听下面一段较长对话,回答 6、7两个问题? 6.What 's the matter with Tony ,
A.H e has a toothache. B.H e has a stomachache. 7.How often should Tony take the mcdicine?
A ? Once a day B . Twice a day . C . Three times a day .
听下面一段较长对话,回答 8--10三个问题 8 ? How long do the courses last? A Six months B Ten months C Fifteen months 9 Who is the grammar teacher? A Ms Miller B Ms Green C Ms Jackson
10 How is the man probably going to English Study Center?
A By bike B On foot C By subway
第三节:听下面三段语音留言.从 A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题。(共5小 题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)
11 What is Mike going to do this Saturday afternoon? A See a movie B Have a class C Have a picnic 12 Where will Mike meet his friends?
A At Coop Park B Outside the club C At the cincma
13 How will Mike probably feel when he gets the message from Kay?
A He'II feel happy B He'Il feel sorry C He'll feel nervous 14 Why does Mr Brown say sorry to Mike in Message 3?
A Because he can't give him the class
B Because he can't go on business C Because he can't agree with Kay
C.He has a fever.
1 5 When will Mike meet Mr Brown again?
B. Next Thursday . C. Next Friday.
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意.然后从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项? Emma was hanging the col orful papers , not really paying attention to where she was placing them . She was a little unhappy. 16 , it was her birthday too and no one in her class had even said happy birthday . They were all busy planning the surprise17for their headteacher Mr . Smith.
Sure Mr . Smith was18 . He knew every one ' s birthday and made cards for them . He high—fived you when you got an A on a test, and 19 you when you failed . Emma knew Mr . Smith deserved(该得)a surprise party . 20 she wished just one person coul d remember it was her birthday too! Emma had a quick look at the huge card the class had made . It was as long as the blackboard . She knew Mr . Smith would be unhappy if they 21 him presents . So she suggested the class make a card just like he did for them .
“Emma , will you turn off the22 pl ease?\. “l' m going to call Mr . Smith now . ”
Ms . Clark called Mr . Smith , saying the lights in the23_had gone out . As soon as Ms. Clark finished the call.Emma looked around the classroom24 with a sigh(叹气)for another time and turned the lights off .
The door ope ned and every one shouted , “ 25 ! ”
? ? A surprise party for 26 ?\. Smith asked . He walked over to the huge card . “This is the most beautiful card l ' ve ever_27 . But it makes my birthday card kind of 28. '' Then he turned to Emma and handed her the card . ?‘ Happy birthday , Emma . I' m excited that we share the same 29
''Me, too,'' Emma said, 30 at Mr. Smith . \Happy birthday , Emma!\.
16 . A . After all B . By the way C . First of all D . For example 17 . A . talk B . lesson C . party D . trip 18 . A . healthy B . humorous C . han dsome D . great 1 9 . A . tha nked B . praised C . 1eft D . en couraged 20 A . And B, .ButOr D . So 21 . A . showed B . made C . le nt D . bought . A . TV B . fan 22 C . ights D . computers . A . classroom l B . gym 23 C . library D . yard . A . an grily 24 B . happily C . slowly D . surely . A . Welcome 25 B . Surprise C. Morning D . Goodbye . A . me 26 B. her C . you D. us . A . posted 27 B . ordered C . made D . see n . A . expe nsive 28 B . old C . small D . lo ng . A . birthday 29 B. cake C . card D . dream . A . rushi ng 30 B . smili C . pointing D . waving .、阅读理解 (共15ng 小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列材料,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项?
A. Next Wednesday.
Computer problems? Expenenced IT engineer will work out problems with home computers(PCs and Lost!!
Small grey cat missing in the Lees Hall area . She' s afraid of dogs and teen age
Macs) . Phone the Computer
boys .If you see her,please ,
Support Worker Room to let
Do you have the ability to care for Three students looking for one more to share house.Ow n room with si ngle others?Are you good with older people? Do you have good liste ning
bed,wardrobe,desk and chair. Near
31 . A support worker must ------
A. be a non— smoker B ? be free on weekends C. live near the university D ? have some computer skills 32 . If you find a smalI grey cat, you can----- ? A. call 09651 324472 B ? send an email to Luka
C . keep her as your own D ? take her to the computer d octor
33 . The information above is probably from the section( 栏目)of --- in a newspaper . A . Star Stories B . Magic World C . Teacher' s Guide D . Notice Board
On Sun day 23 April , more than 30 , 000 peopl e joined in the 2017 Lo nd on Maratho n , running 26 . 2 miles around the city center .
The London Marathon has taken place every year since 1981 . At the first one , just 6 , 225 peopIe compl eted the course , and since then it has grown into one of the most important sporting events in the worl d . Each winner receives $500 , 000 in prize money .
However, most marathon runners are not professional(专业的).They run to raise money for
charities or just as a personal experienee . Many people do fun things to make themselves stand out , like wear silly cl othes or do things in stead of just running .
For example, Tom Harris on took three days just to reach the halfway point , as he was crawling on his hands and knees dressed as a gorilla(猩猩),trying to raise money and attention for ‘ The Gorilla Orga ni zatio n ‘
One exciting part from this year' s race was the story of Jackie and her husband , who got married on the morning of the marathon . Then they both ran the race , with Jackie d oing it in her wedding dress!They were running to raise money for cancer charities , as Jackie was diagnosed(诊