浅析HXD3型电力机车电力传动 姓名 指导教师 专业 学院 答 辩 日 期 单位
摘 要
: : : 铁道机车车辆(电力机车)专业 : 机车车辆学院 : 2014年12月 : 黑龙江交通职业技术学院 的技术,按照标准化、系列化、模块化、信息化的总体要求,进行全方位设计的[1]。本论文主要以HXD3型电力机车为设计原型,以交直交传动系统为研究对象,通过介绍交直交传动系统的结构和分析其工作原理,结合我国铁路机车近几年来飞速发展和济南铁路局济南西机务段自引进HXD3型机车以来检修与运用现状,介绍交直交传动系统在铁路机车上的运用情况。论文第一章为绪论,从总体上介绍交流传动系统的配置情况,机车采用交流传动技术的优势和机车上的运用情况,并对HXD3型电力机车的特征及其电传动系统的作了简单概述。
With the development of converter technology and computer control technology, AC speed regulation system has attracted world attention. AC drive systems shows tremendous advantages in the performance indicators, the device volume, equipment maintenance, energy saving and even the environmental protection. Both the main drive system and the auxiliary drive system of HXD3 type electric locomotive adopts AC drive technology and computer control technology, the entire electrical system design adhere to the high starting point, the leading principle, and fully consider the actual needs of the high power freight electric locomotive. What is more, it use advanced, mature, reliable technology and undertake all-around design according to the demand of standardization, series, modular, information.According to the rapid development of China’s railway, the railway locomotives’research is more and more extensive and deep. This paper mainly introduces the HXD3 type electric locomotive and the AC-DC-AC transmission system in railway locomotive operation and maintenance of the situation.The first chapter is the introduction, introduces the configuration of the AC drive system, the advantages of
AC drive technology, the characteristics of the HXD3 electric locomotive and the electric drive system.
Keywords: HXD3 electric locomotive , AC-DC-AC drive , four-quadrant rectifier , electric circuit
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 选题意义及主要研究内容 1
1.3 交流传动电力机车的优势 2
1.3.1 我国交流传动电力机车的现状
第2章 电气线路主电路 5
2.1 主电路及其部件 5
2.2 网侧电路作用及其主电路 6
2.3 牵引变流器 7
2.3.1 牵引电动机供电电路 8
2.4 保护电路 8