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上海版牛津英语6A Unit 5拓展阅读和答案 - 图文 

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2 Places and Activities Open Day Their School Life Unit 5 Passage 1 Pre-reading ? Which school are you studying in? ? Do you have a lot of homework to do every day? ? Do you find your school life interesting? Why? While-reading Li Bing and Zhou Jie are in Grade 8 but in different schools. Li Bing is much busier than Zhou Jie. He goes to school from Monday to Saturday. He has to get up earlier in the morning, and reads English for half an hour before going to school. He has 8 classes every day except Sunday. It often takes him 2 hours to do his homework. He must get ready for all kinds of exams every month. He often feels very tired. He likes playing football, drawing …, but he can’t.

Zhou Jie doesn’t have to study all day. He can often play football with other boys after he finishes a few exercises. He feels very happy and also does well in his study.

except prep 除了……之外 tired a. 疲劳的

Word exam n. 考试 box


A Vocabulary

█ Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

have got ready for except takes tired exams 1 We _____________ the trip already.

2 Students in Shanghai have fewer _____________ than before. 3 All the students went swimming __________ Jimmy. 4 It __________ Andy three hours to finish his project. 5 Mary felt __________ after a long walk. B Comprehension

█ Answer the following questions。 1 Which grade does Zhou Jie study in?

___________________________________________________ 2 How many classes does Li Bing have every weekday? ____________________________________________________ 3 How long does it take Li Bing to finish his homework? ____________________________________________________ 4 Why does Li Bing feel tired?

____________________________________________________ 5 Zhou Jie doesn’t have to study, does he?



A Survey

Ask two of your best friends some questions about their school life and fill in the form.

Grade/ School Get up Class Homework Exam Go to bed Sports & games Workingdays Name 2

Passage 2 A school visit

Pre-reading ? Does your school often have many visitors? ? What will you do when people are visiting your school? While reading Miss Hong: Andy, a group of students from Beijing No.1 Middle School will

come to visit our school next Friday. Would you please help me to program for them?

Andy: Sure, Miss Hong. When will they arrive? Miss Hong: They will arrive very early, at ten to eight.

Andy: That’s OK! They can have an English lesson with us first. Miss Hong: Good idea. So they will be in the classroom at eight o’clock. Andy: I’d like to show them our new storybooks in the library next. Miss Hong: That’s nice. When will you do this? Andy: How about nine thirty?

Miss Hong: Oh! That’s quite late. Why not make it nine fifteen? Andy: All right! Then I will sing a song for them.

Miss Hong: I know you sing well, Andy. But then they will listen to the school

choir at ten fifty in the music room.

Andy: Will they have lunch with us?

Miss Hong: Yes. Finally, they will have a delicious lunch at a quarter to

twelve in the school hall.

Andy: That’s good. I can sing a song for them then. Word box


program v 计划 choir n. 合唱队

Why not…? 为什么不?(表建议) delicious adj.. 美味的

A Vocabulary

█ Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

Why not delicious program choir How about 1 _____________ three thirty to the cinema with us?

2 Will you help me to ____________ for the outing next week? 3 Our school __________ got the first prize in the singing contest. 4 The food in the restaurant is _____________. 5 ___________ have a cup of coffee with me? B Comprehension █ Complete the table

Activity Have an 1______ Lesson Show new storybooks Listen to the school 4_______ Have lunch Time Place In the classroom In the 3________ In the music room In the school hall First 8:00 a.m. Next 2_____________ Then Finally 10:50 a.m. 5_____________


Group Work

Make a program for the Open Day of your school and draw a table for your visitors.


Passage 3 Harvard University

Pre-reading ? When was your school started? ? What is your school famous for? While-reading Harvard (哈佛大学) is the oldest university in the USA. It was started in 1636. Two years later, a young priest named John Harvard died. He left his books and a lot of land to the university. Then, the university changed its name to Harvard.

At first, Harvard

was very small. Slowly, it became bigger and bigger. The medical school started in 1782. In 1908, the business school opened. Now, Harvard students can study many different things.

Many famous people studied at Harvard. The US presidents, writers, businessmen, and other important people were once students there. Now, people from all over the world would like to go to Harvard for their education. Word box


priest n 牧师 change…to… 把……改为 medical a. 医学的

business n. 商业 education n. 教育

上海版牛津英语6A Unit 5拓展阅读和答案 - 图文 


