答案:B.The manager herself will interview Mary. 54.答案:A.be sent虚拟语气 55.表达willingness的句子
答案:C.My brother will help you with your luggage. 56.哪句语法有错?
答案:A.How strange feelings they are!
大家应该知道what 和 how 用于感叹句时的区别 57.下面哪个做主语 subject
答案:D.It is clear that the crime was done deliberately 主语从句 58.下面哪个做宾语 object
答案:C.My parents strongly object to my going out alone at night. 59.下面哪一个不包含同位语appositive 答案:A.She bought herself a pair of shoes. 60.Shall we buy the tickets first?
答案:C.He suggested that we buy the tickets first. 61.原因状语从句 an adverbial clause of cause 答案: As there were no answer,I wrote again. 62.状语 adverbial
答案:D.Despite the rain,everyone enjoyed the trip. 63.答案:A.so I did.
64.让步状语从句 an adverbial of concession
答案:For all that he seems to dislike me,I still like him. 65.答案:B.There machinery were introduced in the factory.
集体名词如police,people,cattle,militia,poultry等,通常作复数,用复数动词。foliage,machinery,equipment,furniture,merchandise,通常作不可数名词,随后的动词用单数。例如:All the machinery in the factory is made in China. 66.答案:B,on account of = because of 67.D.banquet (wedding banquet 婚宴) 68.C.caught on (catch on 流行)
69.A.That outburst was illustrative of her bad temper. 70.D.be badly off 穷困,缺少
71.A.uncaring (=indifferent) 误导项disinterested一般指公正无私 72.C.within living memory 73.B.putting across (=express) 74.D.service (饭菜不错,服务很差) 75.A.abolished (slavery)(废除奴隶制度) 76.C.fortunately (=mercifully) (上帝仁慈所以幸运) 77.B.tossed (a coin)(抛一枚硬币)
78.A.distinct (from) (be distinct from 与…非常不同) 9.C.oblong (长方形) 80.B.quiet (have a quiet word with sb.单独或私下和某人说说话) 2012专四阅读理解参考答案:
81.C There is a variety of expressions of appreciation 82.B Thanks
83.D Sure 84.A Gender 85.C show their gratitude to others
86.B had great impact on American's work and life 87.D couldn't sell their home in Big Lake
88.A Cindy had seen the benefits of gardening in a different way. 89.C built up family ties and kid's enthusiasm 90.B It gave her confidence and optimism
91.D emphasize the sharp contrast between now and then 92.A pessimistic 93.D mildly critical of
94.B parents and children feel equally disappointed
95.C graduate unemployment is both a political and social issue 96.A awe
97.C the mummy was found lying right inside the stone coffin 98.B quiet
99.A gigantic structure,great desert expanse 100.B objective.2012专四写作真题解析:
First,you should tell what you know about the festival.Second,you should describe how you or other people usually observe the festival.很多同学纠结于oberserve这个单词所是遵守的意思,其实在这里指的是celebrate庆祝的意思。建议大家这样写:1.端午节大概的来历故事;2.端午节怎么庆祝,3,可以发表下对端午节等传统节日现状的评论。
31. [A] bring down
[B] bring forth
Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the Corresponding blanks. Mark the best choice for each bank on Answer Sheer Two.
[C]bring off 32. [A] emotional [C] bewildered 33. [A] while [C] if 34. [A] When [C] Although 35. [A] considerate [C] considering 36. [A] care about [C] care with 37. [A] For [C] From 38. [A] received [C] accepted 39. [A] reply [C] readiness 40. [A] what [C] one 41. [A] As a result [C] Yet 42. [A] educate [C] inform 43. [A] step [C] point 44. [A] / [C] quite 45. [A] role [C] career 46. [A] a little [C] nearly 47. [A] take [C] carry
[D] bring in [B] sentimental [D] proud [B] when [D] as [B] If [D] Yet [B] considerable [D]considered [B] care of [D] care for [B] Of [D] Upon [B] taken [D] obtained [B] reaction [D] reality [B] this [D] that [B] For example [D] Also [B] cultivate [D] convert [B] process [D] time [B] just [D] only [B] work [D] position [B] just [D] almost [B] make [D] accept
\a girl.\
Fatherhood is going to have a different meaning and 31 a different response from every man who hears these words. Some feel 32 when they receive the news, 33 others worry, wondering whether they will be good fathers. 34 there are some men who like children and may have had 35 experience with them, others do not particularly 36 children and spend little time with them. Many fathers and mothers have been planning and looking forward to children for some time. 37 other couples, pregnancy wan an accident that both husband and wife have 38 willingly or unwillingly.
Whatever the 39 to the birth of a child, it is obvious that the shift from the role of husband to 40 of a father is a difficult task. 41 , unfortunately, few attempts have been made to 42 fathers in this resocialization 43 . Although numerous books have been written about American mothers, 44 , recently has literature focused on the 45 of a father.
It is argued by some writers that the transition to the father's role, although
48. [A]transformation [B] realization
[C]socialization [D] reception 49. [A] In addition [B] Above all [C] Generally [D] However 50. [A] current [B] immediate [C] present
[D] quick
difficult, is not 46 as great as the transition the wife must 47 to the mother's role. The mother's role seems to require a complete 48 in daily routine. 49 , the father's role is less demanding and 50
PART IV GRAMMAR& VOCABULARY [15 MIN] There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on Answer Sheet Two.
51. My uncle is quite worn out from years of hard work. He is no longer the man he was fifteen years ago. [A] which [B] whom [C] who [D] that
52. Which of the following sentences is