only failed to meet its target—the actual figure is still closer to 40 per cent— but it has raised expectations to unrealistic levels.
Parents feel as badly let down as the young people themselves.Middle-class families see their graduate offspring on the dole(救济金)queue and wonder why they bothered paying school fees.Working-class families feel an even keener sense of disappointment.For many such families,getting a child into university was the fulfillment of a lifelong dream.It represented upward social and financial mobility.It was proof that they were living in a dynamic,economically successful country.That dream does not seem so rosy now.
Graduate unemployment is not,ultimately, a political problem ready to be solved.Job-creation schemes for graduates are very low down in ministerial in-trays.If David Cameron's Conservatives had a brilliant idea for guaranteeing every graduate a well-paid job,they would have unveiled it by now.It is a social problem,though a more deep-seated social problem than people perhaps realize. 91.The author begins with an episode from The Graduate in order to the fact that more women are working now. that few graduates started working right after graduation. C.demonstrate that there were much fewer graduates than now. D.emphasize the sharp contrast between now and then.
92.With regard to job opportunities for young graduates,the author sounds A.pessimistic. B.hopeful. C.indifierent. D.furious.
93.The author is ____ the Labour Government's target:50% of school leavers in higher education. favour of B.doubtful about C.strongly critical of D.mildly critical of
94.Which of the following statements about parents’feelings is CORRECT? A.Working—class parents feel just as disappointed. B.Parents and their children feel equally disappointed. C.Middle—class parents feel more disappointed. D.Parents feel more disappointed than their children. 95.Towards the end of the passage,the author implies that
A.there will be job-creation schemes for graduates. B.graduate unemployment is more of a political issue. C.graduate unemployment is both a political and a social issue. D.the Conservatives are doing far from enough to solve the issue. TEXT D
No matter how many times you have seen images of the golden mask of boyking Tutankhamen,come face to face with it in Egypt's Cairo museum,and you will suck in your breath.
It was on Nov 4,1923,that British archaeologist Howard Carter stumbled on a stone at the base of the tomb of another pharaoh(法老)in Luxor that eventually led to a sealed doorway.
Then,on Nov 23,Carter found a second door and when he stuck his head through it,what he saw was to stun the world.Inside lay the great stone coffin,enclosing three chests of gilded wood.
A few months later, when a crane lifted its granite cover and one coffin after another was removed, Carter found a solid block of gold weighing 110kg.In it was the mummy(木乃伊) of the 19-year-old Tutankhamen,covered in gold with that splendid funeral mask.And all this lay buried for more than 3,000 years. Months after my trip to Egypt, I can relive the rush of emotion I felt and sense the hush that descended on the crammed Cairo museum's Tutankhamen gallery.
Cairo,a dusty city of 20 million people,is a place where time seems to both stand still and rush into utter chaos.It is a place where the ancient and contemporary happily go along on parallel tracks. Take the Great Pyramids of Giza,sitting on the western edge of the city.Even as the setting sun silhouettes these gigantic structures against the great desert expanse,a call for prayer floats over semi-finished apartment blocks filled with the activity of city life.
While careful planning for the afterlife may lie buried underground in Cairo,it is noise and confusion on the streets.Donkey carts battle for space with pedestrians and the only operative road rule is“might is right.”But it is a city that is full of life—from the small roadside restaurants to the coffee shops where men and women smoke the shisha(水烟壶).
Donkey carts piled high with flat-breads magically find their way in and out the maddening traffic;young women in long skirts and headscarves hold hands with young men in open collar shirts,while conversations dwell on Kuwait's chances at the soccer World Cup.
96.According to the context,“suck in your breath”means“feel a sense of ____\. A.awe B.horror C.doubt D.delight
97.Which of the following statements about the discovery of the mummy is INCORRECT? A.The mummy was first discovered by a British archaeologist. B.The discovery of the mummy came as a surprise. C.The mummy was found lying right inside the stone coffin. D.The masked mummy was covered in gold.
98.Which word CANNOT be used to describe the city of Cairo? A.Crowdedness. B.Quiet. C.Noise. D.Confusion. 99.Which pair of words/phrases indicates contrast? A.Gigantic structure;great desert expanse
B.A call for prayer;men and women with the shisha C.Chaos;maddening D.Coffee shops;pyramids
100.What is the author's attitude towards Cairo?
A.Positive. B.Objective. C.Negative. D. Not clear
The Dragon Boat Festival(端午节)is one of the important national festivals in China.Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: The Dragon Boat Festival
First, you should tell what you know about the festival.
Second, you should describe how you or other people usually observe the festival.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization,language and appropriateness.Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks. SECTION B NOTE-WRITING [10 MIN]
Write on ANSWER SHEET THREE a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation: The winter vacation was over,and you came back by train yesterday.Your friend (Michael or Lucy)went to the railway station to meet you and helped cleaning your dorm.Now,write him/her a note,expressing your gratitude and offering your help in return.
Marks will be awarded for content organization, language and appropriateness
Nowadays,many of us try to live in a way that will damage the environment as little as possible.We recycle our newspapers and bottles,we take public transport to get to work,we try to buy locally produced fruit and vegetables,and we want to take these attitudes on holiday with us.This is why alternative forms of tourism are becoming popular in the world.There are a lot of names for these new forms of tourism: responsible tourism,nature tourism,adventure tourism,educational tourism and more.
Although everyone may have a different definition,most people agree that these new forms of tourism should do the following: first,they should conserve the wildlife and culture of the area;second,they should benefit the local people;third,they should make a profit without destroying natural resources;and finally they should provide an experience that tourists want to pay for. 2012专四完形填空参考答案: 31.A massive 32.D transformed 33.B continuously
34.D cause 35.A collided with 36.C when 37.B however 38.D which 39.A unpredictable 40.C crust 41.B bursts out 42.B and 43.D that 44.B active 45.C still
46.B (on和across有点纠结,也可能选其他的) 47.A (are to 和 might 仿佛都可以,只是语气不同) 48.B even 49.A accidents 50.B save
51.B.No one except his supporters agree with him 或C.Neither Juila nor I were going to the party 考点:主谓一致问题
52.限定词可以放在可数名词单复数之前 答案:C.such 53.反身代词做同位语