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ACCA F6 TX Taxation (TX) ACCA复习笔记 15 (TX完结)

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ACCA F6 TX Taxation (TX) ACCA复习笔记 15 (TX完结)

ACCA Taxation-United Kingdom - 15

Task 25 Value Added Tax

Output VAT – input VAT = VAT Payable

税率0%也需要写出; 免税行业无法注册VAT 无法注册→cannot recover Input VAT

1. Registration and Deregistration

#Compulsory Registration强制注册-Historic Test 在月末看过去最多12个月的Taxable Supplies: =Revenue taxable(不含VAT)=Std Rated + 0% rated If Taxable Supplies > £85,000 → 强制注册 ①Notify HMRC within next 30 days

②Registered from the 1st of the month after notifying


#Compulsory Registration强制注册-Future Test 在月初看本月Taxable Supplies > £85,000→强制注册 ①Notify HMRC within next 30 days

②Registered from the start of the 30 days’ period

*两种都能用时,取两种test中的最早注册日期注册 #Voluntary Registration (不常考,可能出论述题) Advantages:

①Able to reclaim input VAT ②Keep accurate records

③Lends credibility to a business Disadvantages:

①Administrative Expense increase

②Reduce the competitive edge (若顾客未注册VAT)

#Group Registration 集团注册,一张VAT申报单 Administratively much easier

计算单独公司,内部交易VAT要体现出来 计算Group,不核算内部交易发生的VAT

#Pre-registration Expense: Recovery of input tax ①Fixed asset purchased within 4 years, in use ②Services supplied within 6 months

③Purchases still held in stock at registration date *注意读题:VAT exclusive, inclusive, or VAT

#Deregistration 退出注册

①Business Ceases 结业 must deregistration



Sale of non-current asset and Inventory

①On a piecemeal basis拆开散卖,立刻交output VAT ②On a going concern basis 整体打包售卖:

2. Tax Return, Tax Period, Tax Point

#Tax Returns 可选择上缴周期

Quarterly Returns, Monthly Returns, Annual Returns

#Tax Point (Important)

Basic tax point: Goods dispatched; Service completed Deposit定金: Receive date

Filling VAT return and pay online by: 1 month+7 days after end of the period

①Default interest: 3.25%*n/12 ②Default surcharge罚金: If Return 或税晚交,

HMRC: surcharge liability notice Surcharge period=12 months 警告期内又犯错:surcharge

-------------------------------------------------------------- *前2次错误罚金小于400不收,第3次开始均收取 *警告期内再次犯错,警告期从犯错日延长12个月

#Penalty for errors (了解即可) Error大小判断


Error>H, 写letter给HMRC修正并有罚金(Task 17)

ACCA F6 TX Taxation (TX) ACCA复习笔记 15 (TX完结)


