Unit 3-Part B-习题
1.c____猫 2.m____猴子 3. c____儿童 4.m____牛奶 5.b____熊 6.l____长的 7. t____老虎 8.z____动物园
___uice ___ion ___ight ___ilk __ite
1. ( ) A. lion B. wolf C. big 2. ( ) A. grandpa B. giraffe C. grandma 3. ( ) A. tall B. ten C. two 4. ( ) A. small B. big C. short 5. ( ) A. China B.USA C. children 6. ( ) A. six B. seven C. small 7. ( ) A. hair B.fat C. thin 8. ( ) A. art B. foot C. wolf 9.( )A.pencil B. book C. ruler D. key 10.( )A.apple B. black C. pink D. red 11.( )A.nose B. mouth C. blue D. hand 12.( )A.pen B. ruler C. eraser D. cat 13.( )A.lion B. two C. five D. three
A. (迈克和他的妈妈一起去了动物园……)
( ) I like it.
( )Mike, Let's go to the zoo. ( )Great,Mum.
( ) Look at the elephant. ( )Ha!It’s so big.
B. (两名同学在星期六一起去动物园,他们把猪和长颈鹿进行了比较……) ( ) Look at the giraffe. ( )Oh, It's so tall.
( )Come here, Look at the pig.
( ) The pig is fat and the giraffe is tall. ( ) Wow, It’s so fat.
elephant tiger mountain behind kangaroo wolf rock tree monkey inside outside in front of forest river 1. 虎——狼——袋鼠——猴子——大象 _____________________________________ 2. 石头——树——山——森林——河流 _____________________________________ 3. 外面——前面——里面——后面 _____________________________________ 六、找单词。
d a k n o o l z e m u t i g e r i e w o m i z g r a o b i n e l e p h a n t g k i r b g i r a f f e g s r e s n a k e y n p a n d a s p a m p n m e y m u a t
s p t b i f k a w o x e t e q a p l y s
lion jeep mouse nest kangaroo