1.2.1 Plain Carbon Steel 普通碳钢
Hot-rolled steel delivered (供给)by steelmaking works as rolled sections(bars, beams,sheets.tubes,etc) is the most wildly used material for manufacture of various machines,machine tools, building structures,consumer goods,etc.Delivered steel should have the properties as specified by State Standards(国家标准).
In the RSSU.Plain carbon steels are classified into three groups:A, B and C,depending on their application.
A: If a steel is to be used for making products without hot working (welding, Forging.Etc.). Its structure and properties in the final product will be the same as delivered from the rolling mill.In that case the user requests for a steel of warranted(保证) mechanical properties,while the chemical composition is not guaranteed(保证、担保).
这种情况下,用户只需要求材料应有的机械性能,而不必保证其成分。 B: If a steel is to be subjected to hot working(forging,stamping,etc),its initial structure and mechanical properties will be changed.In that case the composition of
the steel will be of prime importance for the user,since it determines the conditions of hot working and the final mechanical properties of steel products.Now a steel of warranted composition is delivered to the user.
B.如果钢要进行热加工(锻造、冲压等),则其初始组织和机械性能将会改变。此时/在这种情况下,钢的成分对用户来讲是最重要的,因为它(成分)决定了热加工的条件,钢制品的最终机械性能。因此,提供给用户的钢应保证其成分含量。 C: If a steel is to be welded.the user wants to know the composition of the steel.since it determines the properties of the metal in the zone subjected to thermal effect of weld(焊接热影响区).The user is also interested in the initial mechanical properties of the metal,since these properties will remain the same in portions not subjected to welding.In that case the metal is delivered with warranted composition and mechanical properties.
General-purpose plain steels are not alloyed.Some alloying elements may sometimes be present in them occasionally and their content(含量) is limited.
The presence of silicon and manganese may be due to the steel—making process(the necessity of deoxidation脱氧).Surphur(硫)and phosphorus(磷) are harmful
impurities(杂质) in steel and their content should be minimized as it may affect the quality of steel.
The principal element whose content is responsible for the properties of steels is carbon
影响钢性能最主要的元素是碳。 1.3Non-ferry Alloys
Although ferrous alloys ale used in the majority of metallic applications in current engineering designs,non—ferrous alloys play a large and indispensable role in our technology. As compared to ferrous alloys,the list of non—ferrous alloys is,of course,long and complex.We shall briefly list the major families of non—ferrous alloys and their key attributes.
Aluminum alloys are best known for low density and corrosion resistance. Electrical conductivity,easy of fabrication,and appearance are also attractive features.Because of these,the world production of aluminum roughly doubled in one recent 10 year period.Ore reserves for aluminum are large (representing 8%of the earth’s crust) and aluminum can be easily recycled