48个音标例词 辅音部分
[p] pot pig put people piano [b] book bag big job bear but [t] tooth teacher tea table task [d] dog dig duck dad double [k] cake keep cat cup cap [g] grandpa girl green good god [f] father fat foot full fit [v] five very vent drive vary [s] small study bus yes must [z] jazz zoo zero clothes zig
[θ] eighth forth tenth eleventh ninth [δ] those these that this there [∫] cash bush shake shoe ship [з] measure pleasure leisure [t∫]chair chicken lunch [dз] jack job change [tr] tree truck train [dr] dress drink drain
[ts] students coats cats [dz] beds odds codes [m] mum moon morning [n] moon nut needle [?] ink link ring [h] hello hurry hey [l] look leg lake [r] rain radio room [w] window wake week [j] yellow yes you 单元音:
[e] yes yellow bed [ae] cat bad dad [a:] are car far [?] pot got dog [?:] call tall or [?] cut nut but [3:]curtain further fur [?]mother color cooler [i] ink big pig [i:] jeep tea eat [u] good book look
[u:] cool zoo tool 双元音:
[ei] age eight make [ai] ice bike nice [?i]toy oil boy [?u] old joke gold [au] cloud mouth cow [ε?] air fair chair [i?] ear near year [u?] cure dure pure
1、所有格:He is Fred's best friend.(-'s) 2、动词现在时的第三人称单数:Alfredo works.(-s)
3、动词过去式:Fred worked.(-ed),但亦有
4、现在分词/进行时态:Fred is working.(-ing)([注]如果动词的末音节为辅音结尾的闭音节,则须双写末辅音,如running)
5、过去分词:The car was stolen.(-en);Fred has talked to the police.(-ed),但亦有不规则变化。
6、动名词:Working is good for the soul.(-ing) 7、名词的复数:Fred has two blue eyes.(-s)([注]如果动词的尾字是s,sh,x,ch,则需加-es,如dishes)
8、形容词的比较级:Fred is smarter than Rick.(-er)形容词末尾加-er,多音节在前面”加more,如\。
9、形容词的最高级:Fred has the fastest car.(-est)形容词末尾加-est,多音节词在前面加most,如\。
英语的基本语序为SVO,且基本上不能任意变换语序,除了在少数诗词以外;另一方面,有时英语会使用OSV的语序。(注:S:Subject[主语];V:Verbal phrase[谓语];O:Object[宾语])
中都有其特定的位置和作用。这十大词类是: 一、名 词:表示人或事物的名称的词。 二、形容词:表示人或事物的特征的词。 三、副 词:修饰动词、形容词和副词的词。 四、代 词:是代替名词、形容词和数词的词。 五、数 词:表示数量和顺序的词。 六、动 词:表示动作和状态的词。
七、冠 词:与名词连用,其说明人或事物的作用。
八、介 词:通常置于名词和代词之前,表示名词和代词与其他词的关系。
九、连 词:连接词与词、短语与短语、句子与句子的词。
十、感叹词:表示说话人感情或语气的词。 [编辑本段] 英语的时态