Unit 3 Computers
I. 单元教学目标
技能目标 Skill Goals Talk about information technology and robots Read about the history and basic knowledge of computers Practice making decisions Listen to a text about information technology Write a passage about an android Study The Present Perfect Passive Voice II. 目标语言 Making decisions The advantage / disadvantage is … I think / don’t think that … 功 What’s your reason? 能 What makes you think so …? 句 I think … because (of) 式 I believe that … I agree / don’t agree … because … I’ve decided that … As / Since …, I think … 1.四会词汇 solve, explore, anyhow, human race, signal, goal, type, arise, electronic 2.认读词汇 词 calculate, universal, simplify, sum, operator, logical, logically, technology, 汇 technological, revolution, artificial, intelligence, intelligent, reality, personal, personally, tube, total, totally, network, web, application, finance, mobile, rocket, happiness, download, virus, coach, appearance, character, mop, niece, abacus, calculator, PC, laptop, PDA, analytical, mathematical, designer, transistor, chip, Mars, programmer, android, teammate, naughty, spoil
3.词组 from…on, go by, as a result, so…that…, in a way, with the help of, deal with, watch over 结 构 1. Over time my memory has developed so much that, like an elephant, I never forget anything I have been told! 2. And my memory became so large that even I couldn’t believe it! The Present Perfect Passive Voice 重 3. As time had gone by, I have been made smaller and smaller. 点 4. I have been used in offices and homes since the 1970s. 句 5. Since the 1970s many new applications have been found for me. 子 6. I have also been put into robots and used to make mobile phones as well as help with medical operations. 7. I have even been put into space rockets and sent to explore the Moon and Mars. III. 教材分析与教材重组
1. 教材分析
1.1 Warming up提供几幅与计算机有关的图片,形象地说明了计算机的发展
1.2 Pre-reading根据文章内容预设问题,检查学生对computers相关知识及应用的了解。学生对computers的了解可能参差不齐,这更能激发学生想获取更多知识的欲望,从而引出下面的阅读文章——WHO AM I?。
1.3 Reading中以别致的标题WHO AM I?引起学生的好奇心,使学生迫不急待地阅读这篇文章,并判断出“I”是computer,从而对文章的内容印象更深刻。文章以第一人称的形式按时间先后顺序讲述了computers的产生、发展和现状,并用拟人化的口吻表达了computers乐于为人类服务的精神。
1.4 Comprehending 1 通过scanning的方式完成反映计算机发展历程的时间进程;2 通过填表的形式帮助学生宏观梳理文章结构,找出每个段落的主题句(论点)及具体的支持性论据;3 是读后讨论,要求学生结合自己的生活实际讨论计算机如何改变了我们的生活。
1.5 Learning about language分词汇(Discovering useful words and expressions)和语法(Discovering useful structures)两大部分。Discovering useful words and expressions 1 根据单词释义写出相对应的词汇,考查学生对WHO AM I? 文章中的重要词汇及短语的理解。2 是以对短文填词完型的形式考查学生对几个重点词汇在篇章中的运用。3 以personalize的形式练习几个表时间状语的短语的用法。Discovering useful structures 是学习现在完成时的被动语态。1 是让学生根据例子提示在WHO AM I?文章中找出两个含有现在完成时的被动语态的句子,初步了解这一时态的形式。2 是根据例句提示把所给的现在完成时句子变为被动语态。3 通过欣赏一首小诗进一步理解现在完成时的被动语态的用法。
1.6 Using language从听、说、读、写四个部分强化学生的语言应用能力。Listening and Speaking 以“信息技术”为子话题展开听说活动。说的活动主要是就信息技术各种形式的优势和劣势展开讨论,并用所给的表reasoning的功能项目展开讨论,决定哪种类型是最有用的。Reading, speaking and writing以 “芯片”为子话题展开读、说和写的活动。阅读文章介绍了叫一个叫Andy的机器人的故事,故事以第一人称的拟人话手法来写,说明了计算机芯片在机器人领域的应用。1 根据文章内容完成Andy的个人简历,检验学生对一些具体信息的掌握。2 激发学生的想象力,让他们设计出自己的机器人,并能用简历的形式描述。3 是写作任务,学生根据所给范文和2中的notes写篇文章,介绍自己设计的机器人。
1.7 LISTENING 材料的话题衔接Reading, speaking and writing的话题,介绍了三个不同的机器人。1 听前预测。2 听大意。3 听细节完成表格。
1.8 TALKING根据假设情境在听力的基础上展开讨论,讨论每个机器人的优势和劣势,最终做出决定并给出理由,同时也是对前面所学的功能项目的复习应用。
1.9 USING WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS通过各种形式练习本单元的重点词汇和短语。USING STRUCTURES设计了各种活动练习巩固本单元的语法项