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Ranking? Journal Title? Impact Factor 带#者为EI亦收录者

1. Biochemical Research Methods (生物化学研究方法) 1 Current Opinion In Biotechnology 3.181 2 Journal Of Chromatography A 2.697 3 Bioconjugate Chemistry 2.440 4 Methods In Enzymology 2.435 5 Applied Immunohistochemistry 2.162 6 Cytometry 2.150

7 Acta Crystallographica Section D-Biological Crystallography 2.118 8 Chromatographia 2.079

9 Journal Of Immunological Methods 2.043 10 Analytical Biochemistry 2.017

#11 Journal Of Molecular Graphics & Modelling 2.012 12 Biotechniques 1.913

13 Journal Of Chromatographic Science 1.696 14 Journal Of Virological Methods 1.623 15 Journal Of Chromatography B 1.588 16 Transgenic Research 1.430

17 Protein Expression And Purification 1.341 18 Journal Of Neuroscience Methods 1.335

#19 Journal Of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies 1.272 20 Biomedical Chromatography 1.171 21 Molecular And Cellular Probes 1.110 22 Journal Of Microbiological Methods 0.958

23 Journal Of Labelled Compounds & Radiopharmaceuticals 0.767 24 Genetic Analysis-Biomolecular Engineering 0.696 25 Journal Of Biochemical And Biophysical Methods 0.648 26 Biologicals 0.598

27 Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology 0.472 28 Hybridoma 0.458

29 Journal Of Magnetic Resonance 0.000

2. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology(生物化学与分子生物学) 1 Annual Review Of Biochemistry 40.782 2 Cell 37.297

3 Nature Medicine 28.114

4 Annual Review Of Cell And Developmental Biology 19.000 5 Trends In Biochemical Sciences 18.766

6 Annual Review Of Plant Physiology And Plant Molecular Biology 17.021 7 Faseb Journal 14.629 8 Embo Journal 12.643

9 Critical Reviews In Biochemistry And Molecular Biology 11.696

10 Advances In Enzymology And Related Areas Of Molecular Biology 11.125 11 Nature Structural Biology 10.782 12 Molecular And Cellular Biology 10.025 13 Plant Cell 9.709

14 Annual Review Of Biophysics And Biomolecular Structure 9.512 15 Advances In Protein Chemistry 9.161 16 Molecular Biology Of The Cell 8.926 17 Human Molecular Genetics 8.505 18 Structure 7.633

19 Current Opinion In Structural Biology 7.509

20 Reviews Of Physiology Biochemistry And Pharmacology 7.188 21 Bioessays 7.053

22 Journal Of Biological Chemistry 6.963 23 Oncogene 6.772

24 Vitamins And Hormones-Advances In Research And Applications 6.118 25 Gene Therapy 5.996

26 Rna-A Publication Of The Rna Society 5.970

27 Progress In Nucleic Acid Research And Molecular Biology 5.868 28 Chemistry & Biology 5.796 29 Journal Of Molecular Biology 5.673 30 Molecular Microbiology 5.605 31 Cell Death And Differentiation 5.274 32 Molecular Biology And Evolution 5.249 33 Journal Of Biomolecular Nmr 5.154 34 Mole

35 Molecular Pharmacology 4.921 36 Protein Science 4.600 37 Biochemistry 4.572

38 Progress In Lipid Research 4.536 39 Natural Product Reports 4.484 40 Natural Product Reports 4.484 41 Journal Of Neurochemistry 4.234 42 Nucleic Acids Research 4.188

43 American Journal Of Respiratory Cell And Molecular Biology 4.164 44 Proteins-Structure Function And Genetics 4.161 45 Journal Of Lipid Research 3.764 46 Cell Growth & Differentiation 3.680 47 British Journal Of Pharmacology 3.619 48 Biochemical Journal 3.579

49 Free Radical Biology And Medicine 3.528 50 Febs Letters 3.504

51 Progress In Biophysics & Molecular Biology 3.275 52 Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 3.267 53 Molecular Phylogenetics And Evolution 3.250 54 Journal Of Molecular Evolution 3.181 55 European Journal Of Biochemistry 3.136

56 European Journal Of Human Genetics 3.112 57 Molecular Ecology 3.086 58 Drug Discovery Today 3.073 59 Journal Of Membrane Biology 3.048 60 Journal Of Structural Biology 3.036 61 Glycobiology 2.927

62 Plant Molecular Biology 2.852 63 Diagnostic Molecular Pathology 2.795 64 Molecular & General Genetics 2.749 65 European Cytokine Network 2.730 66 Molecular Carcinogenesis 2.726 67 Journal Of Cellular Biochemistry 2.686

68 Biochemical And Biophysical Research Communications 2.671 69 Chromosoma 2.669

70 Journal Of Inflammation 2.667

71 Archives Of Biochemistry And Biophysics 2.649 72 Antisense & Nucleic Acid Drug Development 2.620 73 Biological Chemistry 2.551 74 Insect Molecular Biology 2.468

75 Cell Motility And The Cytoskeleton 2.461 76 Biochemical Pharmacology 2.443 77 Yeast 2.442

78 Bioconjugate Chemistry 2.440 79 Methods In Enzymology 2.435

80 Photochemistry And Photobiology 2.426 #81 Biopolymers 2.425

82 Free Radical Research 2.361 83 Molecular Medicine Today 2.243

84 Molecular Reproduction And Development 2.189 85 Cellular Signalling 2.174 86 Molecular Psychiatry 2.162 87 Dna And Cell Biology 2.128

88 Acta Crystallographica Section D-Biological Crystallography 2.118 89 Insect Biochemistry And Molecular Biology 2.094 90 Journal Of Molecular Neuroscience 2.077 91 Cytokine 2.076

92 Mammalian Genome 2.069

93 Mutation Research Dna Repair 2.060 94 Molecular Membrane Biology 2.057

95 Journal Of Muscle Research And Cell Motility 2.038 96 Growth Factors 2.036 97 Analytical Biochemistry 2.017

#98 Journal Of Molecular Graphics & Modelling 2.012 99 Chromosome Research 2.006 100 Molecular Aspects Of Medicine 2.000 101 Cellular And Molecular Neurobiology 1.968



