【期刊名称】《计算机测量与控制》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)001
【摘要】针对传统开关电源存在的控制芯片供电方式耗能较大、反馈电路光耦有效输入电流范围窄两个问题,对传统电源电路进行了改进,设计并实现了一款性能优良的48V 转+5V、±15V,输出功率25W 的三路输出反激式开关电源。样机输出电压精度为0.2%(+5V)、0.53%(+15V)、0.6%(-15V),输出电压纹波为20mV (+5V)、50mV (+15V)、60mV (-15V),电压精度和纹波率均满足小于1%的要求;测试表明:该电源性能优良,具有效率高,稳压精度高,负载调整率高等优点,有很高的生产应用价值。%For the existing two issues that large energy consume in the control chip and the narrow input current range of the optocoupler feedback circuit,the conventional switching power supply is improved.A triple outputs flyback power supply is designed and realized,which has a function that 48VDC is transformed to+5Vor±15VDC,and the output power is 25W.The output voltage accuracy are respectively 0.2% (+5V),0.53% (+15V),0.6% (-15V),and the output voltage ripples respectively being 20mV (+5V),50mV (+15V), 60mV (-15V),which meet the design standards that the voltage accuracy and ripple rate are both less than 1%.This power supply has ex-cellent performance,such as high power efficiency,high precision voltage,high load regulation and so