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1.Look at the________(mouse). They are eating the cat's food. 2.Ann didn't ________ (go) to the park yesterday.

3.Our class ________(win) the first prize last Sunday. 4.Look , he is ________(play)the violin .

5.It ________ (is) Children's Day last Sunday. We ________ (have) a good time. 6.I'm________(do) my homework in the living room. 7.Can I have a ________ (boil) egg, Mum? 8.This is ________(you)new friend.

9.It's a ________ (sun) day. Let's go and make ________. (pie) 10.用“be going to”的适当形式补全句子

(1)________you ________ ________do the high jump? (2)What ________ you ________ ________do tomorrow? (3)We________ ________ ________go to Shanghai by plane. (4)He________ ________ ________ do the long jump. (5)I ________ ________ ________ run the 100 metres.


11.—Excuse me, _______ is the nearest bookshop?

—Go down the street and turn left at the second corner

A. how B. what C. where 12.There is a bike _________ the picture.

A. at B. on C. in 13._________ run on the grass.

A. Do B. Don't C. Please 14.Edison(爱迪生)was a man.

A. foolish B. clever C. pretty 15.My parents love _______.

A. child B. childs C. children 16.We didn't have a gym .

D. who A. at all B. no more C. no longer 17.—How is the dog? —Six.

A. many B. much C. old 18.Jane and Susan went together.

A. camping B. camp C. camped

19.It will be ______ tomorrow. It often _______ in Gaoyou in summer. A. rainy; rains B. rainy; rain C. rain; rains 20.I want to send an email ____________ my brother. A. on B. to C. for 21.—________ is the toy car? —It's one hundred yuan.

A. How many B. How much C. How old 22.—______was your weekend? —It was OK.

A. What B. How C. Why 23.I like _____.

A. to dancing B. dance C. to dance 24.Is it Wednesday ________ Thursday?

A. or B. and C. with


25.Read and choose. 选择正确的句子补全对话。(只写序号,有一项多余) A. I hope you will feel better soon. B. I watched TV with my friends. C. How was your weekend? D. No, I didn't. E. I'm happy you feel better now. F. I had a cold. Mike: ________

John: It was great.

Mike: What did you do, John?

John: ________ Then I went to bookstore and bought a new film magazine. Mike: Did you watch TV with Tom? John: ________ I watched TV with Amy. Mike: What did you do, Tom? Tom: ________ I stayed at home. Mike: Oh, I'm sorry. ________ Tom: Thank you.


26.this , about, one ,how(?)

27.the/ we/ are/ shopping/ at/ going/ o'clock/ in/ six/ afternoon (.)(连词成句) 28.plays / with / chess / Alice / usually / grandpa / her (.) ________

29.the , to, listen, carefully ,teacher(.) 30.①o'clock. ②It's ③nine(连词成句)



It happened in a very cold 1 . One day a farmer was on his way 2 . Suddenly, he saw a snake lying on the 3 almost frozen to death. \ 4 your life!”said the farmer. Then he put the snake under his coat, next to his warm body.

A few minutes 5 , the snake came back to life. The farmer did not get any signs of thanks for saving the snake's life. 6 the snake bit the farmer and left. \me! Why did I save the life of a cold-blooded snake?\ 7 the dying farmer.

1. A. summer B. winter C. autumn 2. A. home B. to school C. to play 3. A. ground B. floor

C. wall

4. A. saving B. help 5. A. later 6. A. And

B. ago B. But

C. save C. late C. Instead C. laughed

7. A. smiled B. cried



Li Shan and her classmates had a welcome party for the new students. They showed many programs (节目). At the beginning, Zhang Han sang a song named My heart will go On. And she got a lot of applause (掌声). Han Lei danced without music. He was very funny. He made everyone laugh and laugh. Li Qiang did Chinese Kung fu. He was the best actor. Their teacher, Miss Hu was very happy. She said all the students were very cute and talented. All of the students had a good time that day.

(1)Li Shan had a New Year's party with her classmates. (2)Zhang Han sang an English song first. (3)Han Lei danced to music.

(4)Everyone enjoyed themselves that day.

(5)Mrs Hu was happy because her students were so cute and talented. 33.阅读理解

Mike: Oh, I can't find(找不到) my ruler. Where is it? Yang Ling: Is it in your schoolbag? Mike: No, it isn't.

Wang Bing: Look! Your ruler is in your English book. Mike: Yes, this is my ruler. Thank you, Wang Bing. (1)Wang Bing can't find his ruler. (2)The ruler is on the English book. (3)At last (最后) ,Mike find(找到)the ruler.





