1. 服务器版本和安装软件
1.1 服务器版本:
RedHatCentOS 5.5 32 bit
1.2 安装软件:
CollabNetSubversion-client-1.6.12-1.i386.rpm CollabNetSubversion-server-1.6.12-1.i386.rpm CollabNetSubversion-extras-1.6.12-1.i386.rpm
2. 安装
执行 rpm –qa | grep subversion 搜索出自带的SVN“subversion-1.4.2-4.el5_3.1” 执行 rpm –e subversion-1.4.2-4.el5_3.1 将其卸载
进入安装程序所在目录执行:rpm –ivh CollabNetSubversion-client-1.6.12-1.i386.rpm
rpm –ivh CollabNetSubversion-server-1.6.12-1.i386.rpm rpm –ivh CollabNetSubversion-extras-1.6.12-1.i386.rpm
3. 配置
./var/opt/CollabNet_Subversion //存放SVN的日志文件 ./opt/CollabNet_Subversion //存放SVN的可执行程序 ./etc/opt/CollabNet_Subversion //存放SVN的配置文件
# cd /opt/CollabNet_Subversion/bin
# ./Configure-CollabNet-Subversion // 进入SVN配置向导
CollabNet Subversion Server is a free download of open-source Subversion, compiled and tested by CollabNet. For more information about CollabNet Subversion, visit the CollabNet community at
Would you like to configure the CollabNet Subversion Server now? [yes] (按回车开始
Welcome to CollabNet Subversion Server setup.
You will now be asked some questions to configure CollabNet Subversion. Defaults are given in square brackets. If a default is okay for you Just hit [Enter] to continue.
This setup can configure either Apache or svnserve as Subversion server, for you. Would you like to configure Apache as your
Subversion server now? [yes] (是否配置apache server for SVN)
Continuing with apache Subversion server configuration ...
Specify the base directory for Subversion repositories: [/var/svn/repositories]
Non-existing base path, Let me create and continue [yes] (配置仓库基路径)
Base path created.
Would you like to create a new Subversion repository? [yes] (配置第一个svn仓库)
What should be your new Subversion repository name? repository1 (输入第一个仓
库名称,这里为 repository1 )
New repository created.
Would you like to initialize the repository with trunk/branches/tags folders? [no] yes
(是否初始化 trunk/branches/tags 目录 )
Would you like to create another Subversion repository? [yes] (配置另一个svn仓库)
What should be your new Subversion repository name? repository2 (输入第二个仓库
名称,这里为 repository2 )
New repository created.
Would you like to initialize the repository with trunk/branches/tags folders? [yes] (是
否初始化 trunk/branches/tags 目录 )
Would you like to create another Subversion repository? [yes] no (上面已经创建了2
Would you like to give the name and port that the server uses to identify itself?
[yes] (配置apache 服务域名端口等)
Registered DNS name or IP address: (配置IP地址或域名)
Server port number: 8080 (配置apache端口,默认端口为80,如果被占用,请使
Allow anonymous read access? [no] (是否匿名访问,这里设置不允许匿名访问)
0 users currently have access to this repository:
Would you like to create a new Subversion account? [yes] (是否设置svn用户)
Account username
(To re-create or delete a Subversion account, enter an existing username): blueart (svn
Account password: (输入密码)
Retype account password: (再次输入密码)
Adding password for user blueart Account created
Would you like to create another user account? [yes] no (是否创建另一个账户)
Would you like to configure ViewVC? [yes] (是否配置viewVC)
Stopping CollabNet Subversion: httpd (no pid file) not running [确定] Starting CollabNet Subversion: [确定]
Congratulations! You have successfully configured the CollabNet Subversion server.
You can access your repositories at the following URL: