you can do it. There are humans around the world who stay oriented really well.
不对;如果你的语言 和你的文化训练你去做, 你其实能办到。 世界上有些人类的方向感非常好。
And just to get us in agreement about how different this is from the way we do it, I want you all to close your eyes for a second and point southeast.
为了让大家能够了解 我们的做法上有多大的差异, 我想请大家闭上眼睛一下子, 请指出东南方。
Keep your eyes closed. Point. OK, so you can open your eyes. I see you guys pointing there, there, there, there, there ... I don't know which way it is myself --You have not been a lot of help.
眼睛别张开。指出来。 好,可以张开眼睛了。 我看到大家指向那里、 那里、那里、那里… 我自己也不知道是哪一边---你们实在也没帮上忙。 So let's just say the accuracy in this room was not very high. This is a big difference in cognitive ability across languages, right? Where one group -- very distinguished group like you guys --
姑且就说在这间房间中的 正确率没有很高。 不同语言中的认知能力 差别很大,对吧? 一个族群──非常 卓越的族群,比如各位--
doesn't know which way is which, but in another group, I could ask a five-year-old and they would know.There are also really big differences in how people think about time.
不知道哪边是哪个方向, 但到了另一个族群, 我去问五岁的小孩,他们也会知道。大家对于时间的思考方式也有很大的差异。
So here I have pictures of my grandfather at different ages. And if I ask an English speaker to organize time, they might lay it out this way, from left to right.
这里是我祖父的照片, 他在照片中的年龄都不同。 如果我请说英语的人 依据时间来整理, 他们可能会这样排列, 从左到右。
This has to do with writing direction. If you were a speaker of Hebrew or Arabic, you might do it going in the opposite direction, from right to left.
这与书写的方向有关。 如果你说希伯来语或阿拉伯语, 你可能会用反方向, 从右到左。
But how would the Kuuk Thaayorre, this Aboriginal group I just told you about, do it? They don't use words like \you hint. When we sat people facing south, they organized time from left to right.
但库克萨优里族, 我刚刚和各位说的 原住民族群,会怎么做? 他们没有「左」和「右」这些字。让我提示各位。 当我们让他们面向南方时, 他们会把时间从左向右排。
When we sat them facing north, they organized time from right to left. When we sat them facing east, time came towards the body. What's the pattern? East to west, right? So for them,
当我们让他们面向北方时, 他们会把时间从右向左排。 当我们让他们面向东方时, 时间的方向朝向他们的身体。 模式是什么? 由东向西,对吧? 所以,对他们而言,
time doesn't actually get locked on the body at all, it gets locked on the landscape. So for me, if I'm facing this way, then time goes this way, and if I'm facing this way, then time goes this way. I'm facing this way, time goes this way --
时间完全不会被身体限制住, 时间是和地景绑在一起的。对我来说,当我面向这边, 时间就朝这个方向, 当我面向这边,时间就朝这个方向。 面向这边,时间就朝这个方向--
very egocentric of me to have the direction of time chase me around every time I turn my body. For the Kuuk Thaayorre, time is locked on the landscape. It's a dramatically different way of thinking about time. 非常自我中心,每当我转身, 也让时间的方向跟着我转。 对库克萨优里族, 时间和地景绑在一起。 这是非常不同的时间思考方式。
Here's another really smart human trait. Suppose I ask you how many penguins are there. Well, I bet I know how you'd solve that problem if you solved it. You went, \eight.\
还有个很聪明的人类技俩。 如果我问各位,这里有几只企鹅? 我打赌我知道各位是 如何解答这个问题的。 你会用:「一、二、三、 四、五、六、七、八。」 You counted them. You named each one with a number, and the last
number you said was the number of penguins. This is a little trick that you're taught to use as kids. You learn the number list and you learn how to apply it.
你用数的。 你给毎一只一个号码, 你说出的最后一个号码, 就是企鹅的数目。 这是个小计俩,你小时候 就有人教你用了。 你学到了数字表, 你学到了如何应用它。
A little linguistic trick. Well, some languages don't do this, because some languages don't have exact number words. They're languages that don't have a word like \
小小的语言计俩。 有些语言并不会这样做, 因为有些语言并没有代表数字的字。 这些语言并没有像「七」这样的字, 也没有「八」。
In fact, people who speak these languages don't count, and they have trouble keeping track of exact quantities. So, for example, if I ask you to match this number of penguins to the same number of ducks, you would be able to do that by counting.
事实上,说这些语言的人不会计数, 他们无法记得确实的「量」。 比如,如果我请各位 把刚才企鹅的数目 对应到同样数目的鸭子, 你可以靠计数的方式做到。
But folks who don't have that linguistic trait can't do that.Languages also differ in how they divide up the color spectrum -- the visual world. Some languages have lots of words for colors, some have only a couple words, \
但语言没有这项特征的人就没办法。语言也有不同的方式来区别色谱── 视觉世界。 有些语言中有很多颜色的字, 有些语言只有几个字, 「亮」和「暗」。 And languages differ in where they put boundaries between colors. So, for example, in English, there's a world for blue that covers all of the colors that you can see on the screen, but in Russian, there isn't a single word.
不同语言也有不同的颜色界线。 比如,在英文中就有蓝色的世界, 包含荧幕上的所有这些颜色, 但在俄语中,就没有单一个字。
Instead, Russian speakers have to differentiate between light blue, \and dark blue, \So Russians have this lifetime of experience of, in language, distinguishing these two colors.
说俄语的人,得要去区别 浅蓝色「goluboy」, 和深蓝色「siniy」。 所以俄国人一生当中都会在语言上 把这两种颜色区别开来。
When we test people's ability to perceptually discriminate these colors, what we find is that Russian speakers are faster across this linguistic boundary. They're faster to be able to tell the difference between a light and dark blue.
当我们测试大家在感知上 区别这些颜色的能力时, 我们发现,在各语言中,说俄语的人 会比较快做出区隔。 他们比较快就能辨别出浅蓝色 和深蓝色的差异。
And when you look at people's brains as they're looking at colors -- say you have colors shifting slowly from light to dark blue -- the brains of