1、 The telephone ( ) connect you to the absent.
? ? ? ?
A、 used to B、 using to C、 are used D、 are used to 参考答案 A 2、 The park was filled with people ( ) on their cell phones. ? ? ? ?
A、 to talk B、 talked C、 talk D、 talking 参考答案 D 3、 The retired couple ( )a rich and colorful life. ? ? ? ?
A、 lead B、 hold C、 make D、 have 参考答案 A 4、 ( )these occasions, I’d like to express my gratitude.
? ? ? ?
A、 In B、 At C、 On D、 With 参考答案 C 5、
A Frenchman went to a small Italian town and was staying with his wife at the best hotel there. One night, he went out for a walk alone. It was late and the small street was dark and quiet. Suddenly he felt someone behind him. He turned his head and saw an Italian young man who quickly walked past him. The man was nearly out of sight when the Frenchman suddenly found that his watch was gone. He thought that it must be the Italian who had taken his watch. He decided to follow him and get back the watch.
Soon the Frenchman caught up with the Italian. Neither of them understood the other’s language. The Frenchman frightened the Italian with his fist(拳头) and pointed at the Italian’s watch. In the end the Italian gave up his watch to the Frenchman.
When he returned to the hotel, the Frenchman told his wife what had happened. He was greatly surprised when his wife pointed to the watch on the table. Now he realized that by mistake he had robbed the watch and it was the Italian’s.
One night the Frenchman went out for _______ alone.
A、a ride
? B、a walk
? C、a drink
? D、rest 参考答案 B 6、 This map is printed _____ the scale of 1:465,000,000.
? ? ? ?
A、 upon B、 to C、 on D、 in 参考答案 B 7、 Thanks for your invitation and I will come ( )at eight. ? ? ? ?
A、 along B、 long C、 alone D、 lone 参考答案 A 8、 Xiao Li proposed we postpone the journey to next month and everybody disagree ____ him.
? ? ? ?
A、 to B、 with C、 on D、 at 参考答案 B 9、 If we get some ___ weather, we might all go off one day and visit the Carters.
? ? ?
B、innocent C、decent D、accent 参考答案 C 10、 As time ( ) people come to realize how wonderful this movie is.
? ? ? ?
A、 goes around B、 goes out C、 goes along D、 goes by 参考答案 D 11、 ( ) fire tries gold, ( )does adversity try virtue.
? ? ? ?
A、 Both....and B、 Either...or C、 Like...so D、 As...so 参考答案 D 12、 My father ( )his business successfully.
? ? ? ?
A、 experimented B、 conducted C、 hosted D、 manufactured 参考答案 B 13、 I have never spoken ill of her, ( ) I don't like her. ? ? ? ?
A、 if B、 because C、 so that D、 though 参考答案 D 14、 We keep in ( ) with each other by letter.
A、 communication
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