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一、 选择题。从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部 (共8题;共16分)

1. (2分)Digital cameras are becoming very popular, though some still ________ too much. A . pay

B . cost C . spend

2. (2分)I believe that _________ apple a day keeps the doctor away. A . a B . an C . the D . /

3. (2分)Scientists from different countries are trying to_______ a good way to solve the energy problem.

A . keep up with B . come up with C . catch up with D . meet up with

4. (2分)—I moved to my new house last month. —Can you tell me your new ________? A . name B . e-mail C . address

5. (2分)Remember _______ the door when you go out. A . close B . closing C . to close D . closed

6. (2分)Murder and Susan ______ for Shanghai to attend an international meeting yesterday. A . put off

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B . fell off C . set off D . kept off

7. (2分)The box under the table is _______ books. I can't carry it without help. A . filled with B . full with C . filled for D . full for

8. (2分)—Everyone must the security check(安检) before getting on the plane at the airport.

—Yes. It's necessary to ensure the passengers' safety. A . get in B . get across C . go through D . go across

二、 根据句子意思, 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的 (共7题;共14分)

9. (2分)The ________ to a book or talk is the part that comes at the beginning and tells you what the rest is about.

A . invention B . invitation C . introduction

10. (2分)My sister tall short hair. She is very beautiful. A . is; has B . are; with C . is; with D . has; is

11. (2分)—I always get ______ before the exam and I can't go to sleep! —You should relax yourself. A . happy

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B . sad C . nervous

12. (2分)—Could you help me carry this box? It's too heavy. —__________.

A . It's my pleasure B . With pleasure C . That's all right D . That's ok

13. (2分)—How do they ______ Guangzhou? —They _____ there by plane. A . get; reach B . arrive at; reach C . arrive in; get to D . arrive in; get

14. (2分)The twins look the same, but are quite different in personality. A . mostly B . exactly C . clearly D . closely

15. (2分)Jimmy can't buy anything now because he has _______ money on him. A . little B . a little C . few D . a few

三、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)

16. (10分)根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

It's reported that more and more students have problems with their minds now. Some students become worried because they have to study very 1. Others have trouble getting on well with people like their parents and classmates.

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