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牛津译林版 7BUnit 6 课文默写(含答案)

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7B Unit6 Outdoor fun

Comic strip

中文 快点,埃迪。 我累了。这个袋子太重了。 霍波,帮我拿着。 好的。 你抱怨太多了。 这个袋子没有那么重。

Welcome to the unit

中文 你想尝试什么户外活动? 英文 What outdoor activity would you like to try? I want to go riding. Why? I love horses and I really want to ride one. What about you? I want to go camping. What do you like about camping? Hobo, carry it for me. OK. You complain too much. The bag isn't that heavy. Hurry up, Eddie. I'm tired. This bag is too heavy. 英文 我想去骑马。 为什么? 我喜欢马,我真的很想骑。你呢? 我想去野营。 你喜欢露营的什么? 我喜欢在户外,靠近美丽的湖泊和山I like being outside, near beautiful lakes and hills. 丘。 Reading

中文 掉进兔子洞 英文 Down the rabbit hole 一个阳光明媚的日子,爱丽丝和姐姐坐One sunny day, Alice sat by a river with her sister. 在河边。 然后她听到一个声音。 Then she heard a sound. 她抬起头,看见一只穿着外套的白兔经She looked up and saw a white rabbit in a coat passing by. 过。 “哦,亲爱的,我要迟到了!”兔子说。 它从口袋里掏出一块表看了看时间。 “Oh, dear, I'll be late!” said the rabbit. It took a watch out of its pocket and looked at the time. How amazing! Alice stood up and ran across the field after the rabbit. The rabbit jumped down a big hole. 太令人惊讶了! 爱丽丝站起来,跟着兔子跑过田野。 兔子跳进一个大洞里。 爱丽丝不想让兔子跑掉,所以她也跳进Alice did not want to let the rabbit get away, so she jumped down the hole too. 了洞里。 一直往下落。 Down, down, down. 爱丽丝跌了很长时间,然后她跌到了地Alice fell for a long time, and then she hit the ground. 上。 她发现自己独自一人在一个又长又矮She found herself alone in a long, low hall. 的大厅里。 周围都是门,但都是锁着的。 There were doors all around, but they were all locked. 爱丽丝看到桌子上有一把小钥匙,但它Alice saw a small key on a table, but it did not fit any of the doors. 开不了任何一扇门。 这时,爱丽丝注意到一扇小门,就把钥Then Alice noticed a small door and put the key into it. 匙插了进去。 门开了! The door opened! 她可以看到对面有一个可爱的花园。 She could see a lovely garden on the other side. 爱丽丝想从门里进去,但她太大了。 Alice tried to go through the door, but she was too big.

Integrated skills Speak up

中文 我们今天要去野餐。我很兴奋。 英文 We’re having a picnic today. I'm so excited. Me too. It’ll be a great day. What can we do there, Amy? We can fly kites. Good. Can we go swimming too? No, I'm afraid not. It's dangerous to swim in the lake. 我也是。那将是美好的一天。 我们能做什么呢,艾米? 我们可以放风筝。 好。我们也可以去游泳吗? 恐怕不行。在湖里游泳很危险。 我明白了。记得带上你的手机,艾米。 I see. Remember to take your mobile phone, Amy. 好的。现在一切都准备好了。我们去吗? OK. Now everything is ready. Shall we go? Task

中文 爱丽丝不知道该怎么办。 英文 Alice did not know what to do. 然后她回到桌子旁,看到桌子上有一个Then she went back to the table and saw a little bottle on it. 小瓶子。 瓶子上写着“把我喝了”。 A note on the bottle said “DRINK ME”. 爱丽丝打开瓶子喝了一点。 Alice opened the bottle and drank a little. 它尝起来甜。爱丽丝喜欢它。她又喝了It tasted sweet. Alice liked it. She drank some more. 一些。 然后她觉得有点不舒服。 Then she felt a little ill. 她低下头,看到她的身体变得越来越She looked down and saw that her body became smaller and smaller. 小。 不久,爱丽丝小得可以从门进去了,所Soon Alice was small enough to go through the door, so she decided to enter 以她决定进入花园。 the garden. 当她走向门时,她忘了带钥匙。 When she walked towards the door, she forgot about the key. 爱丽丝不得不回到桌子旁,但是她太小Alice had to go back to the table, but she was too small to reach the key. 了够不到钥匙。 所以她试图爬上去,但失败了 。然后她看到桌子下面有一块蛋糕。 So she tried to climb up, but failed. Then she saw a piece of cake under the table. A note on the box said “EAT ME”. 盒子上写着“吃了我”。

牛津译林版 7BUnit 6 课文默写(含答案)


