【期刊名称】《电脑知识与技术》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)009
【摘要】With the advent of the information age and the rapid improvement of computer network technology, the status of computer network technology in the enterprise management is becoming more and more important. Information management to reduce costs, improve efficiency, steady development to help enterprises. This paper first analyzes the concept and importance of enterprise information management and the existing problems, and then discusses the implementation of several measures of enter-prise informatization is the use of computer technology.%随着信息时代的到来和计算机网络技术飞速的提高,计算机网络技术在企业管理中的地位日益重要。信息化管理能够极大的节省成本,提高效率,帮助企业稳健发展。该文首先就企业信息化管理的概念及重要性和存在的问题进行了分析,然后具体探讨了利用计算机技术实现企业信息化的几项措施。
【关键词】计算机技术;信息化管理;应用 【作者】刘洋;沈沁
【作者单位】同济大学,上海200092; 天津城建大学,天津300384;天津城建大学,天津300384