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my hometown. A. that if B. it if C. it that D. that when 13. ____ he said to us yesterday____ true? A. What can, was B. That can, was C. Can what, be D. Can that, be

14. He told me that he would remember the days in Beijing University forever____ he got much help there from Professor Zhu. A. where B. which C. that D. when

15. ____ is what he did, not what he said, that moved us greatly. A. It B. This C. Which D. As 1-5 DBDBD 6-10 BBACD 11-15 DBCDA


一、Language points

1. sth:与?一致/符合 sb:同意某人

with one’s idea/opinion 同意某人的意见 what sb said (观点,所说的话) to on’s plan/arrangement/suggestion agree 同意某人的计划、安排、意见 about/on/upon sth同意做某事 to do sth that-clause

2. of/about sth 提醒 remind sb to do sth

that-clause 使人回忆起? 3. add?to?:把?加上(在)? add to=increase:增添,增进

add up (to):加(起来是),总计达? 4. success n.(U)成功,(C)成功者/事

succeed v. successful a. successfully ad. be successful in (doing) sth

succeed in doing sth 成功做某事 have success in doing sth Sb/sth is a success.

5. be/stay/keep+in touch with 表状态

be out of touch with

get in touch with 表动作 lose touch with 6. in case of+短语

in case+从句 in no case决不

in any case无论如何 in that case如果那样 7. expensive/cheap


priceless=very expensive:无价的 8. respond (vi)+ to…:对…回应

with/by:以…(方式)回答,响应 resonse (n.)

9. be harmful to sb/sth

do sb/sth harm do harm to sb/sth do sb/sth good do good to sb/sth

10. die out:(家族、物种等)死光,灭绝;


die away:(风、声音、光线等)逐渐停止(消失)

die down:(指炉火等)渐熄;(指骚动等)渐平息;(指闹声)消失

die off:先后死去了;?死去

die of:死于内因(如疾病、年老、饥饿、情感等) die from:死于外因(如损伤、事故、天灾等) 11. as a/the result of:由于?

as a result:结果,因此 result from:因?而引起

result in=cause:导致,致使? 12. take measures to do sth:采取措施

make clothes to one’s own measure:量体裁衣 13. late:晚,迟,不久前

lately=recently:近来 last:最后,最后的 latest:最近的,最新的

later:后来;结构常为:一段时间+later:过了?之后 14. adapt to sth/sb:适应某物/某人

adapt sth/sb to sth/sb:使某物/某人适应某物/某人 adapt oneself to:使自己适应某事 adapt from:根据?改写/改编


You should adapt yourself t the new environment. adjust:是指“调整、调节”使之适应

You can’t see through the telescope until it is adjusted to your eyes

fit:多指“大小适合”,引申为“吻合” The shoes fitted me well.

suit:多指“合乎要求、口味、性格、情况”等 No dish suits all taste.

match:指“大小、色调、形状、性质等”相配或相称 A red jacket doesn’t match green trousers. adopt sb:收养 sth:采用

15. devote oneself/time/life to

look forward to doing sth be/get used to

stick to/get down to/object to 16. free of charge for free be free from set sb/sth free 17. by force:靠武力,强行

be in force:生效

come/go into force:生效

force one’s way:强行前进或进入

18. It’s one’s turn to do sth:轮到某人干某事

take one’s turn:依次,轮到某人 in turn:依次,轮流,反过来,转而 by turns:轮流,交替

take turns (at) doing sth/to do sth:轮流干某事 二、语法专题──介词的考点 1. 常用介词的意义区别

(1)表示时间 at+时间点:在?时刻,在?点钟,在?岁时



in+时间段:在?期间,在?以后,在?时间内 by+时间:在?之前,不迟于?,常与完成时连用 (2)表示方位:in/on/to/off (3)表示部位

on+ the head/shoulder/back/nose:表示拍打较硬或凸形的部位 in+ the face/ear/stomach/eye::表示拍打较软或凹形的部位 by+ the arm/hand/nose: 表示牵、拉、抓某部位 (4)表示之间:between/among (5)表示方式

by:乘?(交通工具),通过?(方法),常接无冠词名词或动名词 with:以?工具/手段,用身体某部位,常接带冠词的具体某工具 in:表示表达的方法、媒介、工具、材料等

2008高考英语知识串讲 - 6 - 作者: 胡晓凌

through:通过?途径/方式/方法 (6)表示穿越

through:表示从物体里面穿过,还可表示沿着街道、河流走 across:表示从物体表面经过,还可表示横过街道、河流 over:表示从物体上方越过,还可表示挎在肩上 2. “介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句 3. with的复合结构

4. 含有介词的固定搭配 ①有无冠词,意义不同 in front of/in the front of in charge of/in the charge of

out of question/out of the question at table/at the table on earth/on the earth ②有无介词,意义不同

know sb.认识某人/know about sb.了解某人 shoot sb.击中某人/shoot at sb.向某人射击 search sb.搜身/search for sb.搜寻某人

believe sb.相信某人的话/believe in sb.信任某人的人格

benefit sb.使某人受益/benefit from sb.从某人那里得到益处 ③不要画蛇添足

serve for the people为人民服务 enter into the room进入房间 follow behind me跟在我后面 at the moment? ?就?

in this/that/last/next year今年/那年/去年/明年 in one/any/each/every/some/all year 一年/任何一年/每年/每年/某年/全年 marry with sb.与某人结婚 go to abroad出国

live in upstairs住在楼上 ④不要张冠李戴

be caught in the rain被雨淋着(不用by) leave for someplace动身去某地(不用to)

set an example to sb为某人树立榜样(不用for) in the direction朝着?方向(不用to) do a favor for sb帮某人一个忙(不用to) different from和?不同(不用with)

with the help of在?的帮助下(不用under) steal sth from sb偷某人的东西(不用of) ⑤别丢三落四

drop in on sb拜访某人(别丢了on)

drop in at someplace参观某地(别丢了at) look down upon瞧不起(别丢了upon) think of?as认为?是(别丢了of) look on?as认为?是(别丢了on)

rxplain to sb sth向某人解释某事(别丢了to) from behind the door从门后面(别丢了behind) be worth listening to值得一听(别丢了to) 三、题型归纳──逻辑型单项填空 这类题型主要从句子的形式、句子的意义来考查对英语句子的把握和理解情况,具体表现在主谓一致、意义一致、人称一致、非谓语动词及介词的逻辑主语一致等方面。

1. Qiong Yao with her works____ very popular with us young people. A. be B. are C. were D. become

2. What I like best, to tell you the truth, ____, in my opinion, the books my brother bought me as my birthday present last week. A. are B. is C. have D. existed 3. The teacher told us that practice____ perfect. A. make B. makes C. made D. making 4. Hurry up, if you____ there with us. A. go B. will go C. would go D. could go 5. At the age of seven, ____. 2008高考英语知识串讲 - 7 - A. his father died B. he lost his father C. his dog followed him D. his parents divorced

6. ____, his mother saw him playing games with other children. A. On his way home B. From his room C. From her office D. Under his nose

7. She has long been expecting a chance to study abroad and at last she got____. A. it B. that C. another D. one

8. If a student can make what has been learned____ whether in class or from social practice, he will make steady progress. A. his own B. him C. himself D. his 9. He is one of the students who, I’m sure, always do____ best. A. his B. their C. my D. one’s 10. Neither Rose nor Henry likes to attend the meeting, ____? A. does she B. does he C. do they D. did you 11. ____ more attention, the tree may grow better. A. Give B. Giving C. Given D. To give 12. Someone must have taken it away this morning, ____? A. haven’t they B. hasn’t he C. don’t they D. didn’t he 13. ----What do you think worries him so much? ----____. A. He didn’t pass the exam B. His father is seriously ill C. Lost his bike D. What Jim said just now

14. Miss Wilson, whose parents are____ working in China, is studying in Peking University now. A. either B. all C. both D. no

15. The teacher as well as a number of students____to attend the party yesterday.

A. were asked B. was asked C. were asking D. was asking 1-5 DABBB 6-10 CDDBC 11-15 CDDCB

作者: 胡晓凌


一、Language points 1. keep a record of

keep records of

break/beat the record for/in+比赛项目 hold/keep the record of

set (up) the world record for/in+比赛项目 set up a new world record make a record/make records play/put on a record 2. sb/sth=be satisfied with sb/sth satisfy one’s desires/hunger/thirst the conditions

to one’s satisfaction

adj.: satisfying, satisfied, satisfactory 3. treat a disease sb

treat sb/oneself (to sth) This is my treat. Dutch treat

4. explain/whisper sth to sb

=explain/whisper to sb sth in a whisper=in whispers

5. character: 性格,人物,汉字

characteristic: 特征,特点 6. trouble sb to do

be troubled with ask/look for trouble get into trouble be in trouble get out of trouble

have trouble (in) doing sth have trouble with sth make trouble:闹事

take (the) trouble to do:尽力/设法做?

put sb to the trouble of doing:麻烦某人做? 7. turn on turn off

turn in give/hand out turn up turn down turn around/round turn away turn over turn back

turn out (to be) turn to sb/sth

7. only if?: 只有,只要?

had done──过去 if only: 要是?该多好+ did/were──现在

would/should do 将来 did/were 9. at one time=once

at times=sometimes at all times=always at a time=each time

for a time=for some time at no time

at the same time

10. supply sth to sb=supply sb with sth provide sth for sb=provide sb with sth offer sb sth=offer sth to sb 11. have a habit of doing

form/develop the habit of 2008高考英语知识串讲 - 8 - be in the habit of

12. face the music: 临危不惧

play music=perform music 13. more than: 不仅仅,超过

more than one+n.(单)+V(单):不止一个 More than one student likes this film. more than+n/adj: 远非,不仅仅是? Bamboo is used for more than building. no more than: 只有,仅仅

not more than=at (the) most: 最多?,不超过? more?than?:与其说?不如说? The man is more brave than wise.

14. the next time时间名词短语用作从属连词,引导时间状语从句,此外,the first time, every time, each time, the moment, the minute, the second。


1. 动词和动词短语的考查重点是放在特定语境中的辨析 2. 几组常考的动词短语

1. get along:离开,进展,继续 get across:越过,使?让人理解 get away:逃走,逃避,得以离开 get back:回来,取回 get down:记下,吞下 get off:下车(飞机),下班 get on:上车

get in:上车,收割,到站,插话 get up:起床,站起,(风)变猛烈

get through:(电话)接通,通过,用完,完成 get together:聚会,收集

2. take away:拿走,带走,消除(病痛等),减去 take down:取下,记下,拆掉,吞下,病倒 take out:拔掉,切除,带(某人)出去,获得 take off:脱掉,起飞,成功

take up:占据(时间或空间),以?作为爱好或消遣,从事 3. break away (from): 逃掉,脱离,改掉 break down:出故障,失败,中断 break in:突然进来,插嘴 break into:强行进入,插嘴 break out:突然发生,爆发

break up:解散,结束,破裂,绝交 4. come about:发生

come across:(偶然)遇见

come on(upon):偶然碰见,出现 come on:来吧,快点,加油 come along:一道去

come in:到来,进来,上市

come out:出来,出版,有?结果 come over:来访,产生 come round:来访,到来

come to:来到,合计,苏醒,谈到 5. pick out:挑选,找出

pick up:拿起,捡起,收拾,学会;(用车)来接,去取:

改进,改善,重新开始,继续,感染(疾病,坏习惯) 6. give away:赠,送,泄露,出卖 give back:归还,送回 give in:屈服,让步,投降 give off:发出(蒸汽,光等)

give out:分发,耗尽,筋疲力尽,发出(气味,热等) give up:放弃

7. cut down:砍倒,削减,压缩 cut in:插入,插话,插队 cut off:切断,隔断,断绝 cut out:剪成,戒掉

作者: 胡晓凌

8. make?into(out of)?:使?成为(变成)? make?of(from)?:由?制成?(多用被动式) make for:往?去,有助于

make it:及时赶到,成功,做成 make out:理解,看清,填写,假装

make up:构成,编写,编造,和解,弥补,凑足,准备好 9. look about/around:环顾四周,四处看 look after:照顾,照料 look at:看,注视

look down on/upon:看不起 look for:寻找

look forward to:期盼(to为介词) look into:调查

look like:看起来像,似乎要 look out:向外看,当心,找出 look over:审阅,翻阅,检查 look through:翻看,浏览 look to:注意,负责 look up:查阅,看望 look up to:尊敬

11. bring about:引起,导致

bing back:送还,带回,使想起 bring down:降低(温度,价格) bring on:带来,引起

bring out:取出,显示出,衬托出,出版,推出(作品) bring through:使渡过(困难,危机) bring up:提出,培养,呕吐 12. call at:访问(某地)

call away:叫走,转移(注意力) call back:唤回,回电话 call for:去取(某物),去接(某人),要求,号召 call in:叫来,召集

call off:叫走,转移开,取消 call on:造访(某人)

call (up) on sb to do sth:叫(请)某人做某事,号召某人做某事 call out:大声叫(喊) call up:(给?)打电话

14. go back:回去,回顾,回溯 go by:(从?)旁边经过,(时间、机会)过去,以?为依据 go down:下落,下降,减弱 go in for:参加(考试,比赛),从事(职业),爱好 go into:到达,进入,从事,调查 go out:出去,出国,熄灭 go over:复习,演习,检查

go through:通过,检查,审查,查找,经历,做完,用完 go up:上升,上涨 15. hold back:阻止,忍住 hold out:支持,坚持 hold to:抓紧,坚持

hold up:竖起,阻碍,延误 catch/get/seize/take hold of:抓住 keep hold of:抓住,握住

16. put away:收拾,放弃,打消,存蓄 put down:放下,写下,使下车,镇压 put off:推迟,推脱,使不高兴 put on:穿,戴,上演,装(样子),开(电、灯),增加 put out:扑灭,生产,发表,使不高兴 put up:举起,撑起,架起,张贴

17. set about:开始或着做某事(+n./doing) set out:动身,开始,想要(+to do) set up:建立,创立,树立

三、题型归纳──交际型单项填空 2008高考英语知识串讲 - 9 - 英语交际型试题主要考查社会交往中一些常用的日常交际用语,考查方式多以应答为主,提问为辅,并以跨文化交际中中英交际文化差异明显的交际项目为重点对象。主要包括对请求、建议的回答,对祝愿的回答,对道歉的回答,对感谢、观点的回答。

1. ----Help yourself to some apples and grapes, please. ----_____. A. Yes, of course B. Thank you C. That’s right D. Yes, I will.

2. ----Many happy returns of the day! ----____. A. The same to you B. Me, too C. Thank you D. Don’t be polite

3. ----I’m sorry but I didn’t mean to break it. ----_____. A. Why not be careful C. Why so careless C. Be careful next time D. You’re too foolish 4. ----Thank you for your help. ----_____. A. With pleasure B. No, thanks C. It’s my pleasure D. I didn’t help you much 5. ----Bruce works very hard. ----_____. A. So he does B. So does he C. It’s the same with you D. So you do

6. ----Are you sure it’s going to snow this weekend? ----_____. A. I don’t think B. I think not so C. I don’t think about it D. I don’t think so

7. ----How do you like your Chinese teacher? ---_____. A. He is very kind B. Yes, I like him very much C. No, I dislike him D. He is much better now

8. ----I’ll be away for a few days. Would you mind looking after my dog? ----Not at all._______. A. I’d rather not B. I’d be glad to C. I have no time D. I’d like it

9. ---Hey, look where you are going! ----Oh, I’m terribly sorry.____. A. I’m not noticing B. I wasn’t noticing C. I haven’t noticed D. I don’t notice

10. ----How often do you eat out? ----____, but usually once a week. A. Have no idea B. It depends C. As usually D. Generally speaking 11. ----Go for a picnic this weekend, OK? ----_____. I love getting close to nature. A. I couldn’t agree more B. I’m afraid not C. I believe not D. I don’t think so 12. ----Let’s go and have a good drink tonight.

----____ Have you got the first prize in the competition? A. What for? B. Thanks a lot. C. Yes, I’d like to D. Why not? 13. ----Now, where is my purse? ----_____!We’ll be late for the picnic. A. Take your time B. Don’t worry C. Come on D. Take it easy 14. ----Excuse me, could you tell me the time? ----Sorry. I don’t have a watch with me. ----_____. A. It’s a pity B. Thanks a lot C. I’m sorry to hear that. D. Thanks anyway.

15. ----Do you think I could borrow your bike? ----______. A. Yes, you may borrow B. Yes, you could C. Yes, help yourself D. Yes, go on 1-5 BCCCA 6-10 DABBB 11-15 AACDC

作者: 胡晓凌


一、Language points

1. choose:选中,选出(结果) choose from:从?中挑选 pick:挑选(小东西) select:选择(过程) elect:选举 vote:投票 2. be similar to the same as

3. light lit, lit(后置定语、状语、表语,完成时,被动态) lighted, lighted(前) 4. celebrate+sth

in celebration of/for the celebration of:为了庆祝? congratulate+sb+on+sth 5. give away:离开,赠送

keep away (from):使离开 break away (from):脱离 put away:存储

do away with:处理掉 turn away:解雇 throw away:扔掉

6. honour vt. :尊敬,以?为荣

n. :尊敬,(pl)光荣,荣誉 in honor of:为了纪念?,尊敬 a sense of honour:廉耻心 show honor to sb:尊敬某人

7. pain (n.):指一般的疼痛;pains:还有“麻烦,努力”之意

ache (v.):指局部较持久的疼痛,是陷痛;


hurt vt:伤害


8. a bit/a little:一点儿,在肯定句中修饰动词、形容词、副词及


not a bit=not at all not a little=very much a bit of +n.(u) a little 9. in a/one word:简言之,总之

in other words:换句话说 in words:用语言,口头上 word (u):消息,诺言

10. such as:用于列举事物,且只列举部分

for example/instance:用来举例说明,不表列举或等同 namely=that is (to say):即(列举全部) 11. develop healthy habits:养成健康的习惯 develop an interest in sth:培养?的兴趣 develop?into?:把?发展成为? develop from…:从…进化/发展起来 develop natural resources:开发自然资源 develop films:冲洗胶卷

12. 现在进行时有时代替一般现在时,表示经常性或重复性的动作,句中常见的副词有:forever, always, repeatedly, constantly, 也用every/each day/year; 这时往往表达一种感情色彩,如:不满,厌烦,赞扬等。

She is always helping others.

The problem is that 300 people are dying each day from illnesses caused by smoking.


1. 试题的立意由简单直接的“结构立意”转向了“情景立意”。试题创设的语境明确,交际情景多是以对话的形式出现,并且大多数发生在学生学习和日常生活中的真实情景。 2008高考英语知识串讲 - 10 - 2. 题干中的有效信息不再让人一眼看穿,而是隐藏在字里行间,近几年在这一类考题中,很少在情景中出现明显的时间信息,如时间状语等。

3. 解决时态和语态问题时,可遵循如下解题思路: (1)这个动作可能发生在什么时间?题干中可参照的信息有哪些。 (2)动作与主语的关系,是被动还是主动。 4. 四组容易混淆的时态:




(4)将来完成时由“shall/will+have done”构成,表示动作或状态延续到将来某一时刻,常用延续性动词,并带有一个表示将来某一时间的状语或状语从句,如:by the end of this month, by then, this time next week, by the time等;将来完成进行时由“shall/will+have been doing”构成,表示某个动作在将来的某个时间以前已经开始,并一直持续进行着。

5. 关于被动语态的几种特殊用法:

(1)主动形式表被动:表示感觉或变化的feel, look, smell, sound, taste, turn, prove, get等系动词的主动形式表被动意义;动词let, blame的不定式作表语或定语时,主动形式表被动意义。

(2)由“get+过去分词”构成的被动语态:这种形式的被动语态主要用于:①给自己做事(get dressed穿衣);②设法做到自己称心的事(get elected当选);③由于客观原因遇到不尽如人意的事(get burned烧焦);④表示命令(get washed!去洗洗吧)。 (3)在表示“(某物)需要”的need, want, require等后的动名词用主动形式表被动。 (4)“据说类”的3个被动句型:如果我们要想把话说的谨慎些,可以用下列被动结构:①It is said that?;②There is said to be?;③sb/sth is said to?。能用于这类句型的动词还有believe, think, consider, suppose, hope, suggest, report, know, understand等。 6. 某些固定句式中的动词时态是固定的、约定俗成的:

(1)This/It is the first/second?time+that-clause: that从句一般用现在完成时,如果把前边的is改为was, 则that从句用过去完成时。 (2)It is/has been+一段时间+since从句:since从句中一般用过去时,如果将前边的is改为was,则since从句中用过去完成时。 (3)be about to do?when?: 意为“即将?(这时)突然?”。 (4)be(was/were)+doing?when?: 意为“正在干?(这时)突然?”。

(5)Hardly/Scarcely had?done?when?; No sooner had?done?than?, when和than从句里用一般过去时,表示“刚刚?就?”。

(6)It+be+一段时间+before从句:如果主句用将来时,则从句用一般现在时表将来时,意为多长时间以后即将发生某事;如果主句用过去时,从句也用过去时,意为多长时间后发生了某事。 三、题型归纳──综合型单项填空


1.交际能力:在交谈中,我们必须了解并掌握各种不同交际功能的语言形式,才能正确理解说话者的心理,选出正确答案。 2. 对语境的理解能力:我们在弄清说话者的字面意义的基础上,还必须能够深层理解,看出言外之意,作出正确选择。

3. 扎实的词汇知识:一方面必须能正确辨别词汇的意义及感情色

作者: 胡晓凌



