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Unit 1

Don’t sit for too long or you’ll crease(折痕) your new dress. 别坐得太久,否则会弄皱你的衣服。

There’s a hint(少许) of summer in the air, although it’s only April. 虽然才四月,空气中已经有一丝夏天的味道。

He assured(保证) me that the well-known doctor would cure my headache. 他向我保证,那个著名的医生会治好我的头痛。

I handed in my application for the job last week; I am eagerly awaiting(等待) their reply.


I wish you’d stop hovering(盘旋) round and let me get on with some work. 我希望你能停止在周围转动,好让我做一些工作。

Hilary was out, so I scrawled(潦草) a note to her and put it under the door. 希拉里不在家,所以我草草写了一张给她的字条,放在门下。

The little girl kept on dancing, her face and black hair glistening(闪亮的) with sweat. 这个小女孩不停地跳舞,她的脸和黑色的头发因为汗水闪闪发亮。

A frail (瘦弱的) old woman with a walking stick came slowly down to the gate to meet us.

一个瘦弱的老妇人,拄着拐杖,慢慢地走下大门来接我们。 Judy is the sole(唯一) survivor of the car accident the driver and all the other passengers died.

朱迪是那个汽车事故中的唯一幸存者,驾驶员和其他乘客都死了。 In the room where the young man was killed, detectives found no visible(明显的) signs of a struggle.

一个年轻人被杀死在房间里面,侦探没有发现明显的争斗迹象。 While one of the robbers engaged(吸

引) the guard in conversation, the others crept into the factory.

当其中一个盗贼拖住了保安聊天,其他几个盗贼偷偷潜进了工厂。 One member of the jury was biased(有偏

见) in favour of the suspect, because they shared the same educational background 陪审团中的一个成员偏袒那个嫌疑人,因为他们有着相同的教育背景。 This was the moment he had been dreading(担心) for weeks-his mother found out theat he had told a lie.

这是几周来他一直担心的时刻——他的母亲发现他之前撒谎了。 When she heard they were going to get married, the old woman couldn’t stop grinning(露出笑容) all day.


The young couple spoke in whispers for fear of(避免) waking the baby. 那对年轻夫妇说话轻声细语,以免吵醒婴儿。

We pulled up(停放) in front of a shop, bought some drinks and drove on.

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了。 I can answer all the questions except for(除了) the last-it puzzles me too. 我可以回到所有的问题,除了最后那个,它也把我难倒了。 We couldn’t get by(过日子) on my salary alone, so my wife did some odd jobs.

仅仅依靠我的工资,我们没有办法勉强过日子,所以我的妻子做了一些零工。 He left his well-paid office job to try to make a living(维持生活) on a farm. 他辞掉了他薪资丰厚的办公室工作,努力想依靠农场生活。 I no longer go to see John regularly, but every so often(偶尔) he drops in at my office.


我。 7.Though she has a lot of power in that big company, Sandy tends to remain in the background(在幕后).

虽然桑迪在那个大公司有很大的权利,她还是倾向于躲在幕后工作。 Shut off(关掉) the power after you use the multi-media devices in the conference room.


Although he’s been here just a few days, he knows the name of each and every(每个) colleague.


了。 We hope to finish the work today, but as it is(实际上) we probably won’t finish until tomorrow.


Judy is quite obedient while her younger sister always wraps her father around her little finger(随心所欲支配某人). 朱迪很听话,而她的妹妹则是任意摆布她父亲。 The shower caugtht us completely unawares(令某人出其不意)-all the clothes we hung up outside got wet.


Unit 2

I don’t like my straight hair so I’m going to have it curled. 我不喜欢我的直头发,所以我要把它卷曲。

This price is her minimum ;she refuses to lower it any further. 这个价格是她的最低限度,她拒绝进一步降低

I often clip recipes out of newspapers and magazines but never use them when I cook. 我经常在报纸和杂志上剪辑食谱,但当我做饭时,我从不使用它们。

She yielded to temptation and had another chocolate even though she was going on a diet.


Given the fact that she loves children, I am sure teaching is the right career for her.


They try to preserve their interesting old customs against the impacts of the modern world


Philip was fascinated to see how the old woman wove cloth with such simple tools. 菲利普看到老妇人用这种简单的工具布着迷

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