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Unit 6 谈论对食物的喜恶;

教学重、难点 1、 掌握本节重点词汇; 2、掌握可数名词的构成,辨析分类可数与不可数名词; 3、运用本节所学能够灵活地询问别人对食物的喜恶。 1、 重点词汇:

banana, hamburger, tomato, ice-cream, salad, strawberry, pear, milk, bread, birthday ,dinner, week, burger, vegetable, fruit, right, apple, then, egg, carrot, chicken, breakfast, lunch, star, eat, well, habit, healthy, really, question, want, be, fat 2、 可数名词和不可数名词:

1)food n.仅仅指“食物,食品”时,是不可数名词;强调食物的种类时就是可数名

可数名词 hamburger,egg, orange, banana, apple, pear, carrot, vegetable, tomato, strawberries. 词。

e.g. I’m hungry. I need some food.(不可数)/ There are all kings of foods on the table.(可数)

2)fruit n.水果。表示水果总称时,无复数形式,但表示种类时有复数形式。 Do you have much fruit? / There are many fruits in the basket.

Fruit 水果 总称 种类 不可数名词 可数名词 不可数名词 milk, bread, rice 可数与不可数名词 food, fruit, ice-cream,salad, chicken much fruit 许多水果kinds of fruits 3)ice-cream, salad, chicken这几个名词,当表示物质的时候是不可数名词,但当表示个体的时候是可数的。e.g. Let’s have some ice-cream.中ice-cream是泛指,强调“冰激凌”这类物质,而非它的数量。How many ice-creams do you want?中是要询问对方想要的数量,即几份。可以回答an ice-cream或two ice-creams. 3、 短语归纳:

John’s birthday dinner 约翰的生日晚餐 next week 下周 think about 思考,考虑 how about 怎么样 some fruit 一些水果 his birthday 他的生日 sport star 体育明星 eating habits 饮食习惯 for breakfast 作为早餐 for dinner 作为晚餐

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one last question 最后一个问题 healthy food 健康的食品 3、tomato 可数n.“西红柿” 复数形式:tomatoes

类似的以o结尾的名词,需加–es 构成复数形式的单词还有potato, hero但photo 等词而是以加—s构成复数形式的。

可以这样记:有生命的名词,变复数词尾加-es,e.g. potato,hero;无生命的词尾加-s,e.g. photo.

4、 询问某人的喜好,通常用一般疑问句:Do/does + 主语 + like + …?句型。

肯定回答用:Yes,主语 + do/does.

否定回答用:No,主语 + don’t /doesn’t。(其中,do/does 为助动词)。 ----Do you like the sweater ? ----Yes, I do.

----Does he like the pen ? ----No, he doesn’t. 5、 Do you like bananas?

1)bananas 是banana 的复数形式,表示一类事物;在英语中,常用复数形式表示一类事物时,其前不用定冠词the。 e.g. Do they like computer games? 2)like sb./sth. 喜欢某人或某物 e.g. I like this ruler?/I like them. like to do sth. 喜欢做某事(表示一次性的或不经常的喜欢)e.g. She likes to play with her little sister.

like doing sth.喜欢做某事(经常性的喜欢) e.g. He likes playing the guitar. 5、Hey, John’s birthday dinner is next week 约翰的生日宴会在下周。

1)John’s birthday dinner 约翰的生日宴会。John’s 是名词所有格形式,用于表示所属关系。

e.g. This is Jim’s sister./It is Tom’s pen. 2)next week 下周

e.g. Teacher’s Day is next week. 6、think about 考虑

e.g. Let’s think about the eggs./ Let’s think about the food.

7、How about…?====What about…? ……怎么样?,用于提出建议或请求。其中about是介词,后接n./ pron./v-ing.

e.g. How about him? / How about having some bread? 扩展:英语中常用于提建议的句型还有:

1)Let’s …. 让我们……吧。 e.g. Let’s have some apples. 2) Why not…? 为什么不……呢? e.g. Why not ask our teacher?

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8、some “一些”,用于修饰可数名词,也可用来修饰不可数名词。一般用于肯定句中。但当表示建议或请求,并希望对方给予肯定回答时,句中也用some,而不用any. any 一般用于否定句疑问句中。

e.g. I have some apples./He has some milk./Would you like some orange juice? I don’t have any pears./Do you have any milk? 9、Let’s have strawberries and apples then.

1)strawberries 是可数名词strawberry的复数形式,其变化是将词尾y变为I,再加es.

2)have v.“有,吃、喝”。英语中,习惯上用have breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner

来表示吃早饭、午饭、晚饭.表示吃具体食物时,可与eat替换。 e.g. Let’s have /eat some apples.

10、so 连词,“因此,所以”不可与because同时出现在一个句子中。 e.g. I’m ill today, so I can’t go to school. 11、well adv“好”,在课文中是修饰动词eat. 】辨析 well 和 good


形容词 well 副词 good 形容词 放在连系动词后,表达“健康的”意思 修饰动词 放在名词前作定语,或放在连系动词后作表语 I’m very well.我很好。 We eat well.我们吃的很好。 She is a good girl. 12、for prep.“为,替,给”可以表示用途、对象、目的、愿望,等。

e.g. Let’s get a new light for the bedroom./ let’s go out for a walk./Good luck for you.

( )Mary often has eggs and bread _____breakfast. A.with B. for C. on

13、really adv. “事实上,真正地”,用于加强语气,表示程度,放在动词前。real adj.“真的”

e.g. I really don’t know./Hi, Joe, is it really you? That is not her real name. 14、after dinner 用餐后

dinner n.“正餐,晚餐”常用来表示 一天中的正餐(main meal),英语国家晚餐一

般是一天中最丰富的一餐,因此dinner常用来指晚餐。而supper只指晚餐。此外,dinner一词比较正式,邀请朋友赴宴常用它。 e.g. We’ll have dinner together in the evening.

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