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------《吾爱网络项目》精选考试应用文档,如需本文,请下载----- C、四月一日至十一月一日

33、根据《福建省防洪条例》第三十一条规定,遇特殊情况, 可以宣布提前或者延长汛期。 (A)

A、省人民政府防汛指挥机构 B、福建省人民政府 C、受影响地区人民政府防汛指挥机构

34、在汛期,对水库汛期限制水位以上的库容运用实行统一调度和监督;大型的,由 负责,必要时可以由其授权的防汛指挥机构负责。 (A)

A、省人民政府防汛指挥机构 B、设区的市人民政府防汛指挥机构


35、在汛期,对水库汛期限制水位以上的库容运用实行统一调度和监督;中型的,由 负责。 (B)

A、省人民政府防汛指挥机构 B、设区的市人民政府防汛指挥机构


36、在汛期,对水库汛期限制水位以上的库容运用实行统一调度和监督;小型的,由 负责。 (C)

A、市以上水行政主主管部门 B、设区的市人民政府防汛指挥机构


37、根据《福建省水库大坝安全管理规定》第七条规定,大、中、小型水库大坝 一般分别由设区市、县(市、区)、乡镇人民政府领导担任。 (A)

A、防汛行政责任人 B、主管部门负责人 C、防汛防守安全管理责任人

streamlining. Four are standard visits, except as required to participate in training, no other activity. Five is to improve news reporting, for propaganda work strictly according to the regulations. Six is strictly your presentation published strictly according to the regulations. Seven is strictly thrift, required the use of vehicles and office space and corporate hospitality. 3, change the style. Propaganda and ideological work of the new situation and new requirements of the new tasks, had done a lot of fruitful work, has made many achievements, but further closer to the grass roots, close to reality, close to the masses and also inadequate innovation must continue to improve. Second, the \nding issues 1, oppose formalism. One theory is that he didn't, with less close contact. Theoretical study of consciousness is not high enough, system performance is not strong enough; more passive learning, active learning few generalities and learn more, delving into less. Especially based on rational thinking on major issues, applying theory to guide the work done is not good enough, not really understand and grasp the spirit and essence of the scientific Outlook on development, did not truly achieve mastery, to apply, to a certain extent, affect the development and implementation of ideas and initiatives. Second, work arrangements, and less supervision. Propaganda and ideological work is the objective, which needs to keep the continuity efforts deployed, but stressed in the work time, less supervision. For example, color weekends in the summer theatrical activities, city square performances, urging townships, communitis and rural areas shows the implementation is inadequate, insufficient cultural an educational role to play. Third base enough, master grass-less real. Propaganda and ideological work in the new situation of characteristics and regularity of enough, deep enough for grass-roots public opinion Dynamics survey, for grass-roots typically drive less. For example, rural culture team active, ... I'm not actively take the initiative to take up, the lack of spirit of daring to, resulting in

some job had a lot of power, but no tangible results. Third, innovation, lack of motivation. Emancipation did not end, innovation does not exist. In practical work, not your head, previous work experience, lack of innovation initiatives, study on the characteristics of propaganda and ideological work under the new situation through, grip on grassroots ideological trends and changes are not deep, to promote new initiatives and explore new methods of ideological and cultural work is not much, and some lack of relevance and timeliness. 4, discipline, lowering, and hard work are lacking. While working and enterprising spirit down. No real solution to treat yourself right, correctly treat past honors, their complacency, and work to see their scores more, less checking his own shortcomings, like to listen to the praise, satisfied face, online promotion, there are typical, and lack of high standards and strict requirements, the effect is real. Second hard drive less. On hard and6

------《吾爱网络项目》精选考试应用文档,如需本文,请下载----- 38、根据《福建省水库大坝安全管理规定》第七条规定,落实的防汛责任人制度中,大、中、小型水库大坝 由主管单位领导担任。

(B) A、防汛行政责任人 B、主管部门负责人 C、防汛防守安全管理责任人


小型水库大坝的 由其管理单位主要负责人担任。 (C)

A、防汛行政责任人 B、主管部门负责人 C、防汛防守安全管理责任人

40、根据《福建省水库大坝安全管理规定》第六条规定,病险水库大坝应当按照 的原则,及时安排除险加固排除水库大坝险情。 (B)

A、谁建设、谁负责 B、谁主管、谁负责 C、谁管辖、谁负责


期调度运用计划制度, 应当每年制定汛期调度运用计划。 (A)

A、水库大坝管理单位 B、水库大坝主管部门 C、有管辖权的防汛指挥部

42、根据《福建省水库大坝安全管理规定》第七条规定, 有权对各类水库大坝管理单位的汛期调度方案和防汛预案落实情况进行督促检查。 (A)

A、水行政主管部门 B、有管辖权的防汛指挥部 C、同级人民政府

43、洪水预警报系统一般由 、洪水预报子系统和防洪警报子系统组成。 (A)

A、水情自动测报系统 B、风情监测系统 C、墒情监测系统

streamlining. Four are standard visits, except as required to participate in training, no other activity. Five is to improve news reporting, for propaganda work strictly according to the regulations. Six is strictly your presentation published strictly according to the regulations. Seven is strictly thrift, required the use of vehicles and office space and corporate hospitality. 3, change the style. Propaganda and ideological work of the new situation and new requirements of the new tasks, had done a lot of fruitful work, has made many achievements, but further closer to the grass roots, close to reality, close to the masses and also inadequate innovation must continue to improve. Second, the \nding issues 1, oppose formalism. One theory is that he didn't, with less close contact. Theoretical study of consciousness is not high enough, system performance is not strong enough; more passive learning, active learning few generalities and learn more, delvng into less. Especially based on rational thinking on major issues, applying theory to guide the work done is not good enough, not really understand and grasp the spirit and essence of the scientific Outlook on development, did not truly achieve mastery, to apply, to a certain extent, affect the development and implementation of ideas and initiatives. Second, work arrangements, and less supervision. Propaganda and ideological work is the objective, which needs to keep the continuity efforts deployed, but stressed in the work time, less supervision. For example, color weekends in the summer theatrical activities, city square performances, urging townships, communitis and rural areas shows the implementation is inadequate, insufficient cultural an educational role to play. Third base enough, master grass-less real. Propaganda and ideological work in the new situation of characteristics and regularity of enough, deep enough for grass-roots public opinion Dynamics survey, for grass-roots typically drive less. For example, rural culture team active, ... I'm not actively take the initiative to take up, the lack of spirit of daring to, resulting in

some job had a lot of power, but no tangible results. Third, innovation, lack of motivation. Emancipation did not end, innovation does not exist. In practical work, not your head, previous work experience, lack of innovation initiatives, study on the characteristics of propaganda and ideological work under the new situation through, grip on grassroots ideological trends and changes are not deep, to promote new initiatives and explore new methods of ideological and cultural work is not much, and some lack of relevance and timeliness. 4, discipline, lowering, and hard work are lacking. While working and enterprising spirit down. No real solution to treat yourself right, correctly treat past honors, their complacency, and work to see their scores more, less checking his own shortcomings, like to listen to the praise, satisfied face, online promotion, there are typical, and lack of high standards and strict requirements, the effect is real. Second hard drive less. On hard and7

------《吾爱网络项目》精选考试应用文档,如需本文,请下载----- 44、目前,我市洪水预警报系统数据主要通过超短波信道和 网络,这2种通信方式进行传输。 (C)


45、超声波、压力式等水位传感器具有 、安装方便、总造价便宜等优点。 (A)

A、土建简单 B、需建测井 C、使用寿命长 46、目前,我市洪水预警报系统中率先完成超声波水位传感器试验性应用的遥测站位于: (B)

A、芗城区布坑水库 B、龙文区湘桥水闸 C、龙海市西溪桥闸 47、目前,我市洪水预警报系统雨量传感器(即雨量筒)的分辨力是 。 (C)

A、0.1毫米 B、0.5毫米 C、1毫米

48、目前,我市洪水预警报系统水位传感器(即水位计)的分辨力是 。 (B)

A、1毫米 B、1厘米 C、10厘米。

49、按照降水量的大小,降水等级可划分为 级。 (B) A.八 B. 九 C.十

50、降水分布与地形变化关系 。 (A) A.较大 B. 较小 C.没关系

51、一年中有 个节气。 (C) A.4 B. 12 C.24

52、根据降水等级划分,24小时降水量为 毫米时称为大~暴雨。 (A)

A. 38.0~74.9 B. 30.0~69.9 C. 50.0~99.9 53、我市雨季平均开始日期为 。 (B) A. 5月6日 B. 5月7日 C. 5月8日

streamlining. Four are standard visits, except as required to participate in training, no other activity. Five is to improve news reporting, for propaganda work strictly according to the regulations. Six is strictly your presentation published strictly according to the regulations. Seven is strictly thrift, required the use of vehicles and office space and corporate hospitality. 3, change the style. Propaganda and ideological work of the new situation and new requirements of the new tasks, had done a lot of fruitful work, has made many achievements, but further closer to the grass roots, close to reality, close to the masses and also inadequate innovation must continue to improve. Second, the \nding issues 1, oppose formalism. One theory is that he didn't, with less close contact. Theoretical study of consciousness is not high enough, system performance is not strong enough; more passive learning, active learning few generalities and learn more, delving into less. Especially based on rational thinking on major issues, applying theory to guide the work done is not good enough, not really understand and grasp the spirit and essence of the scientific Outlook on development, did not truly achieve mastery, to apply, to a certain extent, affect the development and implementation of ideas and initiatives. Second, work arrangements, and less supervision. Propaganda and ideological work is the objective, which needs to keep the continuity efforts deployed, but stressed in the work time, less supervision. For example, color weekends in the summer theatrical activities, city square performances, urging townships, communitis and rural areas shows the implementation is inadequate, insufficient cultural an educational role to play. Third base enough, master grass-less real. Propaganda and ideological work in the new situation of characteristics and regularity of enough, deep enough for grass-roots public opinion Dynamics survey, for grass-roots typically drive less. For example, rural culture team active, ... I'm not actively take the initiative to take up, the lack of spirit of daring to, resulting in

some job had a lot of power, but no tangible results. Third, innovation, lack of motivation. Emancipation did not end, innovation does not exist. In practical work, not your head, previous work experience, lack of innovation initiatives, study on the characteristics of propaganda and ideological work under the new situation through, grip on grassroots ideological trends and changes are not deep, to promote new initiatives and explore new methods of ideological and cultural work is not much, and some lack of relevance and timeliness. 4, discipline, lowering, and hard work are lacking. While working and enterprising spirit down. No real solution to treat yourself right, correctly treat past honors, their complacency, and work to see their scores more, less checking his own shortcomings, like to listen to the praise, satisfied face, online promotion, there are typical, and lack of high standards and strict requirements, the effect is real. Second hard drive less. On hard and8

------《吾爱网络项目》精选考试应用文档,如需本文,请下载----- 54、霉雨季节是由北方冷空气与来自的 暖湿气流交汇而造成的降水。 (A)

A. 低纬度 B. 南方 C. 高纬度

55、发生在 和南海的强烈的热带气旋称为台风(包括(强)热带风暴)。 (C)

A. 北太平洋东部 B. 中、东太平洋 C. 北太平洋西部 56、我省气象灾害暴雨预警信号分别用四种颜色表示,按照灾害的严重性和紧急程度由重到轻依次排序为: 。 (A)

A. 红橙黄蓝 B. 橙黄红蓝 C. 蓝黄红橙

57、本地区12小时内可能或者已经受热带气旋影响,沿海或者陆地平均风力达10级以上,或者阵风12级以上并可能持续时,气象部门发布______预警信号。 (C)

A. 台风红色 B. 台风黄色 C. 台风橙色

58、本地区 内可能或者已经受热带气旋影响,沿海或者陆地平均风力达12级以上,或者阵风达14级以上并可能持续时,气象部门发布台风红色预警信号。 (B)

A. 1小时 B. 6小时 C. 3小时

59、本地区 内降雨量将达50毫米以上,或者已达50毫米以上且降雨可能持续时,气象部门发布暴雨蓝色预警信号。 (C)

A. 3小时 B. 6小时 C. 12小时

60、本地区6小时内降雨量将达50毫米以上,或者已达50毫米以上且降雨可能持续时,气象部门发布暴雨 预警信号。 (C)

A. 红色 B. 橙色 C. 黄色

61、当热带气旋中心风力达到10级时,我们称之为 。(B) A. 热带风暴 B. 强热带风暴 C. 台风

62、气象部门发布暴雨橙色预警信号的标准是: 内降雨量将

streamlining. Four are standard visits, except as required to participate in training, no other activity. Five is to improve news reporting, for propaganda work strictly according to the regulations. Six is strictly your presentation published strictly according to the regulations. Seven is strictly thrift, required the use of vehicles and office space and corporate hospitality. 3, change the style. Propaganda and ideological work of the new situation and new requirements of the new tasks, had done a lot of fruitful work, has made many achievements, but further closer to the grass roots, close to reality, close to the masses and also inadequate innovation must continue to improve. Second, the \nding issues 1, oppose formalism. One theory is that he didn't, with less close contact. Theoretical study of consciousness is not high enough, system performance is not strong enough; more passive learning, active learning few generalities and learn more, delvng into less. Especially based on rational thinking on major issues, applying theory to guide the work done is not good enough, not really understand and grasp the spirit and essence of the scientific Outlook on development, did not truly achieve mastery, to apply, to a certain extent, affect the development and implementation of ideas and initiatives. Second, work arrangements, and less supervision. Propaganda and ideological work is the objective, which needs to keep the continuity efforts deployed, but stressed in the work time, less supervision. For example, color weekends in the summer theatrical activities, city square performances, urging townships, communitis and rural areas shows the implementation is inadequate, insufficient cultural an educational role to play. Third base enough, master grass-less real. Propaganda and ideological work in the new situation of characteristics and regularity of enough, deep enough for grass-roots public opinion Dynamics survey, for grass-roots typically drive less. For example, rural culture team active, ... I'm not actively take the initiative to take up, the lack of spirit of daring to, resulting in

some job had a lot of power, but no tangible results. Third, innovation, lack of motivation. Emancipation did not end, innovation does not exist. In practical work, not your head, previous work experience, lack of innovation initiatives, study on the characteristics of propaganda and ideological work under the new situation through, grip on grassroots ideological trends and changes are not deep, to promote new initiatives and explore new methods of ideological and cultural work is not much, and some lack of relevance and timeliness. 4, discipline, lowering, and hard work are lacking. While working and enterprising spirit down. No real solution to treat yourself right, correctly treat past honors, their complacency, and work to see their scores more, less checking his own shortcomings, like to listen to the praise, satisfied face, online promotion, there are typical, and lack of high standards and strict requirements, the effect is real. Second hard drive less. On hard and9

------《吾爱网络项目》精选考试应用文档,如需本文,请下载----- 达50毫米以上,或者已达50毫米以上且降雨可能持续。 (B)

A. 1小时 B. 3小时 C. 6小时

63、当台风(热带风暴、强热带风暴)中心逐渐远离预报责任区,根据情况对外发布台风(热带风暴、强热带风暴)消息,向 解除原来发布的警报。 (A)

A. 公众 B. 政府部门 C. 防汛部门

64、气象部门发布台风黄色预警信号的标准是:24小时内可能或者已经受热带气旋影响,沿海或者陆地平均风力达 以上,或者阵风10级以上并可能持续。 (A)

A. 8级 B. 9级 C. 10级

65、气象部门发布干旱红色预警信号的标准是:预计未来一周综合气象干旱指数达到特旱(气象干旱为 以上一遇),或者某一县(区)有60%以上的农作物受旱。 (B)

A. 20年 B. 50年 C. 100年

66、我市属 气候类型? (C) A. 热带季风气候 B. 海洋性气候 C.南亚热带季风性湿润气候 67、按照国家防办相关文件规定,防汛编织袋储备年限为___年。(A) A、5 B、6 C、7

68、防洪工程物资储备的种类、数量是根据中华人民共和国水利行业__________标准进行确定的。 (B)

A、 SL 297-2004《防汛物资储备定额编制规程》 B、 SL 298-2004《防汛物资储备定额编制规程》 C、 SL 298-2005《防汛物资储备定额编制规程》

69、防汛储备物资是根据中华人民共和国水利行业标准__________进行验收的。 (C)

A、 SL 297-2003《防汛储备物资验收标准》

streamlining. Four are standard visits, except as required to participate in training, no other activity. Five is to improve news reporting, for propaganda work strictly according to the regulations. Six is strictly your presentation published strictly according to the regulations. Seven is strictly thrift, required the use of vehicles and office space and corporate hospitality. 3, change the style. Propaganda and ideological work of the new situation and new requirements of the new tasks, had done a lot of fruitful work, has made many achievements, but further closer to the grass roots, close to reality, close to the masses and also inadequate innovation must continue to improve. Second, the \nding issues 1, oppose formalism. One theory is that he didn't, with less close contact. Theoretical study of consciousness is not high enough, system performance is not strong enough; more passive learning, active learning few generalities and learn more, delving into less. Especially based on rational thinking on major issues, applying theory to guide the work done is not good enough, not really understand and grasp the spirit and essence of the scientific Outlook on development, did not truly achieve mastery, to apply, to a certain extent, affect the development and implementation of ideas and initiatives. Second, work arrangements, and less supervision. Propaganda and ideological work is the objective, which needs to keep the continuity efforts deployed, but stressed in the work time, less supervision. For example, color weekends in the summer theatrical activities, city square performances, urging townships, communitis and rural areas shows the implementation is inadequate, insufficient cultural an educational role to play. Third base enough, master grass-less real. Propaganda and ideological work in the new situation of characteristics and regularity of enough, deep enough for grass-roots public opinion Dynamics survey, for grass-roots typically drive less. For example, rural culture team active, ... I'm not actively take the initiative to take up, the lack of spirit of daring to, resulting in

some job had a lot of power, but no tangible results. Third, innovation, lack of motivation. Emancipation did not end, innovation does not exist. In practical work, not your head, previous work experience, lack of innovation initiatives, study on the characteristics of propaganda and ideological work under the new situation through, grip on grassroots ideological trends and changes are not deep, to promote new initiatives and explore new methods of ideological and cultural work is not much, and some lack of relevance and timeliness. 4, discipline, lowering, and hard work are lacking. While working and enterprising spirit down. No real solution to treat yourself right, correctly treat past honors, their complacency, and work to see their scores more, less checking his own shortcomings, like to listen to the praise, satisfied face, online promotion, there are typical, and lack of high standards and strict requirements, the effect is real. Second hard drive less. On hard and10


