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20%的比重,所以 干扰项很多,考生会

型,在2015年整年和2016年截止到目前为止的阅读考试中,选择题约占 也是考生不容小觑的一项题型。 选择题整体难度中等,但是陷阱较多,

在选项之间来回纠结,拿不定主意,导致时间浪费,错误率高。经过深入研究,朗阁海外考 试研究中心对选择题的选项类型进行了细分和全方面解析,在下文中将从正确项、错误项、 未提及项、和干扰项四个方面为考生们一一解析, 考点,辨别干扰项,从而选出正确答案。



正确项即正确答案, 对于正确项的定义是,在文中有定位点, 并且替换正确,这跟判断

题中的TRUE/YES很像。但是和判断题有区别的是,选择题的定位句往往不止一句,许多时 候需要结合好几句话理解。值得注意的是,考生不能主观臆断答案,感觉对了就选了, 要找到准确的定位点。


1. 选项是原文一两句话的改写

例:佥V 6 Test 3 Passage 1 第 11 题

题目:In Tarkovsky ' s opinion, the attractionof the cinema is that it

A. aims to impress its audie nee

B. tellsstories better than books

C. illustratesthe pass ing of time

D. deseribesfamiliar eve nts

分析: 这道题的一个难点在于定位,根据人名定位词 Tarkovsky 缩小范围为 C 段和 D 段,根据定位词“ the attraction of the cinema ”确定到 D 段对应定位词“ the key to that magic ”。找到定位句:

“ ForTarkovsky, the key to that magic was the way in which cinema created a dynamicimage of the real flow of events. A still picture could only imply theexistence of time, while time in a novel passed at the whim of the reader. Butin cinema, the real, objective flow of time was captured. ”

根据这两句话我们可以看到,电影的魅力主要在于能够真正捕捉时间客观真实的流动, 和 C 选项替换改写过后意思一致。

2. 选项是原文某段的归纳总结

归纳总结是指原文句子较长较多,选项对于原文进行上下文的归纳。在剑 10, 剑 11 真 题中,选择题陷阱减少, 但是归纳总结增多, 长难句很多, 主要考察考生对于长难句的理解。 所以考生要在平时的阅读训练中, 提高自己长难句的理解能力, 学会抓住句子主干, 快速把 握句子的意思。

例:剑 10 Test 2 Passage 3 第 32 题

题目: The writer mentions London ' s NationalGallery to illustrate

A. theundesirable cost to a nation of maintaining a huge collection of art.

B. theconflict that may arise in society between financial and artistic values.

C. thenegative effect a museum can have on visitors opinions of themselves.

D. the need toput individual well-being above

large-scaleartistic schemes.

原文第六段中间部分: In addition, amajor collection like that of London which is likely to be worth morethan all the average visitor possesses. In a society that judges the personalstatus of the individual so much by their material worth,

National Gallery is housed in numerousrooms, each with dozens of works, any one of it is thereforedifficult not to be impressed by one's own relative ‘worthlessness ' in such


分析:这道题定位不难,难点在于原文句子比较晦涩,从句又多,导致比较难理解。考 生在阅读时,可以把原句的修饰词、插入语等都去掉,只留下句子最主干的部分。

我们可以把第一句话简化成这样: “ a major collection of London's National Gallery is worth more than all the average visitor possesses 的价值要比参观者所有的财产加起来还要多。

” , 即伦敦国家美术馆的收藏品

第二句话可以简化成:“ In a societythat judges the status of the individual by

their material worth, they areimpressed by one's own ‘ worthlessness ' in such an environment. ” 意思就是在一个凭借物质价值来评判个人地位的社会,游客很容易在这样 的环境中感觉到自己没有价值。

最终把两句话的意思概括起来, 对应C选项“博物馆会对游客如何看待自己产生消极影 响”。


错误项是指在原文中有定位点, 但是意思跟原文完全矛盾的项, 类似于判断题的 FALSE, 考生还是比较容易辨别的,考生可以利用错误项,用排除法做题。

例:剑 7 Test 4 Passage 3 第 29 题

题目: Researchers discovered that high noiselevel are not likely to interfere with the

A. successfulperformance of a single task.

B. tasks ofpilots or air traffic controllers.

C. ability torepeat numbers while tracking moving lines.

D. ability tomonitor three dials at once.

原文: But there are limits to adaptation andloud noise becomes more troublesome if the person is required to concentrate onmore than one task. For example, high noise levels interfered with



