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冀教版英语四4年级上册4 Unit 4 Lesson 23 Shopping Online课后作业练习(1)

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Lesson 23 Shopping Online


( ) 1. potato ( ) 2. candy ( ) 3. bike ( ) 4. shoes ( ) 5. cinema

tomato bag kite socks dress


1. I want to buy a________ ________.

2. Let’s go to the ________ ________.

3. Can I buy________ ________ online?

4. It’s ________ yuan.

5. We like to ________ online.


( ) 1. ________ go to the park.

A. Lets B. Let’s C. Let’s me ( ) 2. —How________ is it?

—Two yuan. A. much

B. many C. about

B. Shop C. Shoping

C. of

( ) 3. ________ online is fun and easy.

A. Shopping A. to

( ) 4. I want________ buy a new book.

B. in


1. Let’s________ (buy) some tea in a tea shop. 2. My brother________ (want) to buy some toys. 3. Do you like________ (shop) online?

4. We can________ (buy) ice cream online. 5. I like________ (candy).


1. much, it, is, how (?)

___________________________________________________________ 2. can, shop, We, online (.)

___________________________________________________________ 3. go, shop, fruit, to, Let’s, the (.)

___________________________________________________________ 4. do, want, What, to, you, buy (?)

___________________________________________________________ 5. helps, mother, online, Jenny’s, shop (.)



Mary: Excuse me. Tom: 1.________

Mary: I want to buy a bag online. 2.________ Tom: 3.________ Mary: How much is it? Tom: 4.________ Mary: 5.________ Tom: Okay! A. It’s 100 yuan. B. I’ll take it. C. Can you help me? D. Sure. Look! Here it is. E. Yes? What can I do for you?


Hello! My name is John. I am a boy. I am a student. This is my family. My father likes to buy books online. My mother likes to buy clothes at the clothes shop. My brother likes to buy toys at the toy shop. I like to buy food online. Shopping online is fun.

Family members Things to buy Ways to buy mother John toys online 口语表达


1. donuts 2. kids

cats beds

hats cards wheel

boots shorts birds why

goods when

3. what where

4. write wrong writer


A: Excuse me.

B: Yes? May I help you?


一、1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.F

二、1.story book 2.book shop 3.ice cream

4. twenty 5.shop 三、1.B 2.A 3.A 4.A

四、1.buy 点拨:Let’s 后面用动词原形。

2. wants 数形式。

点拨:主语My brother是第三人称单数,谓语动词用第三人称单

冀教版英语四4年级上册4 Unit 4 Lesson 23 Shopping Online课后作业练习(1)


