欧阳育创编 2021.02.04 欧阳育创编 2021.02.04
时间:2021.02.04 创作:欧阳育 AQAI(Automated Quality Assurance Inspection Equipment):在线自动质量保证检查设备
API(Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient):活性药物物质,即原料药 ANDA (Abbreviated New Drug Application):简化新药申请 ADR(Adverse Drug Reaction):不良反应
BSE(Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy):疯牛病
BPCS(Business Planning and Control System):业务计划及控制系统
BIA(Business impact assessment): 商业影响评估
cGMP(current Good Manufacturing Practice):现行药品生产质量管理规范
CCCD(China Certification Committee for Drugs):中国药品认证委员会
CIP(Cleaning In Place):在线清洁 CV(Concurrent Validation):同步验证
欧阳育创编 2021.02.04 欧阳育创编 2021.02.04
欧阳育创编 2021.02.04 欧阳育创编 2021.02.04
CDER( Center for Drug Evaluation and Research): 药品研究与评价中心
COA(Certificate Of Analysis):分析报告单
CFR(Code of Federal Regulation):(美国)联邦法规
CDC(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention):疾病预防控制中心
COS/ CEP( Certificate of Suitability for European Pharmacopeia ):欧洲药典适用性证书
CCD (Certification Committee for Drugs):药品认证管理中心 CPMP(Committee for Proprietary Medicinal Products): 欧洲专利药品委员会
CTD(Common Technical Document):通用技术文件
CDC( Centers for Disease Control and Prevention): 疾病预防控制中心
GMP(Good Manufacturing Practice):药品生产质量管理规范 ICH(International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use):人用药品注册技术要求国际协调会 EU(European Union):欧洲联盟
欧阳育创编 2021.02.04 欧阳育创编 2021.02.04
欧阳育创编 2021.02.04 欧阳育创编 2021.02.04
EFPIA(European Federation of PharmaceuticalIndustries Associations):欧洲制药工业协会联合会
MHW(Ministry of Health and Welfare,Japan):日本厚生省 JPMA(Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association):日本制药工业协会
FDA(US Food and Drug Adminiistration):美国食品与药品管理局 PRMA(Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America):美国药物研究和生产联合会
WHO(World Health Organization):世界卫生组织
IFPMA(International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Associations):
TQC(Total Quality Control),TQM(Total Quality Management): 全面质量管理
PDCA(Plan,Do,Check,Action):计划,执行,检查,处理 QA(Quality Assurance):质量保证 QC (Quality Control):质量控制 QS(Quality System):质量体系
欧阳育创编 2021.02.04 欧阳育创编 2021.02.04