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1. Jane _______ a new dress every month when she was in Shanghai. A. buys B. is buying C. bought D. will buy

【解析】此题陷阱选项为A。这是由于忽视语境造成的。很多同学一看到every month就想当然地选择了A。其实,由后面的时间状语when she was in Shanghai可知,这里应该用一般过去时。正确答案为C。 2. When _______ the accident _______

A. was, happened B. has, happened C. did, happen D. was, happening


3. —Can you guess if they _______to play basketball with us

—I think they’ll come if they _______ free. (from A. come, are B. will come, will be C. will come, are D. come, will be

【解析】此题陷阱选项为A或B。这是由于句式不清引起的。选A的人把if 引导的从句都当成是条件状语从句,因为条件状语从句中要用一般现在时代替一般将来时;选B的人把if引导的从句当作是宾语从句。其实,这里if引导的第一个从句是宾语从句,第二个从句是条件状语从句。正确答案为C。 4. _______ to be “getting on” and “getting off” when you take a bus. A. There has B. There have C. It has D. It hasn’t

【解析】 此题陷阱选项为C。这是由于思维定势引起的,因为在许多人的印象中There have … / There has… 这样的情况是不能出现的,A和B先给排除,这样就只能选C了。其实,这里考查的是含有have to的There be结构。正确答案为A。

5. They won’t be back until the work _______. A. do B. does C. is done D. will do

【解析】此题陷阱选项为B或D。这是由于语法知识掌握不牢固引起的。在when, before, after, as, until, as soon as等引导的时间状语从句中要用一般现在时代替一般将来时。这里the work和do之间存在着动宾关系,应该用被动语态。正确答案应为C。 6. —Please don’t make a noise.

—_______. I’ll be as quiet as a mouse.

A. Yes, I do B. No, I don’t C. Yes, I will D. No, I won’t

【解析】此题陷阱选项为B。这是由于忽略语境和思维定势造成的。有些同学一看到上文中的don’t一词,就应为答案只能在A或B中选择。其实在这里,问句是一个祈使句,表示的时间应该是“将来”,而且从空格后面的I’ll be…也可以得知应用将来时。因此正确答案为D。这里I won’t是I won’t make any noise的省略形式。

7. —Your phone number again I _______ quite catch it. —It’s .

A. don’t B. didn’t C. couldn’t D. can’t


Nice to see you, Kate! I didn’t know you worked here. 凯特见到你真高兴!我不知道你在这里工作。 8. —Do you like the material —Yes, it _______ very soft.

A. is feeling B. is felt C. feels D. felt

【解析】此题陷阱选项为B。这是思维定势引起的,因为老师经常说物作主语时,如果谓语动词与主语之间存在动宾关系就要用被动语态,这里“布料”应该是“被模”所以feel应该用被动语态。其实,feel是连系动词,连系动词没有进行时,也没有被动语态。正确答案为C。 典型陷阱之非谓语动词

1. He made some toys _______ his little son. A. please B. to please C. pleasing D. pleased

【解析】此题陷阱选项为A。错误的原因是由于受思维定式的影响,由于做过许多make用作使役动词的题,那么很多考生一看到make这个词就认为它是用作使役动词,这样就误选为A。其实,这里的make是“制作”的意思,而不是用作使役动词。句子的意思为“他制作了一些玩具来讨好他的年幼的儿子。这里应该用带to的动词不定式来作目的状语。正确答案为B。 2. My uncle enjoys _______ TV after supper.

A. watching B. watches C. watch D. to watch

【解析】此题陷阱选项为B或D。这是由于知识错误引起的。一些考生把这里的watch当作谓语动词就误选为B。很多考生误认为enjoy后面要接动词不定式就选了D。其实,enjoy后面接动词时要用其ing形式。这样的动词还有finish, mind, practise, feel like, keep, be worth等等。正确答案为A。 3. Mr Brown asked us to stop _______, and we stopped _______to him at once. A. talking, to listen B. to talk, to listen C. talking, listening D. to talk, listen

【解析】此题陷阱选项为B或C。因为stop后面可以接动词不定式也可以接动词的ing形式,如果弄不清两者的区别就很可能误选为B或C或D。stop to do意为“停下(别的事)来开始做某事”,stop doing意为“停止做某事”。正确答案为A。这个句子意为“布朗先生叫我们停止谈话,我们立刻停下来开始听他讲话”。后面接动词不定式或动词的ing 形式有很大的区别的词有:try, remember, forget, go on等,try to do努力做某事,try doing试着做某事,remember to do记得要去做某事,remember doing记得做过某事,forget to do忘记要去做某事,forget doing忘记做过某事,go on to do接着做另一件事,go on doing继续做原来做的事。(from 4. The doctor did what he could _______ the boy. A. help B. to help C. helped D. helping

【解析】此题陷阱选项为A。很多同学认为情态动词后面肯定要接动词原形。但是,在这里不能选A,因为情态动词could后面本来有动词原形do,只是被省略了。正确答案为B。这里to help the boy这个不定式短语用来作目的状语。

5. Mary is often listened _______ in the next room. A. to sing B. sing C. sang D. to to sing

【解析】此题易误选为A。一般来说listen to和其他感官动词一样,以不带to的动词不定式作其宾语补足语。但当该动词短语变为被动语态时,其后的动词不定式符号to不能省略。这里应特别注意,listen是一个不及物动词,在接宾语时to不能省略。正确答案为D。 典型陷阱之反意疑问句

1. There is hardly any rain this summer, _______ A. isn’t it B. is it C. isn’t there D. is there

【解析】此题陷阱选项为A或B或C。选A或C的考生是由于没有注意到hardly这个词而草率做题造成的;选B的考生注意到了hardly这个半否定词,但却忽视了这是一个there be结构,后面的反意疑问部分的主语仍然用there。当句中有no, nothing, never, hardly, few, little等否定词或半否定词时后面的反意疑问句要用肯定形式。正确答案为D。

2. She was unhappy when she heard the news, _______ A. was she B. wasn’t she C. does she D. didn’t she

【解析】此题陷阱选项为A。当句中有no, nothing, never, hardly, few, little等否定词或半否定词时后面


3. She thinks she can get there on time, _______she A. can B. can’t C. doesn’t D. does

【解析】此题陷阱选项为A或B。错误的原因是受了思维定式的影响。因为在平时训练时“I think + that从句 / I don’t think + that从句”这样的句子,它们后面的反意疑问句的主语和谓语要根据后面的从句来确定,肯定或否定形式则根据主句来确定。如:I think she will win the game, won’t she I don’t think chickens can swim, can they 但是,当主句中的主语不是I时,其后的反意疑问句的主语和谓语仍然根据主句来确定。因此,正确答案为C。

4. —They haven’t paid for their tickets, have they —_______. They didn’t pay any money.

A. Yes, they have B. No, they haven’t C. Yes, they haven’t D. No, they have.

【解析】此题陷阱选项为A或C。选A的同学是由于忽略语境造成的,如果不看They didn’t pay any money. 这句话,那么A项确实是正确答案。选C的同学是由于受了汉语思维的定式引起的,因为这个答案译成汉语正好是“是的,他们没有付钱”。大家应注意否定疑问句的回答方式与肯定的疑问句的回答方式是一样,只不过这时yes要译为“不”,而no要译为“是的”。正确答案为B。(from) 典型陷阱之主谓一致

1. Neither Jack nor Li Lei and I _______ interested in playing computer games. A. am B. is C. are D. was

【解析】此题陷阱选项为A。平时考生所做的题目是neither… nor…结构作主语时谓语动词多用单数,特别是“Neither … nor I am …”这样的结构在考生的头脑中留下了深刻的印象,因此很多考生一看到neither … nor…和这里的“I”不假思索就选择的A项。其实,只要我们再仔细看看会发现nor后面是Li Lei and I 两个人,因此正确答案为C。

2. The teacher and writer _______ doing morning exercises this time yesterday. A. is B. was C. are D. were

【解析】此题陷阱选项为D。误选的原因是把the teacher and writer误认为是两个人,其实,the teacher and the writer才是两个人,意为“那个老师和那个作家”。到底是一个人还是两个人的关键是看and后面的名词前面是否有修饰语,有修饰语就是两个人或(物),没有修饰语就是一个人(或物)。正确答案为B。(from 3. Everyone except Tom and David _______there when the meeting began. A. is B. was C. are D. were

【解析】此题陷阱选项为C或D。此题考查主谓一致问题,许多同学会受Tom and David的影响会误选为C或D这两个答案。其实,这里属于“单数主语+介词短语”作主语的情况,这时谓语动词应不受介词短语中的名词或代词的影响,仍然用单数形式。正确答案为B。 4. Every boy and girl _______ the book and they each _______ to buy one. A. likes, wants B. likes, want C. like, wants D. like, want

【解析】此题陷阱选项为A或C。选A的同学认为两个主语中都有every或each应该用单数形式;选C的同学认为第一空前面的主语是boy and girl是复数,谓语动词要用复数,第二空前面的主语是each是单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数。其实,受了every修饰的名词作主语时,谓语动词的数不受each的影响,仍用复数形式。故正确答案为B。(待续) 考前点拨:中考英语典型陷阱题例析 典型陷阱之反意疑问句

1. There is hardly any rain this summer, _______

A. isn’t it B. is it C. isn’t there D. is there


选B的考生注意到了hardly这个半否定词,但却忽视了这是一个there be结构,后面的反意疑问部分的主语仍然用there。当句中有no, nothing, never, hardly, few, little等否定词或半否定词时后面的反意疑问句要用肯定形式。正确答案为D。

2. She was unhappy when she heard the news, _______ A. was she B. wasn’t she C. does she D. didn’t she

【解析】此题陷阱选项为A。当句中有no, nothing, never, hardly, few, little等否定词或半否定词时后面的反意疑问句要用肯定形式。但是,当句中有由加否定前缀或后缀构成的否定词时,后面的反意疑问句不受其影响,仍用否定形式。正确答案为B。

3. She thinks she can get there on time, _______she A. can B. can’t C. doesn’t D. does

【解析】此题陷阱选项为A或B。错误的原因是受了思维定式的影响。因为在平时训练时“I think + that从句 / I don’t think + that从句”这样的句子,它们后面的反意疑问句的主语和谓语要根据后面的从句来确定,肯定或否定形式则根据主句来确定。如:I think she will win the game, won’t she I don’t think chickens can swim, can they 但是,当主句中的主语不是I时,其后的反意疑问句的主语和谓语仍然根据主句来确定。因此,正确答案为C。

4. —They haven’t paid for their tickets, have they —_______. They didn’t pay any money.

A. Yes, they have B. No, they haven’t C. Yes, they haven’t D. No, they 中考英语典型陷阱题例析:主谓一致

1. Neither Jack nor Li Lei and I _______ interested in playing computer games. A. am B. is C. are D. was

【解析】此题陷阱选项为A。平时考生所做的题目是neither… nor…特别结构作主语时谓语动词以单数为主,是“Neither … nor I am …”这样的结构在考生的头脑中留下了深刻的印象,因此很多考生一看到neither … nor…和这里的“I”不假思索就选择的A项。其实,只要我们再仔细看看会发现nor后面是Li Lei and I 两个人,因此正确答案为C。【注意:平时考生所做的题目是neither… nor…(not only …but also…, either…or…)结构作主语时谓语动词以紧跟后面的主语为主,】 2. The teacher and writer _______ doing morning exercises this time yesterday. A. is B. was C. are D. were

【解析】此题陷阱选项为D。误选的原因是把the teacher and writer误认为是两个人,其实,the teacher and the writer才是两个人,意为“那个老师和那个作家”。到底是一个人还是两个人的关键是看and后面的名词前面是否有修饰语,有修饰语就是两个人或(物),没有修饰语就是一个人(或物)。正确答案为B。 3. Everyone except Tom and David _______there when the meeting began. A. is B. was C. are D. were

【解析】此题陷阱选项为C或D。此题考查主谓一致问题,许多同学会受Tom and David的影响会误选为C或D这两个答案。其实,这里属于“单数主语+介词短语” 作主语,注意以except, as well as, with, together with以前面的主语为主,这时谓语动词应不受介词短语中的名词或代词的影响,仍然用单数形式。正确答案为B。

4. Every boy and girl _______ the book and they each _______ to buy one. A. likes, wants B. likes, want C. like, wants D. like, want

【解析】此题陷阱选项为A或C。选A的同学认为两个主语中都有every或each应该用单数形式;选C的同学认为第一空前面的主语是boy and girl是复数,谓语动词要用复数,第二空前面的主语是each是单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数。其实,受了every修饰的名词作主语时,谓语动词的数不受each的影响,仍用复数形式。故正确答案为B。



1. His sister, as far as I know, ______ like to play music. A. seems B. appears C. feels D. does

解析:答案选D,但A、B、C均可能被误选。as far as I know为插入语,去掉插入语后,我们可以判定like为动词,seem,appear和feel与动词like连用时中间要加to, 故排除A、B、C三项。此处选D,第三人称单数用does表示强调,题干意思为“据我所知,他姐姐确实喜欢演奏音乐”。

2. John plays football ______, if not better than, David. A. as well B. as well as C. so well D. so well as

解析:答案选B。此句的正常结构是这样的:John plays football as well as David, if he doesn’t play football better than David. 由于命题者将其后的状语从句移至句中,且将其省略成 if not better than,不少学生(尤其是一些阅读能力较差的学生)对这个句子的分析感到无从下手,从而导致误选。

3.—How long do you suppose it is______ he arrived here —About half an hour. A. when B. before C. after D. since

解析:答案选D,但容易误选A。把do you suppose看作插入语,去掉后观察主句和从句的时态可以看出从句用的是一般过去时,而主语用的是一般现在时,所以只能用since引导时间状语从句。题干意思为“你认为他来到这里有多长时间了”

4. A news report is usually short, except when it is about something very important, ______ it contains a lot of information.

A. and B. but C. then D. so

解析:答案选B,但容易选A或D。句中插入成分except when it is about something very important很容易干扰同学们的分析思路。去掉这部分,句意就非常明白了,前后存在转折关系,故用并列连词but。题干主干结构的意思为“新闻报道很短,但却包含了很多的信息”。

5. Everything he ______ away from him before he returned to his hometown. A. took B. had been taken C. had had been taken D. had taken

解析:答案选C,但容易误选B或D。句中的he had是定语从句,修饰everything。去掉后可以看出主句的谓语动词应用被动语态,题干意思为“在他回到家乡之前,他拥有的一切东西都被人剥夺了”,因主句的动作发生在时间状语从句的动作之前,主句谓语动词需用过去完成时态。

6. Don’t you know, my dear friend, ______ it is you that she loves A. who B. which C. that D. what

解析:答案选C,但容易误选 A或B。选 A 者认为这是指人的,故用 who;选B者认为这是非限制性定语从句,两者都是误认为这是定语从句(注意没有先行词),其实此题应选C,它引导的是一个宾语从句,只是被其中的插入语 my dear friend 隔开罢了。其实此句也可说成 My dear friend, don’t you know that it is you that she loves

7. That’s the best way he thought of _____ enough money. A. get B. to get C. got D. getting

解析:答案选B,但容易误选D。句中的that he thought of 是修饰the best way 的定语从句,不定式 to get enough money 也是修饰 the best way 的定语,也就是说,句子主语带有两个定语修饰语。全句意为“那是他所想到的弄到足够钱的唯一办法”。

8. The teacher as well as his students ______ the Great Wall many times since last summer. A. has visited B. have visited C. visit D. visited

解析:答案选A,但容易误选B。解题时可以把as well as his students看成插入成分,即此句的主



