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Scraping the coat, input the code to inquire true and false For China Mobile, sending short message 9500024 to inquire Notice Shenyang Immunization Record Shenyang Center for Disease Control and Prevention Vaccines uniformly provided by Shenyang Center for Diseases Control and Prevention are pasted with special supply identification, and please check in the process of vaccination. Vaccinate by the Certificate, Safekeeping This certificate is uniformly made by Shenyang Shenyang Center for Disease Control Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and is and Prevention distributed for free.


Bacillus Calmette Guerin vaccine has been vaccinated, the infant shall be reviewed on the first Monday when the infant was born for 4 months 1. 实用文档 Guide to Parents 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. According to the regulations of Article XII of “Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases of People’s Republic of China” and “The State Implements Immunization Certificate System”, our city will uniformly use Shenyang Immunization Record. Immunization record is the effective proof for children to receive vaccination according to the law. When the newborn is born, the parents or guardians shall timely apply to transact the immunization procedures to the delivery unit or immunization medial health unit. For each immunization of the children, the parents or guardians shall hold this certificate to vaccinate for children in designated location, vaccination outpatient clinic, vaccination station, or village health center. Children can enroll in a nursery, kindergarten, school, or going abroad by this certificate. If the children do not have this certificate or do not vaccinate according to this certificate, they must re-register this certificate and re-vaccinate, otherwise the formalities will not be transacted When the household registrations of the children are migrated or live in new regions away from home, the parents or guardians shall hold this certificate to transact the immigration formalities in the designated location, vaccination outpatient clinic, vaccination station, or village health center, and returning to the place original residence to transact the emigration formalities This certificate shall be kept well. If the certificate is damaged or lost, the parents or guardians shall apply re-issuance to the local region or or village health center. After vaccination, the children may have slight fever, local pain or red and swollen, which are the normal reaction and can fade within 3 days. If there are abnormal conditions after vaccination, please timely report to the vaccination unit and go to medical unit to receive symptomatic treatment When the relevant departments examine the vaccination work, the parents or guardians shall show this certificate for inspection. No.: SZ-0504 Name of Child: Qianhao Yu Sex: Male Date of Birth: March 15, 2005 Weight of Birth: 3,500g Address: Residence Address: County / District Street / Village Place of Work / School Tel: Juveniles who are under the age of 16 should fill the following information Parents’ name: father: Zhiqun Yu Mother: Jing Lu Working Unit: Farther Mother Telephone No.: Farther Mother Date of removal: Year Month Day Address of removal County / District Whether insurance or not Date of issue: March 25, 2005

The issuing Authority (Seal): Shenyang Huanggu Central Hospital

When the infant was born for a month, two or Shenyang Center for Disease Control and Prevention three hepatitis B vaccines shall be injected on Tuesday or Thursday of the first week at outpatient clinic of registered residence’s location. 文案大全


Vaccination Public Board Name of vaccines Bacillus Calmette Guerin vaccine Hepatitis B vaccine(5ug) Poliomyelitis vaccine Measles Attenuated Live Vaccine Pertussis-Diphtheria-Tetanus triple vaccine Tetanus-diphtheria Combined Vaccine Diseases that can prevents Tuberculosis Hepatitis B Poliomyelitis Measles Pertussis, diphtheria, tetanus Diphtheria, tetanus Vaccinated population Newborn Newborn 0, 1 and 6 months 2, 3, 4 months, 1.5 – 2 years old, 4 years old 8 months, 1.5-2 years old, 6 years old 3, 4, 5months, 1.5-2 years old 6 years old 2 vaccinations at early period of 6 months - 1.5 years old are no need; separately intensify once at 2 years old and 6 years old Separately vaccinate once at 1, 2, 4 and 6 years old Price of vaccination Free Free Free Free Free, acellular pertussis diphtheria tetanus vaccine shall be paid. Free Free, but Vero cells epidemic encephalitis B shall be paid. Epidemic encephalitis B vaccine Epidemic encephalitis B Group A Meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine Group A+C Meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine Hepatitis B vaccine(10ug) Hepatitis B hyper-immune globulin Hepatitis A vaccine Live Attenuated Varicella vaccine Epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis (Group A) Epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis (Group A+C) Hepatitis B Hepatitis B Hepatitis A Varicella, herpes zoster Children pneumonia, meningitis caused by Haemophilus Influenzae type B, etc. Pneumonia, meningitis, otitis media, etc. caused by pneumococcus Influenza, etc. caused by influenza virus Measles, rubella, mumps Measles, rubella Measles, mumps Rubella Bacillary dysentery Infantile rotavirus diarrhea Free Above 2 years old Self-pay (including insurance) Self-pay Self-pay All the population Newborn, accidentally infected population, pregnant of hepatitis B virus carrier Above 1 years old Adult / 6-13 years old / 2-5 years old children Self-pay Self-pay Self-pay Haemophilus Influenzae type B vaccine 2 months - 5 years old Vaccinate 3 times for 6 months old (2 months, 3 months and 4 months); vaccinate 2 times for 6 months old - 1 year old; vaccinate once for 1 year old to 5 years old Vaccinate once at 5 years old Above 2 years old Above 6 months old Above 1 years old Above 1 years old Above 8 months old Above 1 years old Self-pay 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine Vaccine by lysis of influenza virus Influenza vaccine cleavage vaccine Measles and rubella bivalent vaccine Measles, mumps bivalent vaccine Attenuated live rubella vaccine Bivalent live vaccine capsule of dysentery Live oral rotavirus vaccine Self-pay Self-pay Self-pay Self-pay Self-pay Self-pay Self-pay Notes: The charge vaccines uniformly distributed by Shenyang Center for Disease Control and Prevention are pasted with uniform mark, persons who are vaccinated should pay attention to check.

The injection cost is RMB 2.0 (LJF (2003) No. 35), and RMB 0.9 will be collected for self-destruction syringe if needed.



Informed Consent Form for Vaccination Program Immune Vaccine Category of Vaccines Hepatitis B vaccine Contraindication Persons who suffer from hepatitis, fever, acute or chronic disease, serious skin eczema, preterm low body weight, serious viscera deformity and allergic history are forbidden to use this vaccine. Reaction Slight reaction, a few people will have blush and induration in the position of vaccine injection, and will fade away in 2-3 days. There is generally no whole body reaction, and very few persons will appear chilly or low fever, and individual is reported to have urticarial. Poliomyelitis 1. Persons who have immunodeficiency or are in the Only very few infants will have vaccine period of accepting the therapy of transient diarrhea after being immunosuppressant is forbidden to get vaccinated. vaccinated, and will self-cure. 2. Persons who are allergic to milk or milk products are forbidden to get vaccinated. 3. Persons who have fever or diarrhea (defecate more than 4 times a day) or suffer from acute infectious disease is forbidden to get vaccinated. Measles vaccine Persons who have serious diseases, fever or allergic There is no reaction in partial body history (especially who are allergic to eggs) are after rejection. A few persons may forbidden to get vaccinated. have fever, and generally will not exceed 2 days, and someone will have sporadic rash. Pertussis-diphtheria-1. Persons who have epilepsy, nervous system 1. Local part may appear red, pain and tetanus triple disease or convulsions history are forbidden to get tickle or low fever, fatigue, headache, vaccine vaccinated. etc. Generally, there is no need of 2. Persons who have acute infectious disease special treatments, and the symptoms (including rehabilitation stage) or fever are will fade spontaneously. postponed to get vaccinated. 2. Aseptic suppuration 3. If reaction of the whole body is severe, the persons who get vaccinated shall go to hospital for diagnosis and treatment. 4. Diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis combined vaccine: the whole body reaction or local reaction is very slight. Epidemic meningitis 1. Persons who have nervous system disease and After rejection, the reaction is alight, vaccine mental disease are forbidden to get vaccinated. and a few people have short-time fever, 2. Persons who have serious disease, such as kidney which often happens at 6 – 8 hours disease, heart disease, active tuberculosis, etc. are after vaccination. Local is flush and the forbidden to get vaccinated. pressure pain, and will gradually fade 3. Persons who have acute infectious disease and after vaccination fever are forbidden to get vaccinated. Epidemic Persons who have fever, acute infectious disease, After rejection, generally there is no encephalitis B otitis media, heart, kidney, liver disease, active reaction, and a very few persons will vaccine tuberculosis, allergic history or convulsions history have local flush, sometimes have fever, are forbidden to get vaccinated; persons who have rash, allergic shock, angioedema, etc. compromised immune system or are accepting immunosuppressive therapy are forbidden to get vaccinated.



Informed Consent Form for Vaccination Program Immune Vaccine (1)

1. HIB: hemophilus influenzae B conjugate vaccine 2. Hepatitis A vaccine

Preventable diseases: infectious diseases caused by hemophilus influenzae B (meningitis, pneumonia, septicemia, phlegmon, arthritis, epiglottitis, etc.) 1. Allergic people who are known to be allergic with some content of the vaccine, especially to tetanus toxoid, or allergic with inoculation of previous vaccine. 2. The inoculation shall be delayed Contraindication during active stage of fever or acute diseases, especially infectious diseases or chronic diseases. 3. Normal reactions of immunization that can be reduced by immunosuppressive therapy and immunodeficiency. 1. Partial reactions of injection positions: pain, rubefaction or inflammation. In general, this partial reaction is early-stage, transient and slight, and sometimes atypical rash can be observed. 2. Extremely unusual cases may appear edema of lower extremity, along with cyanosis or transient purpura. This reaction usually appears within the first few hours after Possible inoculation, and usually quickly reactions after disappears spontaneously without any inoculation sequela; there are usually no symptoms of disease and respiratory system, and this occasion often appears during simultaneous inoculation with other vaccines. 3. Unusual allergy reaction cases may appear in face or throat; rubella alike rash, pruritus and edema. 4. Systematic symptoms: fever (usually lower than 39℃), and enhanced excitability and crying appear more often. Signature of visiting doctor: Date: Signature of parent (s): Date:


Preventable diseases: Hepatitis A Hepatitis A inactivation Hepatitis A attenuation 1. People who are not feeling good and the body temperature is over 1. Patients who have Hepatitis 37.5 ℃. and other serious diseases. 2. People who have acute infectious 2. Patients of febrile diseases shall disease or other serious diseases. Contraindication delay the inoculation. 3. People who suffer from idiopathic 3. People who are known to be and acquired immune deficiency. allergy for any content of the 4. People who are receiving vaccine. immunosuppressive therapy. 5. Pregnant women and people of allergic constitution. 1. Partial side reactions are usually pain, and sometimes red & swollen, and indurate. 2. Systematic side reactions Possible include headache, fever, nausea, No partial or systematic untoward reactions after etc. The duration is usually less effect after inoculation of Hepatitis A inoculation than 24 hours, and can relieve by attenuation inactivation vaccine. self. 3. The expectant treatment shall be made in time for allergy reaction. Protective effect 95% Signature of visiting doctor: Date: Signature of parent (s): Date:

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