龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
作者:刘东 汤蓉
龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
Abstract: This paper discusses several problems in the practical application of engineering economics: aside from the preconditions of \, interest rate and time are equal\, compound interest calculation is not necessarily higher than single interest; from the perspective of dynamic analysis, the cost of capital is related to the period of capital occupation; the principle of differential investment has its unique application value in the evaluation of mutual exclusion schemes.
关键词:复利计息;单利计息;资金成本率;资金的占用期限;差额投资原理;互斥方案 Key words: compound interest;interest rate;capital cost rate;capital occupation period;difference investment principle;mutual exclusion scheme
中图分类号:F011 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 文献标识码:A ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;文章编号:1006-4311(2019)23-0251-02 1 ;复利计息不一定比单利计息高
例1. 某人向银行贷款10000元,约定5年后一次归还,银行贷款年利率为10%。问: (1)如果银行按单利计算,此人5年后应还银行多少钱?还款中利息是多少? (2)如果银行按复利计算,此人5年后应还银行多少钱?还款中利息是多少? 解:(1)单利的本利和=10000元 ×(1+5×10%)=15000元 其中利息= 10000元 × 5× 10% = 5000元
(2)复利的本利和 = 10000 元×(1+ 10%)5=16105元 其中利息= 16105元-10000元= 6105元 显然,复利计息大于单利计息。