【期刊名称】《物联网技术》 【年(卷),期】2013(000)009
【摘要】With the popularity of smartphones, the market of portable iftness system based on the IOT technology is growing up gradually in the iftness industry. Differ from the traditional iftness products, according to the characteristics of citizen life, with intelligent operation technique and network technique, the portable iftness products makes the mobile phone a fun IOT sensor. Then the body data is collected by a speciifc setting of the device. Face the market opportunities brought by the new products, what kind of business model should be adopt is the key factors affect the iftness market in future. Focus on this issue and according to the product features, the business model is researched.%随着智能手机的普及,基于物联网技术的便携式健身系统市场逐渐在健身行业孕育起来。区别于传统健身产品,便携式健身产品针对都市人群的生活特点,同时结合智能操作技术与网络技术,就可以将手机变成一个寓教于乐的物联网传感器,然后通过特定的场景设置来收集携带者身体指标数据,提供健身建议。面对新产品带来的市场机遇,采用何种商务模式是影响未来健身市场走势的关键因素。针对这一问题,并依托产品特点进行了商务模式的研究。 【总页数】3页(72-74)