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浙江省绍兴市绍兴县杨汛桥镇八年级英语上册 Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake(第1课时)Sectio

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Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?

第一课时 Section A (1a-2c)

A 基础起航 Ⅰ.翻译下列词组。 1.切碎 __cut_up__ 2.打开 __turn_on__

3.削苹果 __peel_the_apple__ 4.把……倒入 __pour..._into__

Ⅱ. 根据句意及首字母提示完成句中单词。

1.Shake__ the medicine in the bottle before you drink it.

2.Don't pour__ the dirty water into the river, or it will pollute the water in it. 3.I don't like to drink coffee with honey__. It's too sweet.

4.In summer, the most popular fruit is watermelon__. It is cool and delicious to eat it.

5.Little kids like eating porridge with spoons__ because they can't use chopsticks very well.

6.Before eating the big apple, please peel__ it first. 7.We can use a blender__ to make a banana milk shake.

8.To make fruit salad, we need two apples, three bananas and some yogurt__. Ⅲ. 用方框中所给单词或短语完成句子。

cut up, peel, drink, eat, pour...into, take, put...in

1.How long does it __take__ to get to school?

2.The Greens like to __eat__ sandwiches with lettuce. 3.Let's __drink__ some apple juice.

4.You have to __peel__ the banana before eating it. 5.Can you help me__cut_up__ these tomatoes?

6.Don't __pour__ waste water __into__ the river.

7.Next, you need to __put__ all these things __in__ the blender. Ⅳ. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。 1.把苹果放进搅拌机。

Put the __apples__ __in__ __the__ __blender__. 2.把一些蔬菜放到碗里。

__Put__ some vegetables __into__ the bowl. 3.不要打开电视,婴儿现在正在睡觉。

Don't__turn__ __on__ the TV. The baby is sleeping now. 4.我给了他几个胡萝卜, 他把胡萝卜都切碎了。

I gave him some carrots and he __cut__ them __up__. 5.请把酸奶倒进玻璃杯里。

Please __pour__ the yogurt __into__ the glass. B 语法扬帆 Ⅴ. 单项选择。

( B )1.—________ yogurt do you want? —Two cups.

A.How many B.How much C.How long D.How often

( C )2.—How many ________ do we need? —Three.

A.an apple B.a apple C.apples D.apple

( D )3.—Let's make the salad! —________.

A.No, I am not B.Thank you

C.That's all right D.That is a good idea

( A )4.It's dark in the room. Please ________ the light. A.turn on B.turn down C.turn up D.turn off

( C )5.—The banana is too big. —You can ________.

A.cut up them B.cut them up C.cut it up D.cut up it

( A )6.Don't ________ too much TV. It's bad for your eyes. A.watch B.watched C.watching D.to watch C 提升冲浪

Ⅵ.阅读短文,用所给单词的适当形式填空或根据上下文填写出合适的单词,使短文通顺。 Do you know how to make a cup of tea? You may 1.__think__(think) it's simple. In fact, it is not. Now let me tell you the 2. __steps__(step). 3.__First__(one), warm up your teapot by 4.__pouring__(pour) hot water into it. After a while, pour the water out 5.__and__ put some tea in the teapot. Next, pour fresh hot water over the tea and cover the teapot with its cap tightly(紧紧地).Then wait for five 6.__minutes__(minute). Good tea 7.__needs__(need) much time to brew. Finally, pour the tea 8.__into__ your cup and you can drink it. Ⅶ.完形填空。

Do you know how to make spaghetti(意大利面) with creamy mushroom sauce and cook rice with a machine? Now let's learn how to make them. ※How to make spaghetti with creamy mushroom sauce? Boil a pot of water and cook the spaghetti in it __1__ 20 minutes and __2__ the onion. Heat a little oil in a pan and cook the onion and garlic(大蒜) for three minutes. __3__ the mushrooms and cook for one minute.

Add the wine, cream and vegetable soup. Cook them for 10 minutes. Beat an egg, add a little water and pour it __4__ into the pan. __5__ for half a minute.

Add the beans and tomatoes and stir for two minutes on a low heat, put the spaghetti on the plates and __6__ the sauce over the top. ※How to cook rice with a machine?

First, __7__ the lid and put water, salt, and rice in the pot. Then put the cover on the pot and close the lid. __8__, press the button for “white” or “brown”, and then press the “start” button. Cook the rice for about 30 minutes. You will

__9__ a sound when it's finished, but you should wait about five minutes before __10__. Finally, take out the pot. Bring it to the table and enjoy your meal. ( C )1.A.during B.in C.for D.on ( C )2.A.cut down B.cut off C.cut up D.cut to ( A )3.A.Add B.Put C.Cut D.Take

( B )4.A.slow B.slowly C.slower D.more slowly ( C )5.A.Mix to B.Mix of C.Mix up D.Mixed up ( B )6.A.put B.pour C.peel D.pot

( C )7.A.close B.put C.open D.opened ( C )8.A.First B.At first C.Next D.At the end ( C )9.A.listen B.see C.hear D.watch

( D )10.A.drinking B.playing C.washing D.eating Ⅷ.阅读理解。

Last week a woman and a man came into Jane's travel agency to book a holiday for August. When Jane asked where they wanted to go, the woman said she would like to go somewhere warm. Jane suggested (建议) that they go to Spain because it is very warm in August. She showed them a picture of a wonderful hotel. The man didn't want to go to Spain. He said the food there made him uncomfortable. So Jane suggested Tunisia, and said it is always warm in North Africa. But the woman didn't like it. The next suggestion was Italy. But the woman said she didn't like the weather in Italy.

When Jane then suggested Greece, the man got a little upset and said no. He added that all hotels in Greece were terrible. His neighbor went there and her hotel was only half-built. The swimming pool was not even finished so she couldn't use it. Jane found out that flying to Florida was not a good idea because the woman didn't like being on planes for a long time. After two hours of talking, Jane suggested that they just stay at home. They thought it was a great idea and left the travel agency happily.

( B )1.What did the man dislike about Spain? A.The weather. B.The food. C.The hotels. D.The cinemas.

( C )2.The hotel the man's neighbor stayed at in Greece was ________. A.small B.dirty C.unfinished D.dangerous

( D )3.Jane thought Florida was not a good idea because ________. A.it is too hot there B.food there is expensive

C.the man didn't have enough time

D.the woman didn't like flying for a long time ( A )4.Which is the best title for the passage? A.Booking a holiday B.What to do in August

C.Traveling in different countries D.How to choose the best travel agency

读后词汇拓展 猜出画线单词的词性和中文意思,并收入自己的小词典。 1.stir __v.搅拌__ 2.lid __n.盖子__

浙江省绍兴市绍兴县杨汛桥镇八年级英语上册 Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake(第1课时)Sectio


