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一、单项填空(共25小题,每小题1分;满分25分) 1、_______ has been given to that company to help it grow fast. A.An information B.Some informations C.Many informations D.A lot of information 2、The computer keeps a record of the date _______ people will travel. A.in which B.on which C.that D.where 3、More and more people begin to realize that good health is good______. A.wealth B.friend C.idea D.need 4、What were you doing when the fire _______ last night? A.broke out B.put out C.set out D.found out 5. Tigers _____are to man, but they are______ themselves. A. in danger, dangerous B. dangerous, dangerous C. dangerous, in danger D. in danger, in danger 6. The White House is open ______the public. Many people visit it every day. A. on B. at C. to D. for 7. Please give______ best regards to your family. A. my B. me C. mine D. I 8、Where _______ ? Which hairdresser(理发师)did you go to ? A.did you cut your hair B.have you cut your hair C.did you have cut your hair D.did you have your hair cut 9、That restaurant ________ be very good. It’s always empty. A.needn’t B.may C.must D.can’t 10. You must read the_______with great care to see if the drug contains PPA before it is taken. A. instruction B. introduction C. explanation D. expression

11. University students are signing their names for the 2008 Olympic Games that the Chinese would like ________in Beijing. A. holding B. hold C. to be held D. held

12. It was in Zhuhai Air Show China 2000_____ I showed the first model plane _______I made by myself to the visitors. A. that, / B. where, that C. /, that D. that, which 13. ---It’s fine these days.

---I don’t think_______ weather will last long. A. a B. an C. such D. such a

14. About seven_________people died in the earthquake in San Francisco on the morning of April 18, 1908.

A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundreds of D. hundred of 15. Could you give me some advice ________ how to improve my English? A.of B.to C.on D.for 16. ---I wonder if I could use your telephone. --- ________.

A. Yes, you could. B. Yes ,go ahead C. No, you couldn’t D. No, not at all 17. ——Tom, who is the boy ________ under the tree? ——It’s Bill, a classmate of mine. A.standing B.stand C.stood D.stands 18、We enjoyed our holiday. We had _______. A.so a good time B.so good time C.such a good time D.a such good time 19. ---In big cities, cars cause serious pollution. ---That’s true. I hope it ______. A. will be reduced B. would be reduced C. will remove D. would remove 20. --- Excuse me, how can I get to the Tomorrow Land Building? --- ________.

A. I won’t tell you B. Sorry, I’m a stranger here. C. No idea D. I have no time

21. ------ Hello, Mr. Smith. This is Larry Jackson. I’m afraid I won’t be able to arrive on time for the meeting in your office.

------ ______. We’ll wait for you. A. Hurry up B. No doubt C. Cheer up D. That’s all right 22. I’m tired of_______ the same loud music again and again. A. listen B. listen to C. listening D. listening to 23. -----When I last saw you, you ______ of a trip to Beijing.

-----That’s right, but in the end I decided to stay in Nanchang because of SARS. A. would think B. had thought C. were thinking D. thought 24.-------Hurry up! Alice and Sue are waiting for you at the school gate. ------Oh! I thought they ______without me. A. went B. are going C. have gone D. had gone

25. If you grow up in_______ large family, you are more likely to develop _____the ability to go on well with _____ others. A. /; an; the B. a; the; / C. the; an; the D. a; the; the 二、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

My husband, Duke, had just announced for the third time that he didn’t feel well. So I hurried to the 26 sofa, where he was lying. “What’s 27 ? ” I asked.

“I have the sniffles (感冒)”,he whispered, looking 28 me like a wounded dog. “Let me get29 some aspirins (阿司匹林) ”I said.

“Do you think vitamin C(维生素C) would help?” he asked.

30 , I felt nothing would help a sick man as much as the knowledge that 31 busy woman would drop whatever she was doing to32 after him. “Lie still. I’ll run to the 33 shop.”

“It’s 34 to have you help me .” Duke said, “I don’t know how I got the sniffles.” I said nothing, knowing men liked to believe their illness, like a war wound, was honorably (光荣的)gained.

“My sniffles are getting worse.” He sneezed (打喷嚏) twice to 35 sure I got the message.


I got the message. I brought him a box of tissues (卫生纸) , a 36 and a cup of tea. He said, “I’m very thankful. As you know, I have the sniffles.”

“The only thing 37 you should ever do for a sick man is to offer to drive him to the 48 ,” said my friend Claire, “or drive yourself there before he 39 you mad.” “MY stomach 40 .” Duke reported after a while.

Here was another successful way to make a sick man healthy 41 a hurry. I walked heavily 42 slowly into Duke’s sick room . “I don’t feel 43 .” I said with a groan (呻吟). Duke jumped out of bed and 44 on his clothes. “Excuse me, ” he said, “I have 45 my car.” 26. A. classroom B. dining-room C. living-room D. kitchen 27. A. ill B. illness C. wrong D. sick 28. A for B. at C. to D. after 29. A. you B. your C. him D. his 30. A. Actual B. Actually C. Hard D. Hardly 31. A. a B. an C. the D. / 32. A. come B. watch C. look D. see 33. A. chemist’s B. book C. work D. clothes 34. A. nice B. bad C. terrible D. late 35. A. believe B. make C. have D. mean 36. A. book B. seat C. radio D. quilt 37. A. it B. what C. that D. which 38. A. office B. shop C. hospital D. home 39. A. drives B. becomes C. changes D. keeps 40. A. fills B. hurts C. sounds D. works 41. A. for B. after C. by D. in 42. A. and B. or C. but D. yet 43. A. busy B. well C. nervous D. angry 44. A. put B. took C. tried D. had 45. A. cleaning B. to clean C. clean D. to be cleaned 三、阅读理解(共35小题,前25题每题2分,后10题每题1分,满分60分) (A)

Mr. Day was on holiday. He was staying in a small town. One sunny morning he went to the market, and saw a beautiful blanket there. The town was famous for blankets. The blanket Mr. Day saw was very big, and full of rich colours. He looked at it for a long time, but went away. The next day he passed and saw it again. He asked the price.

“This one, sir? This is a very special blanket. ” said the man. “Yes, but how much it it ?”

“It’s a special one, sir, so it is not cheap. It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” “Yes, It’s very beautiful, but …?”

“It’s also very old. It belonged to a great man many years ago. So I can’t sell it cheaply.” “No, How much is it ?” Mr. Day asked again.

“A beautiful, old blanket, sir. And it is also a magic(有魔力的)blanket. A magic flying blanket. A man came this morning and offered me five hundred pounds for it .” “Oh, ”said Mr. Day.

“But I like you , sir. You are a very nice gentleman. I will sell it to you. Five hundred and fifty pounds.” “No.” said Mr. Day. “Here is my address. Fly over on the blanket. I’ll pay you when you arrive.” 46. When Mr. Day went to the market, the weather was _______. A.good B.bad C.terrible D.cloudy 47. Mr Day had a strong wish to get the blanket because it was _______. A.expensive B.cheap C.beautiful D.magic 48. Mr Day asked the price _________. A.once B.twice C.three times D.four times 49. He thought the price was ________. A.all right B.high C.low D.nice 50. From this passage, we know Mr Day is __________. A.an honest man B.a foolish man C.a careless man D.a clever man (B)

Have you ever seen the man in the moon? If you look at the moon on some night, you can see the face of the man in the moon. Some people say that they can see an old man carrying a stick. Others see a girl reading a book. These pictures are made by the mountains and plains of the moon .

Long ago, people in England used to tell their children that the moon was made of green cheese(干酪), Everyone knows that this is not true. The moon is a large round rock. It is completely bare: there are no trees or plants on the moon. There are no rivers or seas. There are no living things. It never rains on the moon, and everything is covered with dry, white dust. Not even a sound can be heard on the moon.

Where the sun shines on it, the moon is very hot. In the shade, however, it is as cold as ice. The moon is much smaller than the earth. It does not weigh as much as the earth. If you went to the moon, you would weigh six times less than you do now. Even a fat man would be able to jump high off the ground. 51. There is (are) _______ on the moon. A.a face of a man B.an old man with a stick C.a girl who is reading D.mountains and plains 52. The moon is made up of _________. A.cheese B.rock C.living tings D.plants 53. What is (are) NOT MENTIONED in the passage? A.Air B.Rain C.Trees D.Seas 54. Which statement is Not True according to the passage? A.There is dry, white dust on everything. B.The earth is much larger than the moon. C.There is more sound on the moon. D.It is hot in the day and cold at night. 55. If you weigh 120 kilograms on the earth you will weigh _______ kilograms on the moon. A.720 B.120 C.60 D.20


Smoking, which may be a pleasure for some people, is a serious reason of discomfort for their fellows. Medical scientists have expressed their concern (关心) about the effect of smoking on the health not only


of those who smoke, but also of those who do not. In fact, nonsmokers who take in the air polluted by tobacco smoke suffer more than the smokers themselves.

A great number of students have joined in an effort to persuade the university to forbid smoking in

classrooms. I believe they are completely right in their aim . however, I think it more important to achieve (使…成功)this by calling on the smokers to use good judgement and to show concern for others.

Smoking is not allowed in theatres, cinemas, and other public places, therefore, therefore, smoking must be forbidden in our classrooms. 56. What is the students’ aim? A. To express their discomfort B. To enjoy smoking C. To forbid smoking in classrooms D. To suffer from smoking 57. The writer of the article is likely to be _______. A. a medical doctor B. a government official C. a university student D. a smoker 58. According to the passage, people who don’t smoke ______. A. suffer less than smokers B. suffer more than smokers C. suffer as much as the smokers D. don’t suffer at all from tobacco smoke 59. The writer thinks it important for smokers to _____. A. show concern for others B. forbid others to smoke C. show concern for their own health D. know the effect of smoking on their health 60. The text suggests that ________.

A. many students have joined in smokers. B. many students have stopped smoking C. most students are smoking in classrooms

D. many students have been smoking in classrooms.


People who work in offices are often known as white collar workers for the simple reason that they wear a white collar and tie to go to work.

Alf Bloggs was working for Elesmere Corporatin. When he got married, he was too embarrassed (尴尬) to say anything to his wife about his job. He simply told her that he worked for a corporation. Every morning when he left home, he was dressed in a fine black suit. Then he changed into the overalls (工作服)and spent next eight hours as a dustman (清洁工). Before returning home, he took a shower (淋浴)and changed back into his suit. He did so for two years, and his fellow dustmen kept his secret. His wife

doesn’t know that she’s been married to a dustman and she will never, for he’s found another job. He will soon be a junior clerk (职员) in an office. He will soon be earning half as much as he used to . The rise of the status (地位)is worth the loss(损失)of the money. People will call him Mr. Alf Bloggs, but not Alf 61. From the story we can see that manual (体力的) workers may earn_____ office clerks. A. less money than B. far more money than C. as much money as D. half as much as 62. People who work in offices are called white collar workers because ______. A. when they go to work, they wear white suits. B. Their bosses like a white collar C. They have on a white collar and tie at work. D. Their offices are very clean 63. Alf Bloggs’ wife doesn’t know what he does in the corporation ______. A. only when she got married B. until two years after her marriage C. and it’ll remain a secret to her forever D. only because her husband cheated her.


64. Alf Bloggs is a man who ______.

A. would rather become a white collar worker than get a higher pay

B. prefers more money to the privilege (优越) of becoming “white collar” C. pays much attention to his income D. shows no interest in his status. 65. The best title of the passage is _______. A. Who Earns More B. Alf Bloggs’ Double (双重的) Life C. A Cheated Wife D. White Collar Workers


An antiquarian (古物收集家) who was looking for ancient (古老的) objects discovered a blue bowl that looked very old. The bowl was lying on the ground and a cat was drinking milk from it. In order not to draw the attention of the peasant who owned it to the value of the bowl, the antiquarian said to him in a voice which showed little interest, “What a beautiful cat you have! Won’t you sell it to me? ” “How much would you give me for it?” said the other. “Twenty francs. Would it be enough?”

After a few moments, the peasant accepted the offer. Then the antiquarian said to the peasant, “My poor cat will certainly feel thirsty. May I take the bowl so that the cat may have milk?”

But the peasant said, “I’m sorry, but I cannot give it to you. Thanks to this bowl, I have already sold fourteen cats. ”

66. The antiquarian offered to buy the _______. A. cat B. bowl C. house D. milk 67. How many cats has the peasant sold? A. One B. Fourteen C. None D. We don’t know 68. The antiquarian wanted the bowl _______. A. free of charge B. to change for the milk C. to change for the cat D. for 20 francs


LONDON-The world’s oldest woman, who owed(把…归因于) her long life to whisky and boiled onions (洋葱), died on November 2, six days short of her 115th birthday.

Morris was recognized as the oldest woman in the world by the Guinness Book of Records (吉尼斯大全)in March.

Born in Newcastle-under-Lyme in 1885, her husband died in the 1930s. Her only child Winnie died of cancer in 1975 at the age of 62. The Gunniness Book of Records could not immediately have the age of the next oldest woman on record.

69. When the woman died, she was _______. A. less than 115 B. exactly 115 C. no more than 115 D. more than 115 70. From the text we learn that ________.

A. Neither her husband nor her son died earlier than she. B. Either her husband or her son died earlier than she. C. Both her husband and her son died earlier than she. D. She died of cancer.


Harry: Excuse me, which bus is it to the city center? Policeman: 71 Harry: Ah, thanks, and where do we catch it? Policeman: 72 Hilda: Come on, there’s a number 13 now.

Harry: How much is it to the city center, please? Conductor: Where do you want to get off ?

Harry: Would you prt us off as near as possible to the Tourist Information Office ? 73 Conductor: That’s five dollars fifty cents each. Get off at Victory Gate. Hilda: Could you please let us know when we get there? Conductor: 74 Hilda: Look, there is a map on the wall. 75

A. How much is that ?

B. Oh, over there. Can’t you?

C. OK, I’ll tell you.

D. I don’t know, either.

E. You may take a number 5 or a number 13.

F. It’s twelve stops to Victory Gate.

G. The bus stop is over there under those trees.


Jim: You are reading something, aren’t you? Kate: Yes. Jim:76

Kate: I’m reading a book named How To Use Computers. Jim:77

Kate: Yes, here you are.

Jim: Thanks. Oh, it’s a very nice book. 78

Kate: Well. It’s almost two weeks since I borrowed the book from the library. And I must return it in a day or two. Jim:79

Kate: What do you mean?

Jim: Then I can borrow the book right from the library. Kate: 80 A. May I buy it ? B. May I borrow it ? C. May I take a look at it ? D. Oh, I see. E. What are you reading? F. That’s very kind of you. G. That’s good news for me. 四、情景交际(共10小题,每题1分,满分10分) A: Good afternoon! I believe that this house is 81 sale. B: That’s right.

A: May I 82 a look at it, please? B: Yes, of 83 . Come 84 . A: 85 long have you lived here? B: I’ve lived here for 20 years.

A: Twenty years! That’s a long time. B: Yes, I’ve been here 86 1983. A: Then why do you want to 87 it? B: Because I’ve just retired. I want to buy a small house in the country. A: How much does this house 88 ? B: ?68,500.

A: That’s a lot of money.

B: It’s 89 every penny of it.

A: Well, I like the house, 90 I can’t decide yet. My wife must see it first. B: Women always have the last word.


One day ,I happened to find a chatting room in 91. my QQ, there people were chatting in English. I tried 92. to chat with some of them. To my surprised, I found 93. the oral English of some junior students were better 94. than me. I asked them for advice and they told me 95. to practise more on QQ. But every day after that I 96. would spend one hour practise my oral English on QQ. 97. Day by day I learned from many useful words and 98. expressions. With time went by, I found that I could 99. even communicate some college students freely. 100. 六、书面表达(25分)

假定你是李明。现在按通常私人信件格式用英语给笔友Tom写一封信,要点如下:1、写信人地址:北京第四中学 2、写信日期:1998年10月12日

3、你上个月考入(enter)北京四中;这是一所著名的重点中学。 4、你在学校学习语文、英语、数学、物理和其他学科。 5、你的英语老师是位年轻的女士。你最喜欢英语。 6、你有空时喜欢听乡村音乐和踢足球。 7、希望他明年来中国访问。



1------5 D B A A C 6----10 C A D D A 11----15 C A C A C 16----20 B A C A B 21---25 D D C D B 26----30 C C B A B 31---35 A C A A B 36----40 D C C A B

41----45 D A B A B 46----50 A C C B D 51—55 D B A C D 56----60 C C B A D 61----65 B C C A B 66---70 A B A A C 71----75 E G A C F 75---80 E C B G D

81、for 82、have 83、course 84、in 85、How 86、since 87、sell 88、cost 89、worth 90、but

91、√ 92、there → where 93、surprised → surprise 94、were → was 95、me → mine 96、But → So 97、practise → practising 98、from 99、With →As/ went→ going 100、∧ communicate with One possible version:

Beijing No.4 Middle School Beijing, China Oct. 12, 1998 Dear Tom:

I’m very glad to tell you that I entered Beijing No. 4 Middle School in September (or last month). It’s a famous key school in Beijing. I study Chinese, English, maths , physics and some other subjects at school. My English teacher is a young lady. I like English best. When I am free. I enjoy listening to the country music and playing football.

I do hope you can visit our country next year. Best wishes to you.

Yours ever Li Ming




