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Root word ACRO L/Gr Gr Gr Gr L L L L L L L Gr Gr L L Gr Gr L L L Gr L L Gr Gr L L L L L L L L L L Gr L L L L L L L Meaning extreme, high air field, soil other high around to walk love spirit year mankind against, opposite apt, fit, ability water chief, most important star bird, desire to hear to increase self low war, fight book life good, well short to fall, to happen to shine, white, glow to sing, song Acrobat, acrophobia, acromania Examples Aerobat, aerobacteria, aerogel Agrology, Agriculture, agrohydrology Alter, alternate, altercate Altimeter, altitude Ambiance, ambient, ambiguous Amble, ambulance, ambulatory, circumambulate, preamble, somnambulist Amorous, amiable, amorist, amity, paramour Animal, animated, equanimity, inanimate Anniversary, Anno Domini, annual, centenary, superannuate Anthropology, anthropobiology, misanthropist Antibody, antibonding Adapt, apt, aptitude, adept Aquamarine, aquanaut, aquarium, aquarius Archenemy, archconservative, patriarch, architect Asterisk, disaster, astrology, astronaut, astronomical, astronomy Aviat, avian, avid, aviator Audible, audiology, audiovisual, audit, auditor, auditory, auditorium Auction, auctioneer, augment, august, author, authorize Autogamy, autoalarm Base, bass, baseborn, basin, basis Bellicose, bellicism, rebellion Bible, biblical, bibliographical, bibliography, bibliophile Autobiography, biodegradable, bionic, biosphere, symbiosis Benediction, benefactor, beneficial, benevolent, bonafide, bonbon, boon Abbreviate, brief, briefcase, breviary, brevity Accident, cadaver, cadence, case, casual, coincide, decadence, decay, occasion Candid, candor, candidate, candle, incandescence Canto, cant, recant, chant, accent 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ERO A GRO / AGRI AALTER ALTUS AMBI AMBUL MOR A NIM A10. ANN / ENN 11. ANTHROPOS 12. ANTI 13. APTUS 14. A QUA 15. ARCHI 16. ASTER 17. AVIS 18. AUDI 19. AUG / AUC / AUT 20. A UTO 21. BAS / BASE 22. BELLUM 23. BIBL 24. BIO 25. BON / BONO / BENE 26. BREV / BRIEF 27. CAD / CID / CAS 28. CAND 29. CANT / CENT 30. CAP / CIP / CEPT / CEIVE / CUP to take, to take hold of, to Anticipate, capable, capture, conceive, concept, deceive, emancipate, except, capture inception, incipient, intercept, occupy, participate, perceive, reception head, main flesh to go, to move, to yield swift, quick, speed center, middle time to cut, to kill around; about to shout, to cry out clear, bright to lean, bend to close, to shut Capital, captitalism, capsize, captain, decapitate, chapter Carnivore, carnival, carnation, carnage Accede, antecedent, concede, exceed, intercede, precede, proceed, process, prpcessor, recede, succeed Celerity, accelerate, decelerate C entrifuge, concentrate, decentralize, epicenter, ethnocentrism, theocentric Chronic, chronology, synchronize Circumcise, concise, decide, genocide, homicide, patricide, pesticide, precise Circumlunar, circumambience Acclaim, declaim, disclaim, exclaim, proclaim Clarify, clearance, declare Decline, incline, recline, acclivous, declivity Clause, cloister, close, closet, conclude, disclose, enclose, exclude, include, 31. CAPIT 32. CARN 33. CED / CEED / CESS 34. CELER 35. CENTR 36. CHRON 37. CIDE / CIS 38. CIRCUM 39. CLAM / CLAIM 40. CLARUS 41. C LIN / CLIV 42. CLUD /CLUS / CLAUS /CLOSE 43. CORD (CARD) 44. CORP 45. CRAT 46. CRED 47. CRUX / CRUC /CRUS L L Gr L L L L L Gr Gr L Gr L L L L L L L L L Gr L L L Gr Gr L Gr L L L Gr L L L L L L L L L L L heart body to rule to believe cross to lie down to care, to till to run to govern people tooth Skin to say, to tell, to speak finger, toe worth, noble to teach to rule, master, tyranny house to give to lead last, hard power bad to eat I within, inside on, upon, around to work race, people good, well, easily age outside, beyond outside face to do, to make to make deceive, error animals to bear, carry to carry, to bear to boil trust, faith to shape, to form, to mold end, limit, boundary preclude, recluse, seclude Accord, concord, cordial, discord, record Corps, corpse, corporal, corpulent, incorporate Aristocracy, autocracy, bureaucracy, democrat, theocracy Accredit, credible, credo, discredit, incredible, creed Crucial, crucify, crux, cruiser, cruise, crusade Cubicle, incubate, succumb, encumber Cultivate, culture Concourse, concurrence, corridor, courier, course, curriculum, cursory, excursion, incur, occur, precursor, recur, recurrence Cybernetics, cybernetician Demagogue, democracy, demograph, endemic, epidemic, pandemic Dentifrice, dentist, denture, indent, orthodonitist Dermatitis, subdermal, dermahemia Addict, addiction, dictionary, dictator, dedicate, contradict, predcate, verdict Digital, digitus Dignity, condign, indignity Docent, docile, doctor, document, indoctrinate Anno Domini, domain, dominate, predominance Domestic, domicile, dome, dominate Condone, data donate, donor Abduct, conduct, deduce, induce, duke, produce, reduce, seduce, viaduct Endure, durable, duration, perdure, duress, indurate Dynast, dynasty, dynamics, dynamite Dysgraphia, dyspepsia, dysfunction Edible, edacity, edacious Egotist, egocentric, egoistic Endoplasm, endocrine Epicarp, epidemic, epicenter Energy, organ, organize, metallurgy Ethnology, ethnocide Eugene, eulogy, euphemism, euphoria, authanasia Longevity, coeval, primeval Extraterritorial, extramolecular, extralunar Exoskeleton, exothermic Surface, preface, efface, deface, superficial Affect, artifact, benefactor, confection, effect, faculty, fiction, infect, perfect, proficient, pacifism, suffice, sacrificial Clarify, modify, satisfy, purify, mortify, nullify, vivify Fallible, fallacy, false, failing, failure, fault Faunist, faunology Circumference, confer, differ, infer, offer, prefer, profer, refer, suffer, transfer Collate, elation, oblation, relation, translate Fervid, fervor, perfervid, fervescent Affiance, confide, defiance, fidelity, perfidy, Configuration, disfigure, effigy, figment, figure, transfigure, prefigure Affinity, confine, define, final, finish, finitude, infinity, refine 48. CUB / CUMB 49. CULTUS 50. CUR / CURS / COURS 51. CYBER 52. DEMO 53. DENT 54. D ERM 55. DICT 56. DIGITUS 57. DIGNITUS 58. DOC 59. DOMIN 60. D OMUS 61. DON / DAT 62. DUC / DUCT 63. DURUS 64. DYN / DYNAM 65. DYS 66. E D 67. EGO 68. ENDO 69. EPI 70. ERG / ORG / URG 71. ETHNO 72. EU 73. EV = AEVUM 74. EXTRA 75. E XO 76. FAC / FIC 77. FAC / FIC / FECT / FACT / FICT 78. -FY 79. FALL / FAIL / FAULT 80. FAUNA 81. F ER 82. LAT 83. FERV 84. F ID 85. FIG 86. FIN 87. F LAME / FLAGR 88. FLECT / FLEX 89. FLICT 90. FLOR / FLOUR 91. FLU 92. FORC / FORT 93. F ORM 94. FRACT / FRAG 95. FRATER 96. FRIG 97. FUG 98. FUS 99. GEN 100. GEO 101. GIGUS 102. G NOS 103. GON 104. GRAD / GRESS 105. G RAM / GRAPH 106. GRAT / GRAC 107. GRAV / GRIEV 108. GREG 109. GYNAEC(O) 110. HELIO 111. H ER / HES 112. HEMI 113. HETERO 114. HIBIT 115. HOMO 116. HUM 117. H YDRA/ HYDRO 118. HYPER 119. HYPNOS 120. HYPO 121. IDEA / IDEO 122. IDIO 123. I GNIS 124. INFRA 125. INTER 126. INTRA 127. ISO 128. JECT 129. J UNC/JUG/ JOIN 130. JUR / JURIS 131. JUVEN 132. LABOR 133. LAPS 134. LAVER L L L L L L L L L L L L Gr / L Gr L/Gr Gr L/Gr L Gr L L L Gr Gr L Gr Gr L Gr L Gr Gr Gr Gr L Gr L L L L Gr L L L L L L L blaze, flame, to burn to bend to strike flower to flow strong shape to break brother cold to flee to melt birth, gender, kind, race earth giant knowledge, know angle to step, to walk to write to please, thank, free heavy group, flock, to collect woman sun to stick half different to hold same ground, low, earth water over, above sleep under, beneath idea personal, private fire below between, among within equal to throw to join, to marry, to mate law young to work to slip, to fall to wash Flame, inflamem flamingo, flagrant, conflagrant Deflect, flection, flexible, genuflect, reflect, reflex Afflict, conflict, inflict Floral, floret, florescence, flora, flourish Fluxible, reflux, fluxion fluid, flush, fluency, influenza, influence Force, fort, reinforce, comfort, effort Formal, formula, formalism, inform, deform, transform, uniform, perform Fraction, fragile, fragment, frail, infraction, refraction Fraternal, fraternity, fraternization Frigid, refrigerate, refrigerator Centrifuge, fugitive, refuge Fuse, fusion, confuse, diffuse, infuse, refuse, transfuse family, Origin, gene, gender, generic, generate, gentle, genus, genocide, progeny, regenerate, degenerate, congenial, homogenous Geography, geology, geocentric, geopolitical Giant, gigantic Gnosis, diagnosis, prognosis, ignore, ignorance, ignoramus Pentagon, hexagon, perigon, diagonal Aggression, congress, degradation, disgress, egress, graduate, progress, regress, gradient Autobiography, epigraph, diagram, graphite, monograph, telegraph Congratulate, disgrace, gratitude, gratuity, ingratitude Grave, aggravate, gravity, gravid, gravitate, greif, grieve Aggregate, congregate, desegregate, egregious, segregation Gynarchy, monogyny, philogynist, gynecian, gynae, gynaecocracy Heliocentric, heliograph, heliolamp Adhere, cohere, inherent, hesitate Hemisphere, hemicolloid Heterodoxy, heterosexual Exhibit, inhibit, prohibit Homogenous, homonym, homophone, homosexual Humble, humility, humiliate, humid, inhume, exhume, human Dehydrate, hydrodynamics, hydroelectric, hydrogen, hydrofoil Hyperactive, hyperbole, hypersensitive, hypertension Hypnoanalysis, hypnogenesis, hypnology, hypnophobic, hypnosis Hypodermic, hypothermia, hypotension Ideal, idealism,.idealize, ideate, ideology Idiom, idiot, ideograph Igniter, ignition Infrasonic, infrared, infrabar International, intertropical, interrelate, intermingle Intrachain, intramolecular, intranet Isotope, isomer, isobar Abject, adjective, deject, eject, inject, object, reject, subject, projrvy Abjunct, conjugate, conjunction, enjoin, joint, subjugate, junction Jural, injury, jury, perjury, abjure, jurisdiction Juvenile, rejuvenate Labor, collaborate, laboratory Collapse, elapse, lapse, prolapse, relapse Lavish, lavatory, dilute, ablution 135. LEG / LIG / LECT L L L L L L L L Gr L L L L L Gr L L L L L L Gr L Gr L L Gr Gr L L OE Gr L L L L L L L L L L L L L Gr to read, to choose, to Collate, collect, elect, college, colleague, select, legend, lecture, allege gather, to select to raise, light book free scales, pound, balance tongue, language letter place word, speech, discourse, reason, the study of… to speak, to talk to light, to shine to light up moon large great, big bad, evil hand sea, ocean mother, womb middle great, very large mindful mid, middle mind to immerse, sink to measure small to migrate soldier bad, wrong to hate to send, to throw to move to warm mountain, to ascent shape, form death to move public office, duty to change Elevator, lever, levity, levy, relevant, relieve Library, librarian, libretto Liberty, liberate, liberal, libertine Libra, libratory Bilingual, language, lingo, linguist Literate, literature, literacy, literary, obliterate Local, localism, locality, locate, dislocate, collocate, allocate, relocate Analog, apologize, logic, logo, monologue, dialogue, prologue Archaeology, astrology, entomology, morphology Circumlocution, elocution, eloquence, interlocutor, loquacious Lucent, lucid, lucidity, elucidate, luster, illustrate, Illuminate, luminescence, illumination Lunacy, lunar, lunate Macromolecules, macroeconomic Magnific, magnate, magnify, magnificent Maladminister, malformation Maintain, manu, manner, manuscript, manufacture, manicure Marine, submarine, Maternal, maternity, matrimony, matrix Media, medium, mediation Megadose, megabit Memory, memorize, commemorate, memorandum, remember Mesobar, meso compound Mental, mention, comment, demented, remind Emerge, immerge, merge, submerge, emergency Diameter, geometry, kilometer, speedometer, symmetry, pedometer Microphone, microscope Migrate, migrant, emigrate, émigré, immigrate Military, militant, militarism Misconduct, mistake Misogamy, misogynous Admit, commit, dismiss, emit, missile, mission, permit, remit, submit, transmit Mobile, mob, molilize, mobbish, mobster Monitor, monition, admonish, premonish, summon Mount, mountain, dismount, paramount, remount Amorphous, anthropomorphic, morphology Mortal, immortal, mortality, mortician, Mobile, demote, commute, motive, motor, promote, remote, emotion Municipal, commune, community, immunity, communal Mutable, mutate, mutiny, mutual, commute, permute, transmute 136. LEVER 137. LIBER / LIBR 138. L IBER 139. LIBRA 140. LINGU 141. LITER 142. LOCUS 143. LOG 144. OLOGY 145. LOQU / LOCU 146. LUC / LUST 147. L UMIN 148. LUNA 149. MACRO 150. MAGNI 151. MAL 152. MAN / MANU 153. M AR / MER 154. MATER 155. MEDIUS 156. MEGA 157. MEMOR 158. MESO 159. M ENTIS 160. MERG / MERS 161. METER / METR 162. MICRO 163. MIGR 164. MILIT 165. M IS 166. MIS 167. MIT / MISS 168. M OBILIS 169. MON / MONIT 170. MONT / MOUNT 171. MORPH 172. MORT 173. MOV/MOT/ MOB 174. M UNI / MUN 175. MUT 176. NAT / NASC 177. N ECT / NEX 178. NEG 179. NEGR / NIGR 180. NEO to be born, birth, race, Innate, nascent, nation, native, nature, postnatal, prenatal nation to bind not, to deny black new Nexus, annex, connect Negate, neglect, negative, renege Negro, negrofy, nigrify, negritude, denigrate Neolithic, neoimpressionism 181. NOCT 182. NOM / NOMIN / NYM L L L Gr L L L Gr L L L L Gr Gr L Gr L Gr L Gr L L Gr L Gr Gr Gr L L L L Gr L L L L L L Gr Gr Gr L L L L night name carpenter's square return home new none, nothing all name to set in order to arise, be born straight, correct, right peace ancient, long ago all father suffering,felling/disease foot child, soil thoroughly, completely around to push, to drive to hang, to pay, to weigh stone to love, to like fear sound, voice light to paint to fill, full to fold to cry out city to put, to place to carry, to bear after before, in front to press first, chief before, in front Noctisor, nocturnalism, nocturne Acronym, anonymous, nominate, nominee, pseudonym, synonym Norm, normal, abnormal, enormous, transnormal Nostalgic, nostrum, nostalgia Novel, novice, nova, innovate, renovate, Nullify, nullification Omnidirectional, omnibus, omnidistance Onymous, anonymous, pseudonym, patronymic, synonym Ordain, ordinal, ordinance,coordinate, subordinate Orient, origin, oboriginal Orthocenter, orthochromatic Pacific, pacifist, pacificate Paleolithic, paleozoology Pandemic, pan-pacific, panchromatic Compatriot, paternal, patriarchy, patriot, pattern, patron Apathetic, apathy, empathy, pathology, telepathy, sympathy, pathos, pathetic Pedicure, pediform, pedicab Pedologist, pedomorphism Perchloric acid, perfluorosubstituted Periapt, peridental, periscope Appeal, compel, dispel, expel, impel, propel, pulse, repel Append, appendix, depend, expend, expense, pension, pendant, suspend Petroleum, petrology, petrochemistry Bibliophile, philanthropist, philosophy Acrophobia, hydrophobia, xenophobia Symphony, telephone, xylophone Photosynthesis, photochemistry Picture, depict Complement, complete, compliance, comply, deplete, plenary, replete, supply, plentitude Duplicate, duplex, apply, explicate, complicate, reply, replicate, imply, multiply Deplore, explore, implore Acropolis, cosmopolitan, policy, politics, polity, metropolitan Compose, appose, depose, deposit,expose, impose, oppose, repose, suppose Deport, export, import, portable, report, support Postgraduate, postpone Prefix, prepay Compress, depress, express, impress, oppress, suppress Prime, primacy, primary, primeval Pronoun, promote 183. NORM 184. N OSTOS 185. NOVUS 186. NULLUS 187. OMNI 188. ONUMA / ONYM 189. ORDIN 190. O RIG 191. ORTHO 192. PAC 193. PALEO 194. PAN 195. PATER / PATR 196. P ATH 197. POD / PED 198. PEDO 199. PER 200. PERI 201. PES / PULS 202. P END / PENS 203. PETRO 204. PHIL 205. PHOBIA 206. PHON 207. PHOTO, PHOS 208. PICTUS 209. 210. PLEN / PLET / PLY PLIC / PLEX / -PLY 211. PLOR 212. POLI 213. PON / POS 214. P ORT 215. POST 216. PRE 217. PRESS 218. PRIMUS 219. PRO 220. PROTO 221. PSYCH 222. QUEST/ QUIR / QUIS/ QUER primitive; original Protobios, proton, protein breath, life, soul, spirit, Psychiatrist, psychology, psychotherapy mind to seek, ask Quest, inquest, request, acquire, inquire, require, conquer, query 223. RADIC 224. REG / RECT 225. RUPT root Radical, radicle, radix straight, right, to rule, Correct, rectify, erect, direct, region, regal, regency, regulate, regular, king to break regicide, regime Abrupt, bankrupt, corrupt, disrupt, erupt, interrupt, rupture



